Category: wife ass fucks her girl friend

Wife Ass Fucks Her Girl Friend

I was on my stomach. My tongue nestled in Georgie’s ass crack as she also lay on her stomach on the bed in front of me. She was sucking Chas’s cock – her husband. Behind her, I was slowly moistening her anus, in preparation for what I was about to give her. Around my waist was my new blue jelly dong, complete with the strap on attachment that would allow me to fuck my best friend in the ass. Behind me, my ex-boss Al was wanking his fat cock knowing that the moment I started fucking my best friend in the ass, he would shove his cock into my hungry cunt, completing a horny chain that was being filmed by Steve, my husband.

For those of you who are reading this and haven’t read any of my other stories, I guess I should explain!

My name is Dee, and I am a married woman who likes to ‘play’. I am 42, still in good shape, with long legs, nice boobies and blonde hair. Most guys say my ass is me best feature, but I think it is my eyes! I love to stare deeply into a man’s eyes as I suck his cock, letting him know that I want him to cum in my mouth. Oh shit, I am digressing again.

Georgie is my best friend, and occasional lover. She is a buxom brunette, with an incredible talented mouth, able to quickly pleasure men or women.

Chas is Georgie’s husband, and he is also a real deviate, responsible for my initial venture into the world of extra-marital sexual adventures. He is a little short, somewhat tubby, but loves to eat pussy and has made me cum purely with his tongue many, many times.

Al is my ex-boss. I started working for Al many years ago as a real estate agent. He is now 63, but still a randy old bugger, and when we get together, we always end up doing something naughty!

Lastly, Steve is my husband. He and I have been married for years, having met in high school. We have a great relationship, and enjoy turning each other on with the help of additional sex partners. Unlike me, he is purely heterosexual, and likes best to watch me play up, take some photos, shoot some video for posterity’s sake, then fuck the shit out of me too!

So back to the story!

We were having dinner one night at our place, Georgie, Chas, Steve and I, when Al dropped by to ask if Steve and I would look after his dog while he was away. Seeing we were in for a night of naughty fun, he joined us for a few drinks before suggesting he take all four of us out to the local adult toy shop for some fun as a thank you for looking after the dog.

Finishing our meal, we were all pretty tipsy, apart from Al, who drove us all in his SUV.

I was wearing a short mini with some strappy sandals and a small thong panty, with a tank top and no bra. It was 34 degrees in the middle of summer, and the heat was causing small drips of perspiration to form and dribble down between my tits.

Georgie was wearing skin tight workout pants, and a lovely t-shirt with her flats. Chas and Steve were both dressed casually in shorts and shirts, while Al was wearing long trousers and a button up shirt.

Arriving at World 4 Adults, we all jumped out of the car and headed inside. Al had bought me toys in the past when I worked for him, and I knew I was in for a treat.

Inside the shop we all knew very well, there were a few men scanning the shelves of dvd’s and magazines. Towards the rear of the store, there were three other sections; the toys, the clothes & lingerie, and the small number of cubicles you guys all call ‘gloryhole booths’.

Pinching my bum as we walked through the door, Al said, “So blondie, what sort of toy you after tonight?”

“Nothing special” I lied.

“Well, I’ll make you a deal babe” he said.

“Let me watch you use it tonight and I’ll buy you any toy you want in the shop. Sound good?”

“I’m in” said my husband, Steve.

“OOOH, so you’d be happy to let Al watch me with any toy I choose provided he pays for it?” I asked, pretending to be shocked!

“Absolutely. You know me babe!” he smiled back at me.

Hearing this, I grabbed Georgie by the hand and we headed for the clothes and lingerie section first. I always love to check out the latest fuckwear, and Georgie and I have posed together many times in kinky stuff for Chas and Steve before fucking them, and each other, senseless!

Anyway, we spent a few minutes checking out the sexy things, while the men scanned the shelves of dvd’s and made comments about the various movies. Some of the other customers I noticed were slowly moving closer to Georgie and myself, checking us out. Knowing this, I started to tease a little.

“Georgie, what do you think of this?” I asked, reaching for a vibrator that had the attached clit tickler.

“MMMmmm, I already have one of those” she said, “And believe me, it is fabulous!”

“OOoh, so it works then? You mean it makes you cum really well?” I asked, in an exaggerated, slightly louder than normal voice.

“OH god yes, makes my pussy thrash in seconds flat, plus, I can then fuck myself for ages to a second orgasm too. No need for men at all really!” she giggled, winking at me as we both realised a man in his fifties was sneaking closer.

“Well then, I have GOT to get one.”

I reached forward so my mini skirt raised above my butt cheeks, I selected a pink one of the vibrators, before taking Georgie by the hand and moving down the aisle to the dongs, knowing that the guy watching us closely now had received a good flash of my butt cheeks and hopefully the small string thong buried between my butt cheeks.

As we reached the dongs, we noticed the men had gone into the movie booth section at the rear of the store.

“Maybe they’re going to suck each other through the glory holes” said Georgie.

I giggled, remembering the three occasions when her and I had done just that!

Suddenly, a large blue jelly dong strap on caught my eye. It stuck out from the rest because the crutch brace was made from a really lovely teal leather, rather than the standard black. The dong was one of the really lovely, flexible jelly types, and was about nine inches long. It’s head was actually reasonably small, but the shaft thickened along it’s length, until it’s full width was fixed to the base of the cradle.

“Wow” I said as I tool the packet from the shelf, my fingers tracing the outline of the wonderful feeling fake cock.

“Oh lord” said Georgie, “I haven’t seen one like THAT before!”

I passed the pink vibrator to Georgie, and with my newest toy in my hand, lead her to the movie booths where we found the boys all crammed into one small booth watching a white woman being banged by three really, really big black guys.

“Typical” I said, “Three white guys wishing they were black!”

Al lunged at me and pinched my bum, catching my cheek, making me yelp.


“And don’t you forget it, Al!” I smirked back, wiggling my bum as I lead Georgie back towards the store.

“Come on you guys. Georgie and I want to get home so we can road test our new toys!”

“Hang on Dee” said Al, as he passed the lingerie section and selected two matching teddies for us.

“OOoh Al, you must really be in the mood to watch us honey.”

“Listen sweetcheeks, any time I get the chance to watch you and make me hard, I’m gonna be in the mood.”

Fast forward a short while and we were back home and I made sure everyone had a drink. Then, Georgie and I headed to the bedroom to try on our new teddies that Al had bought us.

“Wow, Dee, Al is such a sweety – was he always so easy to excite when you worked together?”

“God, yes!” I smiled, “He was like putty in my hand, and loved me teasing him!”.

My mind wandered back to some of the times I had fooled around with Al whilst working with him at the estate agency. We’d shared many good times, he’d made me rich, and I’d enjoyed teasing and fucking him for a number of years now. It’s funny, I really enjoyed our sex together, despite the fact Al is now 60, slightly fat and has a balding head. His tongue and dick defy his years and the fun he has shared with me make him one of my truly best friends and a great lover on occasions.

“Stop fucking about and get on with the show will ya, Blondie?” Al suddenly chirped, interrupting my reminiscing just as my pussy began to tingle, recalling the last time he and Steve had double fucked me in my office.

On the stereo Steve had put some Chris Isaak, which always gets me going. The sound if his voice just makes me want to do many bad, bad things!

As his smooth voice echoed in the background, Steve served some drinks, whilst Georgie and I walked hand in hand out into the lounge room wearing our matching teddies that Al had bought us. They looked great, and I had added some stiletto heels for both of us to finish the outfit off. As the music played, we sipped the champagne Steve had given us, before I took Georgie and lead her up onto our large wooden coffee table in the middle of the room. If that table could talk, it could tell many wicked tales of wanton displays, let me tell you!

Anyway, as the music played, the three men settled in on my leather couches to watch the show we were performing in front of them as we danced. My arms were around Georgie’s neck, and hers were gripping my hips as we swayed. Wanting to give the boys a better show, I moved us so we were facing them side on, and they had a clear view of anything we did as we danced. I looked Georgie in the eye, winked at her, then slowly, ever so slowly, raised my mouth to hers. My tongue snaked its way out of my own mouth, and made contact with her lips. My eyes were closed, and I thrilled in the warm sensuality of the first contact my tongue made with her lower lip. As it did so, she opened her mouth, before also snaking her sexy, wet tongue out, meeting my own in a delightfully erotic moment as the two female tongues entwined and licked at each other as we danced.

Horny, I suddenly gripped her hard and we pashed, our faces, boobs and tongues now locked in a full, open mouth kiss in front of the men. Out of view, my tongue searched for Georgie’s as we kissed and began to make love as we danced. Georgie’s hand lifted to find my breast, and her right leg forced it’s way between mine so that our pelvises were now also grinding against one another.

“Yeah girls, now you’re making me hard you sexy wenches!” said Al.

I glanced sideways and noticed Steve, Al and Chas were all watching intently as we tongue kissed standing on the coffee table in front of them. I loved knowing I was making three dicks hard, and the thought of what was to come spurred me on in my love making with my best friend Georgie.

After several minutes of tongue twisted kissing, I lowered my head to her breasts, confined in the tight, stretchy material of the teddy. I bit down on the strap on her right shoulder, and released her boob from its confines. Then, in an effort to further excite the three cocks sitting nearby, I lapped at her nipple with my tongue, like a puppy licking from a bowl. Georgie moaned and threw her head back, her nipple rapidly stiffening as I tongued it time and time again. I thrived on the effect my tongue was having, and delighted when I felt her hand drop to my pussy and find my clit inside the material of my own teddy.

I parted my legs slightly, allowing her better access to my clit. It also meant I was able to push against her fingers with my hips, grinding my love button against her flickering fingers, increasing my arousal rapidly. Georgie’s fingers made short work of honing in on my pleasure point and before long we were both writhing to the music, dancing and making each other horny as hell.

As my pleasure increased I glanced once more at the men and realised they were each releasing their cocks from their trousers. I recognised them all. Steve, my husband, eight inches and very thick, perfect for fucking, but hard to deep throat and rather awkward to comfortably take in the ass. Chas, my best friend’s husband, and my regular, but secret, lover. His was about seven inches long, narrow in the shaft with a mushroom type head, perfect for anal sex. Many times I had used these two tools to double fuck myself to mind blowing orgasms. Then there was Al. He was the surprise package of them all. My chubby former boss and business partner, now retired and punchy in the belly, possessed a wonderful love making weapon. It was all of nine inches long, and quite thick too, and managed to touch me in places neither Steve or Chas were capable of.

A sudden squeeze of my clit snapped my mind back to the woman in my arms.

“Hey you rude bitch. How about concentrating on the task at hand?” Georgie laughed as I kissed her back and apologised for letting the sight of three men pulling their cocks out distract me from my lesbian lovemaking!

We continued to kiss and make love as the men began commenting and encouraging us to go further.

I smiled back at my girlfriend, and lowered her to the floor, where we locked in a furious 69 in front of the men. I lapped at the clitoris I knew so well, as Georgie pushed her finger inside me as her tongue hit my clit and began to flicker back and forth across the trigger for my climax that was rapidly developing.

“Spread your legs blondie, I want to see that tongue on your hot cunt!” said Al, his firey and direct words making me wanton with lust as I face fucked my girlfriend in front of my husband and lovers.

Two minutes later, I felt a set of lips on my breast as I sucked my girlfriend’s pussy. It was Al. He’d joined us on the floor as our hubbies watched and wanked their cocks. The sudden mouthing of my nipple crashed me over the edge and Georgie and I both started to cum. On my tongue I felt the sudden shaking and quivering of her orgasm, just as my own made my boobs shake and my head thrash a little. It was a wonderful climax but I knew it was only the entrée to the main show I wanted to start right then.

I decided I was going to fuck my girlfriend Georgie in the ass with my new jelly strap on cock whilst she used her new vibrator to make her cum again. I rose from the carpet, and lead Georgie by the hand, with our toys, into our large main bedroom. Our bed sits on a timber platform, so it looks like a stage in the middle of the room. On each side there is a leather couch, and Al, Steve and Chas positioned themselves, naked and erect, in the chairs to watch the action.

We rolled around a little on the bed first, kissing and laughing, until I whispered into Georgie’s ear what I was planning. I knew Georgie had become somewhat of an anal fan since I had organised her anal gang bang about a year earlier. (See Georgie’s Anal story!) As the boys saw us getting prepared, the excitement was too much for them, and they approached us and the orgy began in full swing. Steve, my horny husband who is also a total voyeur, grabbed his favourite toy, his video camera, and began to fim his slutty wife and friends on his very own bed!

I was on my stomach. My tongue nestled in Georgie’s ass crack as she also lay on her stomach on the bed in front of me. She was sucking Chas’s cock – her husband. Behind her, I was slowly moistening her anus, in preparation for what I was about to give her. Around my waist was my new blue jelly dong, complete with the strap on attachment that would allow me to fuck my best friend in the ass. Behind me, my ex-boss Al was wanking his fat cock knowing that the moment I started fucking my best friend in the ass, he would shove his cock into my hungry cunt, completing a horny chain that was being filmed by Steve, my husband.

As Georgie sucked Chas’s cock, I moved up from my stomach onto my knees, and smiled at my husband Steve as he filmed. Behind me, Al was fingering my pussy, and slipped his thumb into my own ass as I positioned myself to fuck Georgie’s bum.

I smeared a generous amount of lubricant onto the head of the jelly strap on, and approached her now puckered anus. Momentarily she stopped sucking Chas’s cock, long enough to take a small amount of lube and smother it around her asshole, before guiding the head of ‘my’ cock into her tight ass. I felt amazing as Georgie moaned deeply and returned to suck her hubbies dick. I eased in a few inches, until her sphincter relaxed, allowing me to slide the remaining inches deep into her ass. I gripped her by the boobs in the classic doggy position, and began ass fucking my best friend in earnest. She was wild now, and her poor hubby nearly had his dick bitten off as I fucked her in the ass.

Behind me, Al inserted his cock into my pussy, and reached around to squeeze my boobies at the same time. Steve kept filming, and I stopped long enough to notice his fat cock was missive, bursting with blood and semen as he watched me, his wife, fuck the ass of a woman who was sucking his best friends’ cock, whilst his own wife was being fucked from behind and having her tits played with.

It made quite a movie as the action unfolded over the next fifteen minutes or so.

Finally, it was too much for Chas and he shouted to us all that he was cumming in Georgie’s mouth as I fucked her ass.

Georgie obviously was close too, because suddenly I felt her cumming, the pink vibrator on her clit doing the job as I ass fucked her. She swallowed Chas’s every drop and climaxed so hard that the dildo I was fucking her ass with popped out and she thrashed about, not wanting to let the dick slip from her mouth as she swallowed its semen surprise.

Behind me, dirty old Al jammed a finger into my own ass and came deep inside me, his hot goo spewing into me as I felt his finger invade my asshole.

Still holding the camera, my own husband Steve spewed his hot cum all over the carpet, his hand pumping furiously as the white liquid shot across the air and landed in puddles on the floor.

I was the only one who missed out!

Demanding as always, I lay on my bed, spreadeagled, and demanded they all lick and finger m to orgasm. It was an amazing cum, and the moment I began to climax, Steve jammed Georgie’s new vibrator into my sopping cunt and fucked me through the orgasm. I still shudder in excitement every time I watch the tape of the night I fucked my best friend in the ass with my new strap on. Georgie has invited me to an all girl party this weekend, so it is packed and ready in my travel bag