Category: slut wives

Wifes Anal Massage

Brett was becoming frustrated with his wife of five years. First it had been all about showing Jan what a gentleman he was and taking her out the old fashioned way. They got to know each other but Jan was slow to come out of her shell. Brett still wondered if there was more he could have done to make her let loose more and give in to the sexual pleasures he could bring her. But she was so shy and he was not big on communication so he just went to the pub instead and dreamed of Jan in ways that would make her blush. If she only knew what he had done to her in his mind…she would probably leave him on the spot!

The day had finished early for Brett and he was on his way home from work two hours earlier than usual. Jan would be surprised and seeing as it was Friday, he would make a nice lamb curry for dinner to give her the night off for a change. He parked his Jeep in next to her hatch in the drive and let himself into the house. Jan was nowhere in sight so he assumed she must be in her garden or green house with her prize orchids. He decided to get a start on dinner so there would be less to do later on. He had just washed his hands and began preparations when he heard what sounded like moaning coming from the bedroom. His stomach twisted at the thought that someone else was in their house and fear gripped him when he thought that Jan might actually be in some sort of danger.

He picked up the lower half of a pool cue and crept quietly up the stairs. Once at the top of the stairs Brett turned down the hallway and saw what looked to be a massage table set up in their bedroom with Jan naked and lying face down on top of it. A very hunky looking muscular man was giving Jan a massage and she was moaning with pleasure. Brett could see why too because the man obviously knew what to do with his hands. Boy did he know what to do with his hands! In fact, his hands were sliding all over Jan’s smooth creamy ass cheeks and it looked as though the tips of his fingers were slipping into her ass crack with each move. The dirty bastard! Brett had a good mind to storm into the room and put an end to this right now. However, something about the way his wife was moaning and the sight of her naked and being obviously pleasured was turning Brett on. He knew this because his cock was pushing up against his jeans with some urgency.

Brett decided to remain standing where he was as they didn’t know he was there and he could watch what went on and get off on the sound of Jan moaning. He could see her ass arching upwards towards the guy’s hands as he worked her and Brett quietly unzipped his jeans to free his desperate member from confinement. Gripping his cock with one hand, he began to pull as he looked and once again his mind went off into dirty places. He dreamed it was his hands working on Jan’s ass instead, with maybe a tongue involved as well…

Jan was moving her legs apart now so the man had better access to her inner thighs. He was rubbing one thigh now with both hands, moving upwards towards her ass again but his hands were staying quite low. Brett just knew the guy was brushing against her thick juicy pussy lips as he got closer. There was no way he could be avoiding making contact with that area when his hands were so close and low. Brett’s cock jumped in his hand. How he longed to be between her legs now, nudging his fat cock head into her wet open pussy.

She moaned suddenly and said “Oh yes!” The man felt encouraged and continued to rub, moving onto her other thigh now for more of the same. Her ass was going up and down as his hands moved up and down in opposing motions. She was enjoying ever second of it. Sweat broke out all over Brett’s body as he pumped his cock excitedly. The guy stopped working on her thighs then and began to gently tickle Jan’s ass all over, making her giggle like a school girl. He tickled her sides, up over her rib cage and Jan’s whole upper body came up off the massage table so he could get to her breasts!

He rubbed his hands over them once or twice but his focus was more on the delicious curve of Jan’s bottom as it wiggled around just inches from his face. He parted her cheeks then and began tonguing her ass! Brett got ready to run as he expected her to take fright or offence at the man’s actions. But he need not have worried because Jan was staying right where she was and continuing to moan in pleasure. The man’s tongue was dipping in deeply into her ass crack and obviously pausing to probe her asshole along the way. Jan spread her legs even wider so her ass and pussy were more accessible. The guy got really excited about that and why wouldn’t he? Jan had a fine ass which never grew any hair at all so it was naturally smooth and obviously very tasty. Brett’s mouth watered at that thought.

Excitement went into over drive as the guy reached around under her thighs to pull her ass up high into the air. Now she was on all fours while he continued to eat her ass. Her full tits swayed beautifully back and forth as she pushed back against his face. She couldn’t seem to get close enough and watching her hard nipples caused Brett to begin cumming. He stopped himself letting go all the way, managing to catch some cum with his other hand. He willed his mind to go blank for a few seconds while he closed his eyes and calmed down enough to continue watching. It took more than a few seconds for his cock to settle down a bit but then he was left with a pool of cum in the palm of his hand. He wished it was a pool of his cum in the small of Jan’s back instead…

That was when her moans of pleasure turned into words of filthy demands for more and more! Brett couldn’t believe his ears when he heard his wife yell:

“YES, YES, stick your hot tongue in my tight little asshole!”

“CUM ON, stick more fingers in my shit hole!”

“Make me cum NOW!!!”

He had never ever heard his wife so excited and almost hysterical with lust. This was such a first and it was truly blowing his mind as well as nearly causing his cock to blow up.

The guy was really excited which became suddenly obvious when he dropped his pants and stood there with a raging hard on. He moved around to the side of Jan’s face and she turned her head to look at his big hard cock. He grabbed a fist full of her curly blonde hair and pulled her mouth down hard on his cock. She sucked him and gagged when he filled her mouth with his meat. Then he took it out of her mouth and slapped her cheek with it.

“SMACK, SMACK!” went his cock over and over again and she loved it!

“MORE!!!” She urged in a loud, commanding voice.

He smacked her several more times and then moved around to her ass again. He reached for the massage oil and poured some onto her ass. It ran around into her crack and he spread it with his hands, dipping into her asshole and pussy with his big strong fingers. She moaned so long and loud as he began to rub oil onto his thick veined cock while her ass wiggled invitingly in the air. He wasted no more time lining his cock up at the entrance to her asshole. Then he drove into her well prepared hole and began fingering her clit with precision and expertise. Brett had no time to feel any jealousy as he watched his wife get fucked in the ass by a complete stranger. She just let go and continued to say filthy things in rhythm with his thrusts:

“That’s, it, fuck, me, oh, fuck, fuck, oh, god, yes, fuck, me!”

It was unbelievable. His shy little wife who had trouble just saying the word “cock” yelling as she got her ass pounded. Brett used the pool of cum in his hand as lube and began pulling himself again. He watched and wanked as Jan bounced back and forth to the rhythm of the cock slamming into her over and over again until she suddenly screamed with a big orgasm and began to beg him to stop:

“Oh, fuck, stop, fuck, oh, fuck, stop, oh, stop, stop, stop!”

He pulled his cock out of her ass and walked around to her face once more. She gladly sucked his fat dick until he came, blowing a huge load of cum all over her face and hair. At the sight of another man’s cum spewing all over his wife, Brett let loose with his own silent orgasm without a care about where his cum landed. He quickly moved back out of sight and retreated silently down the stairs. Once back in the kitchen he continued on with dinner preparations as if nothing had happened. The only difference this time was a slight shaking in his hands as he cut the onions and of course, the raging thoughts inside his head.

He heard the man say good bye to Jan before walking down the stairs. As he came into view and saw Brett making dinner he smiled without missing a beat.

“Hi mate, what’s for dinner?” He asked, smiling.

“Lamb curry” Brett replied calmly.

“Sounds tasty,” He said, adding, “But not as tasty as your wife.” Then with a big wink, he and his massage table walked out the door.

Brett’s jaw dropped at the man’s audacity but an idea of what he really wanted to eat for dinner began to formulate in his mind and once again he put dinner preparations on hold and quietly crept up the stairs. Jan was in the shower so he got undressed and waited for her on the bed. He grinned to himself as he thought about what he would do to her. His wife was in for one hell of a surprise tonight! So much for giving her the evening off, he thought wickedly.

Elaine Wants To Be Watched

Simon Hanson considered himself a normal guy. Six feet tall, short brown hair, average build. He wasn’t an Adonis by any measure, but he kept himself in shape as much as he could. He worked in an office, doing an unexciting job, earned an decent wage and owned his own flat in the west end of Glasgow. He’d seen a couple of his friends get married and seen the changes it made to their lives. He almost got married once, but late on in the relationship had suddenly had a moment of clarity and told his girlfriend that she might be getting married, but it wouldn’t be to him. He was thirty years old, and didn’t want to do the acceptable thing and settle down.

He spent a lot of his time thinking about sex, and had had plenty of experiences over the years some of which seemed to fall into his lap in the weirdest circumstances and he enjoyed the freedom that life gave him.

Simon was at a works night out in a pub in West George Street in Glasgow, on a Friday, which was the usual pub for them. It was getting late and he knew he’d need to be heading home quite soon. He’d been talking to a colleague of his, Elaine, earlier and as usual she’d offered him a lift home, as she lived only a couple of miles from him.

Elaine was a couple of years older than him. Average height, pear shaped body with beautiful round hips and ass, not too big. She was probably about a size 12 with nice sized boobs, maybe a 36 C or D he guessed. He spent long enough looking at them. He’d noticed long ago that her blouses gaped open at just the right height to allow an enquiring eye a good view of a boob, or her bra at least. Her hair had always been cut relatively short, in a sexy brown bob. She was sexy as hell all over.

About 11pm, they were sitting at the end of a long table with everyone sitting round it. No-one was listening to their conversation and they were talking about quite personal stuff, and she told him about her last holiday to Las Vegas, where she’d seen a guy in a convertible pull alongside the bus they were in and start to wank himself. She’d told the same story at a team lunch they’d had a week before, and he said this, but she replied;

“I made out like I was disgusted when I was telling everyone, but I actually kind of enjoyed it…it was weird watching him, but it was also…sort of …erotic…seeing him do that to himself in front of me.” She seemed a bit embarrassed to admit it and Simon;

“Well, it’s normal to be turned on watching other people like that.”

“I know. Have you ever seen anyone do that or anything else?” she asked.

“I’ve seen a few things. What did you think of it?” he said, deflecting it back to her.

“I think the guy must like being watched if he was doing that in front of a bus full of people.”

“Yeah, he must get off on it, but I wouldn’t have the nerve to do that in front of a whole bus full of passers by” he said, hoping she’d pick up on something.

“What about in front of a couple of people?” she asked.

“Probably…’ he said “but they’d either need to be very good friends or complete strangers. Someone you could trust not to cause any problems later or someone you’d never see again.”

“When was the last time you did it?” she asked.

“Uh, what do you mean?” He didn’t want to start admitting anything at this point.

“I mean when did you last masturbate?” she said. He would normally have felt weird about talking about this with someone else apart from his best friends, but he was quite drunk by now, though he was still taken aback by the question, so he fired it back at her.

“Well you tell me first, when did you last do it…when did you last masturbate?”

“‘What makes you think I do?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“Come on then, tell me.” she said.

“Well, do you?” he pushed.

“Right, yes, I do, but I asked you first when you last did it.”

“Two days ago….” he said “… what about you?”.

“This morning, before work” she replied. He immediately got horned up at the thought of her playing with her pussy.

“Yeah?!” he said a bit too loudly.

“Yes.” she replied.

“So, you think you would be able to do it in front of other people?” she asked.

“I could, yes.”

“You seem very sure. Have you actually done it before? In front of someone?” He nodded.

“Who was it?” she asked.

“A friend of mine.”

“When was this?”

“A few years ago and…umm…well more recently I suppose” he replied. Her eyes widened at this.

“More recently? How recently?”

“I don’t know, a few months ago.”

“You actually wanked off in front of a friend a few months ago?!”

“Yeah”. Silence.

“I’d like to have seen that” she said quietly, and looking right at him. Silence again.

“You’d like to have seen that?” he asked slowly. She nodded.

“What exactly?” he asked.

“What do you mean, ‘what’?”

“I mean why… it watching two guys wanking themselves, or just watching a guy having a wank?”

“No, I can see that at home” she paused, looking down, “I’d like to have seen you wanking off.”

“Me?” he said incredulously.

“Yes, I’d like to have watched you having a wank” she said very seriously, looking back up at him. He was stunned.

“Did you like being watched by your friend?” she asked.

“Yes” he nodded.

“Would you like someone else to watch you sometime?” she asked slowly.

“What are you getting at?…what…are you offering?” he said, half laughing. She didn’t reply for a few moments, and he thought he had gone a little too far.

“I was talking to Alan a few days ago, cos that’s something we have talked about, you know, being watched, and…we both quite like the idea of being watched, you know…having sex” she said, and he stayed quiet, wondering what the hell she was going to say next.

“We were talking about how to do it, how we’d get someone to get involved, and we thought about advertising for someone over the internet, but though that could be a bit dangerous, then we thought of someone we knew and thought of a few people, but thought it could spoil a friendship if it went wrong…” he stared at her and kept quiet while she spoke “… but then I started to think of other people, and….I thought about you, cos I know you’ve got quite a dirty mind…” she laughed “….and we do get on well, and it had to be with someone I thought was… know….someone I was umm…who I thought was nice, like, who I fancied, and I wanted to speak to you about this sort of thing to see what you thought about it, and God I am going on a bit……..and you seem to like the idea of watching, so I thought I’d ask whether you’d want to……if you’d be interested in seeing…watching us, Alan and me… having… sex. What you do you think?”

“Fuckin hell” he said slowly and he went quiet.

“What do you think…..would you want to?” she asked looking for a reaction.

“Yeah, I would want to….yes…..please” he said dumbly.

“Seriously!? You will?. I was so scared of asking someone, and of asking you to do it.”

“Yeah, I’ll do it. It means I’ll be able to see those boobs of yours after all these years of only seeing little glimpses” he laughed a little.

“What do you mean?”

“Your blouses always gape open at the front and I try to look in to see what I can see.”

“And what did you see?”

“A good bit, but never enough” he laughed.

“Well, I know you’ve looked cos I saw you a few times, standing beside my desk.”

“Christ, was it that obvious?” He felt bad he’d been so obvious about it.

“Don’t worry, you’re not the only one and I used to….well, help it along a little so you could see some flesh, and see if it would have any effect on you, but I never noticed…….did it?” she said.

“Did it have an effect? Yes”,

“You got a hard-on?” she asked, looking surprised.

“Frequently. I wish I’d known you were flashing little bits for me, it would have made it so much better.”

“And I wish I’d known I was giving you hard-ons” she smiled at him looking deep into his eyes. He looked around to make sure no-one had heard her comment, but the rest of the group were engaged in some very drunken conversations.

“Well, you did, and…you do” he said looking back at her and giving his crotch a quick press to check, even though he could feel it throbbing “…..cos I’ve got one right now.”

“Have you…..really?” she said sounding amazed, her eyes widening. He squeezed his dick through his trousers, to show the shape of it.

“See?” He could see her looking at it for a few seconds.

“Can……can… I touch it?” she asked glancing along the table, feeling nervous herself about the conversation they were having.

“Go on” he said, and she did. Her slender fingers pressed down on his bulge at the tip of his cock sending feelings through his body, and it pulsed which she felt immediately. He saw her eyes staring at it, and she pressed her palm onto his bulge and ran it along the length of his penis, then withdrew it quickly knowing how risky it was.

“That felt nice” he said, breathing slightly harder. “Does Alan know you were going to ask me tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ve to phone him and let him to know what you said.”

“When were you wanting to do this?”

“Soon, not tonight. What about tomorrow night?”

“Excellent……” he said “….and what about, like, some groundrules. How far do we go?”.

“Well I’m going to fuck Alan in front of you” she said plainly.

“I know, but what about me, can I have a wank when you’re doing it?”

“God, yeah, you’re not just going to sit there and watch, I want you to join in” she said. He was trying to find out exactly what his role was, and whether he’d be able to touch her, as he’d fantasised about for years, and if she would give him a hand with his cock.

“When you say join in, what do you mean…..exactly?”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to play with two guy’s dicks at the one time, so if you’ve got no objections, you could lend me your dick to play with when Alan’s fucking me.”

“Sure, no problem there.” He was surprised at her admission but horned up at the thought of it.

“Will I be able to touch you as well, or is it just one way?” he asked very hopefully.

“No, that’s okay, you can touch me if you want”


“Yeah, anywhere. Let’s just say for just now there’s no rules, alright?” He took a sip of his pint, conscious of his massive hard-on and wondering what the fuck was going to happen the next night.

She said she was going to call Alan to pick her up, and give him a lift home as well, as arranged.

When they went outside, Alan was there in his car, and Simon got into the back seat, Elaine in the front. Simon and Alan didn’t know each other very well as they only ever seemed to meet when Simon was getting a lift home. She’d told him on the phone that Simon had agreed to it, and Alan looked a bit uncomfortable when he first got into the car, but Elaine got talking and was saying to him she’d spoken to him about it and about what would happen. Alan turned to Simon and said;

“Are you alright with this then, you don’t think it’s a bit weird?”

“No, I’m okay with it, what about you though, you won’t think it’s weird me seeing Elaine like that?” although he had to admit to himself that it was a weird situation to be in.

“That’s part of it for us, knowing someone we know, well Elaine knows, watching us doing that.”

“He’s turned on right now…” she said, and Simon saw her hand in Alan’s lap as he drove “…aren’t you darling?”, and Alan nodded.

“So am I, to be honest” Simon said. She looked at Alan, then back to Simon.

“Do you want to come back and watch us just now?”

“What about tomorrow night?” he asked.

“Yeah, I still want to do that, but because Alan’s so horny just now, I’ll need to suck him off when I get home, so you might as well come with us to watch.”

“Yeah, okay” he mumbled, trying to imagine what he was about to witness.

Alan drove to their house, and Simon followed them in, starting to feel very nervous, although he was quite drunk. Elaine was drunk as well. In their living room, Alan sat down on the large red sofa, and Elaine beside him. Simon sat opposite in a single chair, waiting. Alan relaxed back in his own chair and let Elaine run her hands over his chest then down to his crotch.

“Still hard…..” she said “…it must be bursting in there, let’s get it out” and she unzipped his trousers, and pulled them open and down a little, fumbling around inside trying to prise his cock from the restraints of his trousers. It flipped out, and she held it firmly with her slim fingers round the shaft, and looked across at Simon.

“He has got a nice cock hasn’t he?”.

“I suppose so” he said. He had never seen her looking so sexy. Looking into his eyes with a cock in her hand and about to take it into her mouth. Those days in the office would never be the same again. He knew this picture would flash constantly through his mind.

She started to wank him, slowly, using the full length of his cock, and then bent down, licked the tip, and slipped her mouth just over the knob. He gasped loudly. He looked down at her, then over at Simon and they just smiled nervously at each other. She was running her lips down the whole length of his cock, and he rolled his head back, and closed his eyes. Simon could hear the quiet slurping noises of her saliva on his penis as she sucked him. She broke off, and masturbated him, and looked over at him.

“Are you still hard?” she asked.


“Get it out then.”

“I don’t know if…I don’t really want to…I’ll wait til tomorrow” he said stumbling over his words.

“Go on. Even if you don’t want to wank just now…just let me see it.”

He unzipped his jeans, and pulled his boxers down, so his shaft was sticking right up. He pressed his thumb against the base to make to it stand more vertically.

“Let me see your balls too.”

He pulled his clothes down further so his balls were on view and automatically grasped his cock to give himself a little release from the feelings that were coursing through it. She was staring at it, and still wanking her husband.

“Are you bald down there?”

“Yeah, I keep it trimmed.”

“You shave yourself? Alan doesn’t do that”

“It also makes it look a bit bigger, which is handy”

“How big are you?” she asked, her hand stopping as she looked at this other man’s cock.

“Just over eight inches.”

Her hand started moving again as she took in the view of Simon’s cock.

“Nice” she said, as she slipped her mouth over Alan’s dick again. Simon wanked himself gently, not even trying to make himself come, as it would be difficult anyway, with the amount he’d had to drink. She sucked Alan as she looked across at Simon. Alan moaned that he was going to come soon, and she lifted off.

“Can I not come in your mouth?” he gasped.

“I want to see it. And I want Simon to see it as well.” She wanked his cock, speeding up, and Simon could see him concentrating. His eyes were closed, and he started to push his hips forward, and they were both watching his cock as he started to come, grunting as he spurted a massive fountain of spunk into the air, splattering down on his belly and over Elaine’s hand.

Simon was wanking himself harder as well but feeling as though he wasn’t getting anywhere, though it was a huge turn on to see Elaine’s hand covered in spunk, and seeing that erect penis shooting off right in front of her face made Simon’s cock throb even more.

Alan’s cock shot about five hard spurts of spunk mostly landing on his belly, but a good coating was over her hand. He looked exhausted, and just sat with his head lying back and eyes closed, his still hard cock in her hand. She let go and the strings of spunk were hanging between her hand and his cock. She wiped her hand on his thigh, but Simon could see it was still shiny with his juices. Alan looked absolutely fucked. He opened his eyes, and just muttered “Jesus…”

“Are you going to do it?” she said to Simon.

“No…..I can’t…..I’m a bit pissed. I’ll just save it til tomorrow” he said, still holding his erect shaft up straight so she could see it, which she could, and he could see her looking at it intently.

“I’d better go” he said, and pushed his cock back into his trousers, and tried to do up his zip but couldn’t. He stood up to adjust his jeans around cock, and closed up his zip.

He sorted his clothes made a move to leave. Alan said he’d get the car and Elaine wiped him down with a tissue, then the two guys left to go to the car. It was only a ten minute journey, and they talked briefly about Elaine.

“You know she wants to have two guys, don’t you?” he said.

“Yeah, she told me she wanted to play with two dicks at the one time.”

“I know, she wants to see if she can suck two at the one time, are you alright with that?” he said.

“She wants to suck my cock?”

“Did she not say?”

“She said there was no rules, but I didn’t know exactly what she meant….you know, how far I could go.”

“Like I said, she does want to suck you. She said she wasn’t sure about having sex with you, but I think she was just saying that to spare my feelings, but I want to see her do that with another guy, so you can be almost sure she’ll fuck you tomorrow night, but don’t let her know that I said that. Just go with the flow and let her say what happens.”


The next night, Alan arrived to pick up Simon, and they drove back. Simon thought he could see that Alan had a hard-on, and he did too. He had to adjust himself, and Alan noticed this.

“Looking forward to this?” he said. Simon nodded. At their house, they went into the living room again, where Elaine was sitting. Alan poured some drinks, and they wasted no time, partly because the ice had been broken the night before.

“Are you going to let him see your boobs?” Alan said, and with that Elaine stood up and walked over to Simon who was still standing and stood in front of him and unbuttoned her blouse, opened it showing her lacy bra. He looked down at her breasts, marvelling at the texture of her flesh in the swell of her deep cleavage. He’d never seen that much before.

As the pulled her blouse open unveiling her chest he could see a hint of her nipple through the lace. She dropped her blouse then quickly unhooked her bra, and shrugged it off her shoulders. Holding it at the front, she slowly slid it down her breasts, almost stopping before the lace slid over her nipples, freeing the breasts he’d thought about so many times before. They were full, and rounded, with dark smooth nipples, and swayed gently when she moved. He immediately unzipped himself, and grasped his penis, and gave it a slow wank to relieve some of pressure.

“I hope you don’t mind. I can’t help it” he said.

“Not at all, you go ahead” she replied and knelt down in front of him, and looked closely at his cock, then moved forward and brushed her tits across his knob, so it slipped in between her cleavage, then she stood up. It felt so good to have her smooth skin against his cock.

She loosened her black trousers and let them slide to the floor then bent down to slip off her panties, and Simon got a view of her ass, and a glimpse of pussy when she bent over. She turned to show him her nakedness. Her pussy looked well trimmed. She went over to Alan and sat beside him on the sofa. He took his trousers off, freeing his erect cock and then his shirt, so he was naked too. She rubbed her hand over his balls, massaging them then started to wank him. After a minute of doing this and looking over at Simon, making eye contact, then lowered her mouth onto his tool. When she leaned further over, her legs opened and Simon had an amazing view of her pussy, and he started to wank himself harder. She stopped sucking, and said:

“I need a fuck now”.

She moved and sat astride Alan, and with her back to Simon, guided his erection into her hole. She leant forward into him, and Simon could see her pussy lips being stretched around the shaft and her puckered asshole. She turned half round, to watch Simon and said; “Take your trousers right off so I can see you.” He stood up and slipped them off, and went over to the chair opposite them and sat down.

“And your shirt, you might as well get completely naked”. Simon pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor.

She looked Simon up and down as she bounced very gently on her husband’s cock, and he saw her eyes linger on his crotch.

“It does look bigger with no hair down there, though I think you’re big enough anyway.”

“I think it looks better.” Alan had leant round to have a look as well, and stopped fucking to look at Simon’s cock.

“Come here so I can see it.” she said. He walked over and stood naked beside them, his erection wobbling in front of him. She stared at it and gently started fucking her husband again.

“Can I touch it?” she asked. Simon nodded and she rubbed her hand across his belly, just above his cock, where the hair was very sparse.

“It feels good.”

“I mainly do my balls so they feel smooth.” She ran her hand down onto his testicles, briefly brushing her fingertips against the shaft of his cock.

“They are so smooth” as she ran her hands round and under his balls, cupping and stroking them. As she fondled Simon’s balls she ground down on Alan’s cock moving her hips in a circular motion, then started sliding up and down his cock more vigorously as she let go of Simon’s balls.

He sat on the sofa next to them, wanking himself, as they both watched. She bounced up and down on Alan quite hard to drive his cock into her, and bent over him so her tits slapped against his face. He got her nipple between his lips and sucked hard on it. After a few minutes fucking, she slowed and slipped off his dick, then knelt down in front of them both, and said to move together. Alan and Simon moved closer together, but not touching.

She then took a cock in each hand, and started to wank them with both hands.

She did it very slowly, just watching her hands sliding up and down each shaft, so their foreskins slid up and down.

“Move closer to each other” and they did, so their thighs were pressed hard against each other, she held their dicks again, and moved closer, pulling their cocks towards each other, making them have to twist until their knobs were touching. Simon looked down at his cock head sliding against Alan’s and pushed his hips forward. Elaine opened her mouth wide, and slipped her lips over both cock heads, and closed her mouth around as much as she could, swirling her tongue over the glans.

It was impossible to suck any more into her mouth, but it was enough for them. For Alan, watching his wife suck another guy’s cock was a huge turn on and for Simon it was like a dream.

She released the cocks and then put just Simon back into her mouth. She sucked firmly on his knob, and slid his whole length in.

He watched her intently, seeing her saliva shine on his skin as her lips trailed along his penis.

He reached down with both hands, and cupped her breasts which were swinging back and forth as she sucked him. They were wonderfully soft and heavy and he pinched her nipples, which made her moan and her suck harder on his cock.

“Alan, I want you to fuck me again, get behind me” she said quickly, hardly missing a stroke. Alan got on the floor, and positioned himself behind her, and eased his erection into her pussy, and she moaned which had an amazing effect on Simon’s cock, sending orgasmic feelings coursing through it, from the vibrations of her mouth.

Alan fucked Elaine, and Elaine sucked Simon. Occasionally she would take him out her mouth, as Alan started to fuck her harder, and just wank him, and his cock shaft would rub across her face. Simon just lay back and relaxed while she sucked and wanked him for ten minutes, as Alan shafted her hard from behind.

He didn’t come, and pulled out of her, and sat beside Simon on the sofa again, to his left. Elaine sat between them and took their cocks in her hands and wanked both of them again. Simon stroked her thigh, edging towards her pussy, then trailed his fingers over her pussy, which was soaking. Pressing, he slipped a finger inside her, and finger fucked her gently. He leant down and took her nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking as her nipple grew hard, and gently biting on it, for a minute. His finger alternating between her clit and her hole. She lay back and let him do it, and soon started to come, she moaned deeply, and pushed down on his hand.

Her hands were still around the two cocks, but with no real rhythm, and Alan was loving watching his wife get fingered by someone else.

Her head rolled from side to side, as her orgasm built up, her breasts heaving with her deep breathing. Her legs fell further open as she gasped and squealed as she came, her head falling forward to watch Simon’s fingers in her, her pelvis thrusting down onto his hand. Her head flew back, and he felt her pussy muscles contract around his fingers several times, and rubbed her clit harder for her. She seemed in a dreamlike state, as she moaned and groaned through her orgasm. She soon quietened, and her breathing slowed. He slowed down on her clitoris, and just rubbed gently for a minute after to bring her down slowly. She opened her eyes.

“That was good” she said quietly. “I want you to fuck me” she said looking at Simon.

“Are you sure?” he was surprised. She looked at Alan and back to him.

“Yes. Fuck me. Use that big cock to fuck me” she said simply.

Simon slid onto the floor, and moved between her legs. Putting his hands on her knees, he pushed them apart slowly, and her glistening pussy came into view, and he saw her lips peel apart. She slid down a little on the sofa, and Simon started to wank himself to get his cock as hard as possible, then he went down on his hands and knees, and said;

“I’ve got to do this.”

He got his face as close to her pussy as he could, and slowly licked up the length of her slit, up to her clitoris, which was still a little sensitive and he felt her twitch as his tongue touched it. She was looking down at him and he looked up and their eyes met as he pressed his tongue against her pussy again. He used his fingers to pull her labia apart as far as he could and he could see the pink of her vagina, shiny with her juices, and her cunt hole.

He licked her again, but this time pushed his tongue deep into her hole, so his chin was against her asshole, and his nose was squashed into her pubic hair. He tongue fucked her as best as he could, then got up on his knees, and grasped his hard-on, pulled his foreskin back to show his deep purple knob, and pushed it against her pussy, then pulled it up, so her cunt lips, pulled round it. Next push, and it slipped in easily. She was so wet. It plunged right in so he was balls deep in her, and his belly was against her pussy.

He held himself there, and could feel the warmth of her cunt around his cock. He drew out slowly, and saw her juices slick on his shaft. Slowly he entered her again, and then started to fuck her at a steady pace, occasionally shafting her hard, so his balls slapped against her asshole. She jerked her hips back at him, and really drove her pussy onto his dick. He knew he was getting closer to coming, and said so.

“Do you want me to come inside you, is that okay?”

“No, I want Alan to come inside me, and I want you to do it over me as Alan fucks me.”

He fucked her for a while longer but kept the pace slow, occasionally building up to an orgasm then controlling himself so he wouldn’t blow his load inside her. Eventually he pulled out and positioned himself beside her as Alan got between her legs.

He watched as her husband slid his cock into her and started to fuck her, and she started to wank him, pulling his cock against her tits. He loved seeing her nipple rubbing against his knob, and he rubbed his palm over her breast, down her belly, to her pussy to rub her clit and he let his fingers slide against Alan’s penis and felt his hardness rubbing against the side of his hand.

“Move up a little” she said. He did, and she took his cock in her mouth and sucked gently on him as he masturbated her. She licked very slowly around his cock head and glans. Alan watched his wife lick another man’s cock and said he was going to come soon. He started fucking her harder, and Simon watched her boobs slide up and down her chest as she took the pounding. Her mouth was still on his cock, and he felt his orgasm approaching as well. Alan slowed, stiffened and groaned deeply as he came inside her, and pumped her in rhythm with his spunk unloading into her pussy.

She let Simon’s cock out of her mouth and grasped it and wanked him hard as she felt Alan’s spunk rush into her. Her mouth was open and she wanked Simon’s cock into her face, and watching Alan coming, tipped Simon over the edge, and he came too. Elaine felt his cock pulse in her hand, and looked at it to see his come, and she did. He spurted onto her chin as his cock started pumping, then stream after stream of white come flew out, and covered her cheek, and then her tits as she pointed his cock down. She was closely watching the head of his cock as he spunked all over her and moaning as if she was coming again. She kept wanking him like an expert and drew out all his come onto her body until he was spent. He let his breath out slowly as he felt the feelings still rushing through his cock, but subsiding. She kept gently stroking him, and then wanked his cock into her open mouth so a drop of his sperm dropped onto her tongue and closed her mouth around his cock. It felt painfully sensitive as she sucked on him, tasting his spunk.

Alan withdrew from her and he saw some thick drops of come on the tip of his cock. He immediately went down and licked her tasting her juices mixed with his own. She let Simon slip out of her mouth, and his cock trailed across the spunk on her cheek, smearing it down the way. He groped her tits and smoothed his come over her nipples. Alan saw this and did the same, getting Simon’s spunk all over his hands.

Simon then relaxed back onto the sofa and watched Elaine lying there covered in his spunk, savouring the sight.

She trailed her fingers through the thin film of sperm, down to her cunt and started to finger herself, shoving several fingers into her hole. Pulling her fingers out, she offered them to Simon to taste. He leant forward to took her slim fingers into his mouth and tasted her juices, and could still recognise the taste of spunk. His own and Alans.

“Thanks for coming, we’ll do it again sometime, maybe even at work. You never know.”

Strip Club Slut

Chas had been going on at me for quite a while now about taking me to one of the sleazy amateur strip clubs that he had told me about since talking to some of the guys at the motorcycle club. You see I was a bit of a slut, well alot of a slut, and was really keen to strip in front of a load of horny guys, especially as he had said they were allowed to touch the strippers as well. Finally I had given in and he said he would have another word with the guys to see which was the best strip joint to go to.

That Wednesday at the club after speaking to them he had been told of a couple and one which they had advised him to give a miss as it was really a dump and the clients that went there were usually real rough types and there was always trouble there. I thought if he took me to that one perhaps he would be satisfied.

We went a couple of days later. I had been even more highly sexed since Chas had told me and I had worn him out, wanting to be fucked all the time. Not that he was complaining as I was an reasonably attractive sexy women, and one hell of a fuck. As Chas waited for me in the hall to come down from getting ready I was thinking of what may happen that night, how far I would want to go. My musing was cut short when I appeared at the top of the stairs.

Hell, Chas said. You look stunning.

I was dressed in a very short tight skirt which just about covered my ass and was split to the waist on one side. When I bent over you could see my tiny red thong panties I was wearing. I had a tight crop top on which my nipples stuck out through as I wasn’t wearing a bra and showed all my bare stomach, and black high heel shoes, my long tanned legs naked, just my toes and finger nails painted blood red. All this was finished off with dark eye makeup and ruby red lips. With what I was wearing it was just as well it was a warm evening as we were going on Chas,s motorbike.

“God, you look stunning, you sure you want to go out,” he said as he had an instant erection on seeing me. I pouted and laughed,

“Yes I do,” I replied.

“You better get you jacket and helmet on then and let’s be off before I change my mind,” Chas replied.

I slipped the leather motor cycle jacket on and the helmet and we got on the bike. Christ I must of looked like one of them gang sluts you see in hells angle films, as all my legs were visible as I hung on to Chas tight as we sped off.

The club was hard to find as it was on the outskirts in a real rough area of the city. After riding around for a while we found it down an alley way. It was a real sleazy run down looking place. A lot of noise was coming from inside and it sounded as there was a lot of people in there. This was made obvious by the amount of motorbikes, and old cars and vans that were parked in the alleyway and a piece of waste ground alongside.

We went inside, the bouncers on the door eyeing me up and down as we went in. I heard one of them say to the other,

“She should go down well,” to which the other replied,

“Yes, bet the whore gets a good fucking as well”. They both laughed.

The inside looked no better than the outside. The floor was bare with spilt drinks, fag ends and god knows what else, the tables looked no better and the décor was old and tatty. None of this mattered though as all eyes were fixed on the naked blond on stage showing all she had to the crowd of people who were shouting comments to her, with some of the front row reaching out and pawing the girls legs and anything else they could grab hold of. There must have been about forty or more people in there, with about three quarters of them men the rest women. They were all shapes and sizes and all ages. The only thing they all seemed to have in common were they all looked rough and dirty.

We found a table and I sat down while Chas went to get a few drinks. A lot of men had stared at me as I walked in and I had heard a lot of comments from others mainly about fucking the ass off that tart. Chas brought the drinks back and sat down. I was transfixed on watching another girl now on stage taking her clothes off for all the leering men, and she had her hand between her legs openly rubbing her pussy as I watched. I could see men on the other nearby tables grinning and making comments to each other as they watched her masturbating herself.

“Your slut going to do a turn mate,” one of them shouted over to Chas.

“Yes, I recon so,” he replied. They all laughed and cheered.

We watched the other girls for a while; Chas could see I was dying to be up there myself. This ended when the guy shouted

“When’s your whore going to strip then,”

“Right now then,” Chas said looking at me.

I did not need to be told again and got up and walked to the stage to a load of whistling and cheers. I climbed up on to the low platform and as the music played I began to gyrate my body to the beat. After a few minutes I began to remove my clothes. First my top showing off my tits, then my skirt. For a while I danced around in just my tiny red thong until to a round of get the fucking panties off, I slowly slipped them down my legs and off then throwing them to the crowd. I was now naked except for my high heels. My naked body twisting and swaying to the music. My hands caressing my breasts, pinching my erect nipples, then down my stomach and between my legs. I got down on my hands and knees in front of the men, and crawled to them, letting them reach out and fondle my hanging tits, or grab my ass as I wriggled it in front of them. Then lying on my back with my legs opened wide to he audience showing the pink insides of my smooth wet shaven pussy as I played with myself, rubbing myself, and inserting two fingers into my wet hole.

The men were going wild, shouting and whistling until one of the men climbed up onstage and said

“I can do that for you honey,” and with that began to finger me himself, inserting one, then two fat grubby fingers up my cunt and frigging me hard.

I was moaning and arching my back as he brought me to an orgasm there on the stage, I screamed out as he did so.

“Time I had some fun as well,” He said as started to unfasten his dirty jeans.

“Fuck the whore,” I heard a female voice shout out to a chorus of others shouting the same.

He pulled his jeans down to his knees. I could see his large unwashed cock, precum showing on the tip and dirty looking and the base of the head of his cock. His balls looked slimy and glistened. I reached up taking hold of his big fat hard cock and guided it to my open cunt.

“Get your fucking cock in me,” I shouted at him.

He didn’t need telling again and rammed his cock fully up my waiting cunt. I sighed out loud as he first entered then started grunting like an animal as he pounded into me.

“That’s it, fuck me, fuck me,” I was shouting at him.

“Oh, I’m going to, all the men are going to fuck you slut,” he said back through gritted yellow teeth.

As he banged away all the other men had moved to the front, a lot of them on the stage watching and waiting their turn. The women had moved up also and were shouting abuse at me and urging all the men to fuck the cum slut legless, bore out her holes with their cocks good. The fat guy was now grunting hard and was about to shoot his load.



With a last lunge he emptied his sack up my cunt and over my belly. Then withdrawing and putting his smelly cock to my lips telling me to clean his cock off. I hungrily took him in and licked and sucked until all traces of cum and dirt had been cleaned from it, then went down to his ball bag and sucked and licked all around his sweaty smelly sack, sucking his balls into her mouth and up to his ass hole until all off him was clean.

By now another cock was pounding into my cunt and another man had positioned himself at the top of me. Taking hold of a handful of my hair he pulled my head to his groin, forcing his cock into my mouth until his full length was in then using my hair pulling me back and forth on to his ridged cock. I gagged and coughed a bit until I got accustomed to it then like a pro deep throated him until with a groan he emptied his full load into the back of my throat.

The second man had now shot his load into my cunt and another was fucking me. Cum was squeezing around his cock as he bored in. Another was deep throating me again. Other men were mauling and pinching my tits and nipples making them large and red. After those had emptied their seed into me, I got onto my hands and knees and crawled to another group and told them to fuck my ass. An old guy of about sixtyfive was the first in the queue and shoved his old cock up my ass hole after spitting a large amount of gooey spit on it to lubricate it.

“Oh yes, I like my ass being fucked hard,” I said.

The old guy said he hadn’t had a whore with a good piece of ass like this for a long time.

“Fuck it good then. Destroy my fucking asshole then you old bastard,” I shouted at him.

He soon shot his load into me ass then ordered me to suck all the mixture from my ass off his cock. I buried my face into his crutch and sucked the mess off him. His stale piss smelling pubic hair buried against my face as I sucked on his old cock, as I was again being fucked up my ass.

“Lets triple fuck the slut,” somebody shouted out.

A man positioned himself under me and I sat astride him buring his cock deep up my cunt. Another roughly pushed me down until my tits were squashed on his chest, he then pushed his cock up my ass. My final hole was filled as a real fat dirty smelly guy pushed his cock into my mouth until my face was squashed against the folds of sweaty fat of his stomach. I wrinkeled my nose as the smell from him invaded my nostrils, but I still took him in fully has he pulled my head to his groin by my hair. I made loud slurping noises as I sucked him. The other two were now ploughing into my ass and cunt both burying their cocks to the hilt up my holes at the same time. Sometimes they would shove both their cocks into my cunt or ass at the same time.

Chas could see I was in heaven having all these men fuck me. Being naked and having my body used and violated, being humiliated in front of an audience of men and other women. I heard a loud crack and felt a sharp pain, I cried out. Some of the men were slapping my ass. My ass cheeks must of been glowing red with hand prints all over them from the slapping they got.

“Use this on the slut,” a woman shouted, as she threw a thin leather belt on to the stage.

One of the men picked it up and began to whip my ass cheeks with it. I cried out with every sting of the leather but my cries were soon stifled with another hard cock being shoved in my wanting mouth.

About another five times I was tripled fucked when a group of the women got on stage and roughly turned me back over onto my back.

“Let’s have some fun with the slag as well guys’” one of them said.

I was then subjected to an hour of humiliation by these women as they wanked me off with bottles, chair legs and whatever other objects they could find to abuse my cunt or ass with. They fisted me ramming their hands up my cunt way past their wrists and slapped and whipped my cuntand tits. The other women who had stripped over the night sat on my face and I made them all cum nibbling on their clits and licking their holes, poking my tongue up as far up their cunt and assholes as I could as they ground their smelly musty cunts down on to my mouth and face. A couple of them even pissed as they were sat on me, showering me with their warm piss.

They made me crawl around the stage and then lick up any cum that had gone on the floor. I licked up every last drop. “That’s it, you dirty fucking cunt, lick it all up or we will have to whip your ass again, “they shouted at me. But still some cracked the belt on my ass for fun as I crawled around causing yelps from me as they did. They had me crawl over to men who stuck their ass in my face. The women then ordered me to lick all the assholes, telling me to make sure I stuck my tounge up as far as I could.

Finally, the women had finished with me, and handed me back to the men to get some more use out of me. I was laying there groaning on the dirty stage, my naked ravaged body covered in red marks and cum, my cunt gapping wide from all the objects and cocks that had been using it and cum dribbling from it. My ass hole couldn’t of looked much better. I was once again dragged along the stage and off onto the even dirtier floor of the bar through the stale beer and mess that was on it where I was repeatedly fucked at least another ten or more times as I just lay there letting these fat, smelly, dirty old and young men use me. Empty their cum into and onto me, use me as a receptacle for their gratification, a cum bucket. Then after either have me suck them clean or wipe their dirty slimy smelly cocks in my hair. The women stood around spitting on me and slapping my face and tits.

With all the men and women in the room now having fucked me, they all stood around me. Looking down at this piece of naked trash that was a married women. Chas was among them, watching me rub all the cum, spit, and stale beer into my tits, fingering my cunt and licking the cum of my fingers. “Fucking hell, this slag is one piece of dirty cunt,” a man said.

“Yea, lets wash some of the dirt off the piss whore shall we,” Another said.

A guy behind the bar shouted to take the cunt outside as he did not want piss all over the floor to clean up. I was grabbed by the hair and dragged out side into the alley where I was then dumped onto a pile of trash by some bins. All the men then unzipped their trousers and jeans and began to piss all over my body. It poured down over me, splashing on my tits, little pools of it in my belly button.

“Hey slut open your legs and mouth, let the men piss into your filthy cunt and mouth, taste it you whore.” a women shouted.

I spread my legs, and held my cuntlips open, and opened my mouth. Piss sprayed into my open cunt washing cum from out of it, while lots of jets were aimed at my mouth. I swallowed hard filling filling belly with piss adding to all the cum I had also swallowed. I saw some of the women pissing and spitting into an empty jar they had found then got several of the men to wank, piss, and spit into it as well. One man pushed his cock into my mouth then pissed when he did so. I swallowed fast but still loads spilled from around it, running down my cheeks onto my tits and dripping from my nipples.

After all the men had emptied their bladders over her, the women took the jar full of their piss and the men’s cum and held it to my mouth.

“Drink this, you dirty filthy cum slut, Or we’ll whip the shit out of you,” they said.

I took the jar and emptied it into my mouth, swallowing every drop then licking the jar.

“UUMMMMM, that quenched my thirst,” I said, licking my lips.

“Fucking hell, never seen such a dirty whore, and I’ve seen a few, a bearded guy said.

With everybody having finished with the slut some started wandering back into the club or off to their vehicles leaving me lying there in a large pool of piss. My body glistening with piss and my hair soaked in it. A group of about six bums who lived in the alley way had been watching all this were stood a little way back. A couple of the men shouted over to them that if they wanted a piece of this slags ass to come and get it if they did not mind the mess she was in. They run over. Of course they did not mind, they probably hadn’t seen or had a women for a long time, especially a naked ,nympho one at that, and they weren’t worried about the mess as they were filthier than her.

I was dragged by them from the alley through the mud onto the waste ground where I was held down as the bums fed their filthy cocks into my holes. Even now I still wanted cock even these disgusting unwashed ones and I sucked and licked all of their cocks after they had fucked my cunt and ass. Chas along with several of the crowd from the club watched these men pounding my ass as I was lay face down in the dirt. As they pulled my head up viciously by my hair as they pummelled my ass and cunt. Watched as I was turned over onto my back, my legs open wide wrapped around their waist or over their shoulders as I was fucked hard in this position. The men biting and slavering on my tits and nipples, kissing me, pushing their tongues into my mouth so I could taste their foul breath.

Chas had noticed through out the evening several men videoing all the action and were still recording it now. I saw him walk over to them and asked if he could have a copy of the finished tape. He told me later that they were selling them at fifty pounds each, but as it was his whore who was making them the money he could have one for nothing and to call back at the club in a few days for it, and to bring the slut with him as they added we can give her another good time, they laughed. “Maybe I will,” he said he had replied, grinning.

All the bums were spent now and wandered back to their makeshift homes in the alley way leaving me lying there panting. The others had gone back into the club leaving us alone. Chas walked over to me and helped me up. I was unsteady on my feet which was of no surprise from the fucking I had received for the last several hours.

“Fuck Kathy, better get you home for a bath you smell pretty bad now. Hope this as cured your craving for stripping and fucking for a while,” Chas said to me.

“Only for a while,” I said laughing.

“Fuck, you are a slut luv, but I love you,” Chas said and gave me a long passionate kiss. “You wait by the bike; I’ll go and see if I can find your clothes. he said.

I waited while Chas went back in but after about ten minutes all he had found was my now very badly torn skirt.

“Sorry love, this is all I could find, fuck knows where your top and panties are or your jacket. Oh found your helmet though,” He said to me handing it to me.

I took the skirt. It was torn into several pieces.

“Fucking lot of good this is,” I said and threw it into the pile of rubbish.

With that I put my helmet on and climbed on the bike.

“You’ll just have to take me home like this,” I said with a sparkle in my eyes.

“Christ I hope we don’t get stopped,” Chas replied as we rode off.

Chas picked up the video three days later like they said. He hadn’t taken me, but had promised them he would take me back in a week or so,s time, so they could fuck the shit out of me again. I said fair enough, as we settled down to watched me perform. It was hard to believe it was me on the screen taking on all those men, doing all those sex acts and being humiliated as much now we were sat at home together, but it was. Of course I wanted a good fucking afterwards as I was so turned on by it. By the end of the night Chas was half dead, but hell he and I had enjoyed it. It was one hell of a lot of fun being married to a slut he told me

My Affair

My name is Heather, I’m 30 years old and I have a secret. I’ve recently had an affair. Well to be honest, it was more of a fling than an affair, but it still involved cheating on my husband. I’ve never cheated on him before and now that I’ve sampled what another man can give me, I can safely say I’m not likely to do so again. I don’t regret what I’ve done at all, I just need to tell someone what I’ve done, get it off my chest so to speak. Let me explain.

I met my husband, David, when I was 19. David is a couple of months older than me. We got married when we were both 23. We’ve been together for 11 years and married, happily, for 7.

I had a number of boyfriends before David but he was the first that I ever slept with. This isn’t to say that I never gave any of my previous boyfriends any action, not at all!

I’d been going out with boys since I was 13, although in those days it was nothing more than kissing and the odd fumble with all our clothes on. When I was 15 I met Steve. He was 17 and was the first “man” to see me naked. He taught me the joys of erotic massage and oral sex, both giving and receiving. In the year we spent together I learned and perfected all the skills that my subsequent boyfriends, David included, have enjoyed. I experienced the full range of sexual activities, learning to take delight in the differences of style and technique. The only thing I never did was fuck any of them.

Why? I don’t know. Some romantic notion of saving myself for Mr. Right? Seems unlikely since I was happy to do everything else. Anyway, if that was the case, then David was certainly Mr. Right!

We’d been together about 6 months when I surrendered my somewhat dubious virginity to him. We were at his flat and had spent hours pleasuring each other with our hands, lips and tongues. Kissing and caressing, licking and sucking. David has always loved my skill when it comes to giving fantastic blow-jobs. He claims that I give the best he’s ever had and often teases me about my “training.” From the start we’ve always been completely honest about our sexual experiences.

David had his face buried in my pussy and had just eaten me to a massive orgasm. I was still trembling as he moved his body up mine to hold me in his arms. I love the closeness of being held as my body slowly recovers from a cataclysmic release. He began to kiss me and I could taste my pussy on his lips. As we kissed my hands sought out his cock which was hard and fully recovered from releasing an earlier load of cum into my eager mouth.

I stroked it absently, marveling, as I always do, at the effect I have on it. Slowly, I began to tease myself with its head, sliding it up and down the length of my wet pussy. Everything felt so right as, unconsciously, I began guiding the tip towards my waiting hole.

Without any hesitation, David took his cue and slowly began to slide his cock into me. I bit my lower lip as inch by delicious inch pushed its way deep inside me, stretching me, filling me completely until his cock was buried to the hilt inside my pussy.

We lay there, motionless for a while, savouring the feeling of our bodies joined together for the first time. I gripped his cock with my pussy as we lay there, kissing deeply. Then, ever so slowly, David began to move. His cock began to move in and out. I sighed with pleasure as his cock worked its way in and out.

David began to increase his pace and my hips began to move, rising up to meet each thrust of his cock, our bodies moving in a harmonious counter beat. A warm glow spread over me as his body moved, both on top of mine and inside mine, pinning me to the bed.

Yet again, David increased his pace. His cock was pounding into my pussy, his balls slapped against me with every thrust. I brought my knees up and took him in deeper, gripping him tightly with my pussy. We fucked at an ever more furious pace for several minutes until David’s breathing became more and more strained. “I’m going to cum,” he said in a hoarse whisper. I closed my eyes and nodded, caught up in the sensations, then suddenly I felt his cock begin to twitch violently inside me as it emptied its load of hot, sticky cum deep inside my pussy.

David collapsed on top of me and we lay there, holding each other close. Whilst David had cum, I hadn’t. That didn’t detract anything from how much I enjoyed it. In fact I seldom cum from being fucked alone. I need the more direct attention of a tongue or finger on my clit.

Since then, sex between us has always been fantastic, even after the 11 years we’ve been together, I still feel the same excitement that I felt the very first time. So why did I have an affair? It’s not that I don’t love David, I do! I probably love him even more now than I did all those years ago. I’m also certain that David has never cheated on me, so why did I do it? The answer, I guess, is fairly simple. No matter how fulfilled David makes me, and believe me he does, there’s one thing he couldn’t give me and that was the feeling of another man’s cock inside me. Why should this bother me when David is everything I want? I don’t really know. I guess there was a simple longing to see if it would feel different. As I said earlier, I’d had plenty of boyfriends and I’d been pretty adventurous with them but only David had ever fucked me. As the years we spent together went by I felt a kind of “regret” for all those wasted opportunities. I convinced myself that if I’d gone all the way with even a couple of my previous boyfriends I’d appreciate what I had with David even more.

Despite this, I never really intended to do anything about it. I was more than happy with what I had and the idea of letting myself be picked up by a complete stranger for a one night fling was completely against my nature. So how did it come about that I had an affair?

Well the answer boils down to a chance series of circumstances. My work means that occasionally I have to travel to different offices around the country. “It” happened on my last trip, just a couple of months ago. My company has an office in Dublin and I had to spend a week there, meeting up with my colleagues from that office. I flew there on Sunday afternoon and would be home on the Friday, getting put up, as usual in some fancy hotel. The first few days passed uneventfully. It was Thursday, as I was going for my evening meal that I bumped into Roy.

Roy and I had worked together several years ago and we’d been pretty good friends. Nothing underhand, just pals. He’d left about two years ago to take up a job in London and I hadn’t seen him since. He joined me for dinner and afterwards asked me if I’d join him for a drink. I said yes as I thought It’d be nice to actually have someone I knew to chat to for a change.

Conversation at first consisted of the usual formalities. We chatted about old times, exchanged gossip about old friends and acquaintances and generally had a good laugh. Roy had always been an easy going person, very friendly, we’d always got on well. Finally he told me that he was going to be emigrating to Australia soon. His marriage had broken up and this was an opportunity to make a fresh start. I think it was then that I sensed that this could be my chance, although I didn’t know what to do about it. I liked Roy, so it wouldn’t be a stranger, he was leaving to start a new life in another country, so it could never be serious. I was getting turned on just thinking about it. The problem was that I didn’t know how to make a move.

The problem solved itself near the end of the evening. We’d been in the bar for about three hours and I was a little merry. My heart almost sank when Roy told me he’d had a lovely evening but was going to have to retire for the night. I resigned myself to the fact that my chance had come and gone.

He stood up to go and I stood up to kiss him goodnight. It was just a brief peck. A kiss between friends was all it was really meant to be. Our lips touched, parted then were together again. We kissed deeply and I knew I couldn’t let this pass me by. Our lips separated and we looked at each other, there was a longing in his eyes that matched my mood. I simply nodded and without a word he led me back to his room.

The door closed behind us and our lips met again. As our tongues explored each other’s mouths our hands struggled with each other’s clothes, pulling, tugging, shedding them carelessly on the floor. Roy was already hard. I stroked his cock lightly as we kissed, then I pushed him against the wall and dropped to my knees in front of him. I ran my tongue up the length of his cock, stroking it, as I did, with one hand whilst gently playing with his balls with the other. I kissed and licked my way up and down his shaft, covering it in a fine film of saliva. I opened my lips and slowly took him into my mouth.

Roy began to murmur softly as my lips began to glide up and down the length of his cock. I sucked him eagerly, changing my pace frequently between fast and slow, hard and gentle. As I sucked I gently teased the area between his balls and his arse causing his hips to buck, forcing more of his cock into my mouth.

Roy’s hands were on my head, pushing me on to his cock. I slid him out of my mouth and ran my tongue round the head of his cock, round and round, swirling one way then the other. Then I took him into my mouth again.

I was vaguely aware of Roy saying things like, “Oh God. That feels so good.” and “Go on, suck me harder you little bitch.,” as my lips worked there way relentlessly up and down his pole. He was losing himself to the sensations I was giving him and I was loving every minute of it. I always get turned on enormously when men start talking dirty to me as I suck them. It gives me a feeling of power over them.

As I sucked I began to wank him; my fingers and lips meeting midway along the length of his cock. I could feel it begin to throb as my fingers pounded his shaft. I could taste the pre-cum dribbling from the end.

Roy’s hips began to buck uncontrollably. “Oh Heather!” he cried, “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum in your sweet little fuckin’ mouth! I’m gonna fill your mouth with my cum!”

My hand jerked furiously on his cock, my lips slid back until only the head was in my mouth. I gave one final suck and then Roy exploded. A huge spurt of hot, sticky cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed rapidly as a second and a third followed. His cock slid from between my lips as two more jets took me full in the face. I gulped down his cum, licking my lips a the final few spurts landed on my tits. I sat back as Roy sagged to the floor. I wiped his cum from my face then rubbed it into the skin of my tits. Finally I licked my fingers clean then turned my attention to his semi-erect dick, licking the last drops of cum that oozed from the end. I stood up, gave Roy my hand and led him over to the bed.

We lay down. Within seconds Roy was kissing me. He kissed me lightly on the lips, working his way down my neck and shoulders, driving me wild with desire. I moaned as he started to kiss and lick my tits.

With a circular motion, starting at the outside and working in to the nipple, he licked each in turn, making the skin slick with his saliva.

I sighed as his hands slid over my wet skin. My tits are quite large, firm and very, very sensitive. Roy pushed them together, teasing my nipples between his thumb and fingers.

“Mmm,” I moaned, as he gently teased each nipple with his teeth. “Aahh!” I gasped as he pushed my tits together and rapidly licked from side to side. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming as he sucked as much of each tit as he could into his mouth and flicked the nipple with his tongue. I was caught up in the ecstasy of having my tits licked and squeezed, sucked and caressed.

With a final kiss he left my tits and moved down. Roy parted my legs, dropped his head to my pussy and ran his tongue lightly along its length. His tongue lapped at my swollen clit sending bolts of pleasure coursing through my body. His tongue parted my pussy lips and gently probed into my soaking hole.

Roy’s tongue lapped in and out, the sensations in my pussy grew stronger. My legs were over his shoulders and Roy reached up to play with my tits as his tongue continued to explore my cunt.

Roy’s hands squeezed and teased my nipples as his tongue concentrated on my clit. I pushed my tits together as he worked on my nipples.

“Harder!” I moaned. “Squeeze my tits and lick me harder! Fuck me with your tongue. Go on fuck me!” I yelled as the sensations began to take over.

My hips were thrusting uncontrollably as Roy franticly licked and sucked on my clit. I felt my self slipping over the edge.

“Oh yes, oh yes, mmm YES!!” I cried as I came, clutching at Roy’s hair, pushing his face harder against my throbbing pussy.

As wave after wave of orgasmic bliss pulsed through me Roy’s tongue continued to lick and probe my lower reaches. My whole body was aflame as my orgasm continued to mount. Suddenly I was shaking uncontrollably. “OOOOHHH YESSSS!!” I screamed as a second, stronger climax tore through me. “AAHH!” I moaned, then I knew I needed Roy’s cock inside me.

“Stop,” I begged. “I want your cock. Fuck me.,” I pleaded. “Fuck me, I want your cock inside me. I want to feel you inside me. Fuck me, Fuck me please.” I was desperate to have him.

Roy moved up on top of me. He kissed me and his cock began to press at the entrance of my pussy. He tried to tease me but I was having none of it. I reached down between my legs, grabbed his fully engorged cock and swiftly guided it into me. “Ooohh,” I gasped as inch by delicious inch Roy slid into me, filling me totally. I brought my knees up to let him in deeper. Roy began to thrust and I tightened my pussy around what was only the second cock that had ever been inside it.

Roy quickly found his pace. His cock pumped in and out of my pussy and I dug my fingers into the cheeks of his arse, forcing him in deeper. In and out he slid with long, slow, deliberate strokes. My own hips thrust against his and my pussy contracted against his length.

We rolled over. I leaned forward, thrusting my tits into Roy’s face as I slid up and down his cock. I cried out as he took my tits in his hands and started to play with them. He raised his head and began to suck, slowly taking each one deep into his mouth.

Then Roy’s hands were on my hips, slowly lifting me up and down his cock. I slid up until only the very tip was still inside me. I held there for a moment the slammed my pussy back down his pole, impaling myself on it. At the bottom of each stroke I gripped him tightly. Up and down, my hips moved to a beat of their own. In and out, Roy’s cock filling and stretching me. I was riding him for all I was worth while he continued to lick and suck my tits.

We rolled over again. Roy shifted position slightly, pinning me to the bed. His hips thrust at an ever faster pace. “Oohh yes!” I sighed. “Harder! Harder! Fuck me harder. You feel so good inside me. Fuck me! Fuck me!” I was screaming obscenities at him, urging him on. I can’t help myself. When I’m aroused I just have to talk dirty, it adds to the sensations.

Roy was breathing hard. I wrapped my legs round his back, grabbing his arse with my hands, pushing him in deeper and deeper. Roy’s cock slammed into me with all the force he could muster. “I’m cumming.,” he cried, “I gonna cum inside you.”

“Fill me.,” I replied, “Fill me with your cum.”

Roy pulled back, his cock almost slipping out of me then he thrust, a long, hard, powerful thrust. His balls slapped against me, his cock twitched inside me and then I felt his hot, sticky cum exploding inside me. He thrust again and another jet of cum erupted from his cock, again and again he thrust, his body shaking on the verge of exhaustion as his cock spewed load after load of cum deep inside my aching cunt. Roy collapsed on top of me and we lay there just holding each other. I felt euphoric, knowing that at last I’d finally learned what another man’s cock inside me felt like, but also knowing that despite it all I still loved David more than anything.

I left shortly afterwards, knowing that in the morning Roy would be gone, soon to depart for another country. I felt a mild regret. Not at what I’d done but at the thought that it would never be repeated. Roy had been fantastic, not better than David, just different. I lay in my bed and brought myself off with my fingers before falling into a dream filled slumber.

I was in a state of high arousal the whole way home the next day. I literally threw myself on David the moment I got home. We fucked with an intensity that we’d never known, my body still charged from the night before.

It’s now almost three months since that night. I haven’t told David about it. Despite the fact that I love him dearly and don’t want anyone else, I don’t think that he’d understand. We’re even closer now than we were before although sometimes I fantasise about that night when I’m with him.

So have I really been unfaithful? Sure I’m married and I had my brains fucked out by another man, but enjoyable as it was it was, to use an old cliché, just sex. I needed to get it out in the air, so there you go. Maybe some day David will find this site and read this story and then he’ll know. I never want to hurt him. At the end of the day I wanted to find something out and now I have. Is it any different from the women he fucked before he met me? We experimented in a different order that’s all. Now that I have, as I said earlier, I’m pretty sure I won’t have to again. I know when I’m on to a good thing.

Poker Night Slut

It was my night to host our monthly poker game. I decided to make it a special night for my submissive wife. She dearly loves to show her sexy body and to have more than one cock fuck her.

First, a little bit about my wife and I. Her name is Helen and she is 28 years old. Her long blond hair falls to the middle of her back and frames a very pretty, innocent looking face. She has blue eyes that smolder with lust when she is flashing her body or worshiping a penis. Long thick pink nipples centered in large aureoles that are a lighter pink color top her large 38D breasts. An intense workout schedule keeps her waist slim and tight. A firm round ass and flaring hips flow gracefully into sleek shapely legs. I am Tom and am 31. I work out regularly and am in decent shape.

Helen is submissive and I am her Master. Her body is mine to enjoy. I love to show her off any way I can. The card game provided a wonderful opportunity to let us both have some fun. I was sure she would enjoy serving as “Hostess Slut” for the card game.

As directed, she wearing a tight white tank top over a tiny red half-bra, her erect nipples were pressed into her top, a very short skirt that came to just below her pussy, a tiny see-though red thong that barely covered her clean shaven pussy. A pair of 5″ platform heels completed her come fuck me outfit.

The guys became arriving for the game. Alan arrived first and received a welcoming hug from the hostess. He kissed her cheek and casually slid his hand up her skirt to squeeze her ass. Joe, Ted and Greg received similar greetings when they arrived, each taking an opportunity to fondle Helen.

We sat down at the table, talking amiably about sports and politics. Our hostess got beers for everyone and set out a tray of sandwiches before perching on a stool next to my chair and crossing her long, smooth legs. We played for about an hour with Helen getting more beer and snacks as needed. When I felt the time was right I had her stand next to me and announced that the next hand would have a special prize for the winner. He would sit out the following hand to help Helen remove her top. He would then get to play with her juicy tits outside of her bra for the remainder of that hand.

Everyone anted up and the cards were dealt. I looked at my hand and saw a pair of Kings and a pair of 8’s with the 5 of spades. We bet and discarded. To be sure I got to watch some one else play with my sub wife, I threw away a King and an 8. After the replacements were dealt we bet again and Ted won with Queens and 10’s.

We all watched Helen stroll over to Ted and sit down on his lap. His hands grabbed the bottom of her tank top and yanked it over her head and off. We went back to the game as he cupped and fondled her firm tits through the skimpy bra.

Ted rejoined the game for the next hand. Helen served more beer and food. Every one was sneaking peeks at her bra-encased tits as we played. I could tell that no one was paying a lot of attention the game so I started the second special hand. This time the winner would remove her skirt, then play with her pussy through her panties during the next hand.

That brought everyone’s focus back to the game for one hand anyway. I again broke up a good hand to let some one else fondle her. Alan won this hand with a full house and Helen strutted over to stand next to him. He grabbed the zipper on her skirt, pulled it down and let it fall to the floor. She casually stepped out of the circle of cloth on the floor and spread her legs to give him complete access to her cunt. He rubbed his fingers on the crotch panel of her thong, causing a small moan.

The game quickly resumed. All the guys were eager for the next special game. Only a couple hands later, I announced that the next winner got to remove her bra and play with her bare tits. Ted must have had some cosmic link to Helen’s breasts because he won again. Helen climbed on his lap again and helped him make short order of getting rid of her bra.

We started the next hand while Ted fondled her tits and made her squeal in delight by pinching her nipples. When Ted rejoined the game I told Helen, still wearing her thong and heels, to get under the table. She was to start sucking Joe’s cock, since he won the last pot. After each hand she was to move to the new winner and suck his cock.

We played about 10 more hands with Helen licking each winner’s cock and balls. This time I played straight and enjoyed my wife’s talented mouth a couple of times. I mentally kept track and it seemed like Greg had not gotten his dick licked. His luck had not been very good all night. He had won a couple of small pots but none that earned a special prize.

For the final hand the winner got to remove her thong and keep it or play with her smooth pussy for 3 minutes. I was hoping Greg would win, but the cards were not helping. Joe won again and Helen stood next to him as he slid her thong down her legs, grabbing his shoulder for balance as she stepped out of it. He pulled her onto his lap and began stroking her shaved pussy.

I looked at Helen and saw the lustful look on her face. Her eyes were glassy and full of heat. She had been fondled and played with all night and wanted to cum desperately.

After Joe’s 3 minutes with her pussy were up I helped her back to he stool. While we counted our chips and cashed in I told the guys that the low man would get a blowjob from Helen and the high man would be the first to fuck her. I went on to tell them that they had to use condoms to fuck her pussy or ass, but could fuck her mouth without one. They were allowed to cum in her mouth, on her body or in a large mug sitting on the table.

As I thought, Greg was the loser for the night. Helen lay on the table on her back, her legs wide spread. Moving to the end of the table she let her head hang over the end and signaled Greg into position. He dropped his pants and placed his cock on her lips. She slowly licked the head before planting a kiss on it. She opened her mouth and Greg pushed his cock in. The rest of us watched and fondled her tits, ass and cunt while she sucked. Greg began slowly pumping his hips, sliding his cock deeper in her mouth. One of Helen’s hands climbed up his leg to tickle his balls, the other on his hip, pulling in harder and deeper. Her body was moving all over the table as we touched her. Greg’s breath was coming in short, loud gasps. Helen knew he was close and pulled off his cock to moan, “Give me your cum! Please cum in my mouth!” He pushed deeper and began pumping cum down her throat.

As soon as Greg’s cock slipped from her mouth Helen sat up and cried, “Come on you guys! Fuck me! Give me all your hot sweet cum!” Ted, the big winner crawled up on the table and between her thighs. She took his hard cock in hand and guided it to her slick cunt. Ted slammed forward, driving his cock deep inside her. She wailed with pleasure as his cock filled her pussy. He pounded her pussy with his hard cock. Their cries and moans filled the room. Soon they both screamed through their orgasms.

I pulled Helen off the table, telling Joe to lay on his back on the floor. Helen stood over him, on foot on either side. Taking her by the shoulder, I lowered her over Joe’s cock. Her wet pussy easily slipped over his cock. Once she had him completely in her cunt, I told Alan to fuck her ass. She wailed in ecstasy as his hard cock drove into her hot ass. Her cries of pleasure were muffled when I pressed my cock on her lips and into her mouth. Greg and Ted got on each side of her and had her pump their cocks in her hands.

The orgy continued on into the night with Helen encouraging us to fuck her again and again, harder and harder. She had a cock in her mouth, ass or pussy until we all lay on the floor totally spent. I was enjoying the sight of my well-fucked wife, cum covering her body and leaking from her ass and pussy, when I remembered the mug. Several guys couldn’t wait to cum so they shot into it. I handed it to Helen and said with a smile, “Here is your slut cocktail. Enjoy it, you earned it.”

We both loved that night of sex and poker. The only problem is now the guys want to have Poker Night at our house every month.