Category: public sex

Wife Supports College Football

My wife and I met in college, during the drunken party days of fraternity-sorority life. We are now in our late twenties, and we have been married for three blissful years. We have no children, as we live rather casually and are sort of putting it off. Even though we had a rather crazy and promiscuous lifestyle in college, at the time we had no idea that our real sexual adventures would really begin when we became married, full-time working adults. Now, we find this pretty ironic.

My wife Lisa is a total knockout. She’s quite a health nut, which is nice for me because she’s always tanning and working out to keep in good shape. Her breasts are not enormous, but 36C’s with a very round and natural feel, and very perky. She is 5’7″, and her abs, thighs and ass are made of steel. Some guys say they like her because she looks like she could kick their ass. One friend from college who had slept with her before we met said it was the best work-out he’s ever had. What first drew me to Lisa were her bright blue eyes which seem to just pop in comparison to her dark skin. Her dark brown hair is thin and straightened which she keeps parted and framed around her beautiful face.

I’m not exactly unattractive, I’m pretty average build-wise, and I’ve gained a few pounds since college, but I like to think I’m a good-looking guy. Deep down I know Lisa is physically attracted to more athletic types, but she loves me and only me, and I can still pleasure her better than any man, that’s for sure. In public she is the one turning heads obviously.

Although our first swinging experience was very hot, we wanted to save it for later and instead tell everyone about a really crazy night we had last weekend.

Our college football team had lost a pretty bad game, one of the first important ones of this season. We always go to home games in our normal college t-shirts and “team spirit” type clothes. Then, if we’re not too tired, we like to go home, shower and change before we hit the bars. Luckily we live near campus, so shortly after this travesty of a football game we were ready to get hammered and have some fun.

We picked the busiest and most packed bar out of the several on campus. The second we walked in, I already noticed a few of the young college boys staring at Lisa. She was wearing tight jean shorts and a sort of stylish black tank-top. She smelled absolutely amazing and I myself kept staring at her well exposed cleavage, building a rather sizeable erection I hoped to make use of later.

After two drinks sitting at the bar (which we hate), a table in the corner finally opened up and we made a dash for it. Just as we got there, a couple of guys sighed as if they were going to use the table. As we were sitting down and I noticed their disappointment, I realized who they were. All three of them were football players from our team; however they had been benched for this game. We generally don’t see football players out in public, so we were excited and told them they could join us if they like.

After several more drinks, we got to that point where we were all best friends and everyone was laughing at everything going on. As expected, the guys were flirting rather shamelessly with my wife, and complimenting me on my taste whenever she wasn’t paying attention. I got used to this a long time ago, and I’ve always been proud of her. Plus, as we had a somewhat open relationship, I was curious about where this would go.

Lisa started rubbing my thigh under the table, and it was definitely about that time. We usually can’t keep our hands off each other if we get drunk enough. She slowly ran her hand along my crotch, teasingly brushing against my cock. I leaned over and started whispering in her ear.

“Why did you dress so slutty tonight?” I asked with a grin.

She giggled and replied, “Isn’t it obvious? So that guys would want to fuck my tits.”

It was at this point that we decided to expedite the process so we could both get our rocks off. We stood up to leave, and told the guys we were going take off. They said they were leaving too and that they’d walk with us to our car.

Walking through campus, I held my wife’s hand as three large football players walked along with us as if they were our body guards. One of the guys was black, named Marcus, and the other two were white guys named Trey and Brent. They were all very good-looking and I could tell that Lisa was attracted to them.

Sort of stumbling a bit, I stopped at an alley and told the guys that nature was calling, out of nowhere I needed to relieve myself. We all walked down the alley away from the busy campus atmosphere and I went behind a dumpster to do my business. Upon returning to my companions in the alley, my heart started pounding at what I saw.

Lisa was making out with Marcus, and the other two were starting to feel her up. She looked over and saw me, whispered something to the guys, and started giggling. Immediately they picked up the pace and started to grind up against her from the front and back, as if they were gangbanging her with their clothes on.

Then my wife told them that she wanted to fool around, but she wasn’t getting naked in public. She did, however, quickly pull her top down to show the guys her breasts. She then started to sink to her knees. A true gentleman, one of the guys took his shirt off and laid it on the ground for her to kneel on.

All three guys dropped their pants like it was a race. All of a sudden my beautiful wife was on her knees in an alley, with three enormous cocks hanging in front of her, only inches from her face. They circled her for a bit, their big dicks swinging.

Marcus stepped closer so that his huge black dick was rubbing against her face. She moaned and shivered, feeling the hot meat and taking in the smell of sweat all around her. Trey and Brent were standing more closely now, and started to push their cocks towards her face too. Trey, who by far had the biggest cock, nearly nine inches, made his way to the center and stepped closer to my wife. His cock started to throb and pulse, becoming bigger and bigger, and he wasn’t even stroking it.

Lisa was now just staring at his huge cock as it was now fully erect and pointing right at her face. Her mouth dropped open, and she was completely speechless. She was absolutely in awe of his enormous dick. Letting out a muffled squeal, she grabbed for it. She wrapped her small hand around this huge thick cock, and her sparkling platinum wedding ring was in full view as I watched. Slowly stroking his cock for him, she then leaned forward and took it into her mouth.

I slowly circled the group, rubbing my cock through my pants. I started to walk closer, and from my view all I could see was the back of my wife’s head bobbing up and down towards Trey’s waist as he stood there with his hands on his hips, looking down at her. I started to walk closer, and Marcus held up his hand and said “You get her any time you want man, let us enjoy this slut for now.”

Hearing this, Lisa moaned loudly and quickened her sucking pace on Trey’s dick. The other guys were now slapping her face with their cocks as they started getting harder and harder. I continued to circle the group, watching every detail. My wife looked up adoringly at Trey with her mouth full of his cock. She was completely worshipping this dominant male as she fucked his cock with her face.

Releasing his cock from her mouth to breath, Lisa was turning flush. She unzipped her jean shorts, and started rubbing her pussy through her panties.

“Man your wife is a total slut. She loves big dicks doesn’t she?” Trey said in a deep voice.

Squealing quietly, my wife responded. “Oh I love big dicks. I love huge cocks pointed at my face. I love getting slapped by big cocks. I’m such a slut for big cocks, I’m gonna suck all of you off right in front of my husband.”

My heart continued pounding. This wasn’t our first swinging experience but it was by far the most intense at that point.

She reached out and started stroking Marcus and Brent as she resumed sucking Trey’s cock. Trey reached down, took his cock out of her mouth, and started slapping my wife’s face with it. She lowered her head to get to his big balls, and took them in her mouth, swirling her tongue around them. His big heavy balls responded to this, tightening up.

Instantly, Trey grabbed my wife by the hair and started fucking her face very roughly. “Yeah you fucking slut,” he ordered, “Suck my big dick. Show us what a good cocksucker you are.”

He continued to fuck her face, and she placed one hand underneath his cock and cupped his balls for him. She placed her other hand on his huge thigh, again her wedding ring in full view, reminding me of what I was watching.

She then started going back and forth from one cock to the other, sucking each of them a view times before moving on to the next. She looked over at me while Brent’s dick was in her cheek, she moaned and resumed sucking them all off.

Trey grabbed her by the hair, hard, and started fucking her mouth again. She continued to play with his balls, and he continued calling her a slut, whore, and nasty cocksucker.

Trey commanded, “Jack me off bitch” and pulled his cock from her mouth. She reached up with one hand, the other one still cupping his balls, and she started stroking his cock for him quickly. Working the big slab of meat with her tiny hand, she knew what was coming. Trey grunted and shook some, and he started unloading on my wife’s face. He shot huge thick streams of cum which splashed right into her pretty face. Continuing to stroke his cock and cupping his balls, she tried to give him the ultimate orgasm, and I think she did. Soon he stopped shooting, and his cock slowly hung downward, still enormous but just swinging between his legs now.

Lisa turned to Marcus who was stroking his cock while all of this was going on. She took the shirt from underneath her legs and wiped all of the cum off of her face, then returned it to the ground where she knelt on it. She looked up at Marcus with her big blue eyes, and started sucking his big black dick.

Marcus stood there with his hands behind is back, “Yeah bitch suck it” he said repeatedly. “You like sucking big dicks?”

My wife moaned, trying to say “mmm hmmm” in response as she continued working his dick with her mouth. She reached up with one hand to cup his balls, and with the other she stroked half of his cock while she continued sucking the rest. Marcus began thrusting his hips, and soon he was cumming. My wife plunged into him, taking his entire meat down her throat. As I watched, I could see her throat muscles working as she was sucking all of the cum out of his cock. Marcus nearly shouted as he emptied his load into my wife’s throat.

Marcus took his cock out of my wife’s mouth and let it hang down just like Trey’s. Brent had been jacking off furiously to all of this. Lisa finished swallowing the rest of Marcus’s cum, then turned to Brent. He immediately grabbed her tits and squeezed them around his big cock.

Lisa loves getting titty-fucked almost as much as she loves giving head. “Oh yeah, fuck my tits with that big dick of yours you hot stud.” she said as she looked up at him in her submissive manner.

Brent pulled back and started stroking his cock. As if by instinct, Lisa grabbed his balls and started playing with them. She cupped them, and tickled his taint behind them with one of her fingernails. This pushed Brent over the edge. He shot huge frozen ropes of cum on Lisa’s tits. She started shaking them back and forth for him while he unloaded. As soon as he finished, he slapped her a few times with his dick and she moaned loudly. She loved being dominated by these guys.

Without saying a word, all three guys put their pants back on and walked out of the ally. I was left behind with my gorgeous wife covered in cum after sucking off three strangers. She was still panting, and looked up at me with a sort of devilish grin.

We cleaned her up a bit and walked towards the car, my cock aching in my pants as I replayed everything I saw over and over. We were both very turned on, and she whispered in my ear, “Now let’s get home so you can fuck your slutty wife’s wet pussy.”

This was the beginning of a new chapter in our swinging lifestyle, and I couldn’t imagine what might happen next.

Highway Masturbation

My husband was away on business yet again. As is normal for us, we text back and forth trying to keep in touch. Silly little texts all morning long about how our days were going, flirting some but keeping it light as we were both pretty busy.

But somewhere around lunchtime his texts become slightly naughty. He had never done this before so it completely caught me off guard. He texted saying he missed me which is nothing new, but went on to type he missed not just me but very specific parts of me, his favorite parts of me. He described those favorite parts in great detail, the way my nipples looked all puckered up with desire, desire he caused with his hands and his mouth. The supple skin that starts on the underside of my breast and continues along my rib cage and how when he traces it with his fingertip it makes me giggle. The back of my knee and the goose bumps that a lick of his tongue can cause. My long fingers and how they softly grace his own skin.

I could not keep my eyes off the screen of the phone as I anticipated every text and they were really starting to heat me up. I only encouraged him by describing how my body was responding to his words; my nipples were stiffening and I could feel them rub against the silky material of my bra. My pussy was starting to pulsate and began moistening my panties. I was chewing on my lower lip.

This only egged him on and made his texts even dirtier. He was becoming more descriptive telling me what he now wanted to do to me. His mouth wanted to take in the hard nubs of my breasts, suck profusely until they were achingly stiff and then tease them with a flick of his tongue. His tongue desired to swirl its wetness in my belly button and then trail southward to warmer more parts. Then he wanted to take my toes in his mouth, savoring them and then softly suck until I was wiggling uncontrollably. I was starting to squirm in my chair with the pictures he was painting in my mind.

About mid afternoon, he texted that he was in a boardroom style meeting and had a raging hard on that was only being controlled by the waistband of his slacks and thankfully concealed by his sweater. He wished he could rub his palm up and down his hard cock a few times and how if we kept up this texting he was going to fly home early so he could pick me up, throw me on the bed and fuck my brains out. I envisioned him at this meeting with his pants tented and giggled.

I proceeded to text back how I wanted to walk right into that boardroom with high heels, skirt taught against my ass and nipples pricking through my blouse and my shoes clicking on hardwood flooring, kneel before him, unzip his pants, grasp his stiff cock, lick the precum then envelope his swollen purple head with my hot wet lips and let him slide down the length of my warm tongue. He could then sit back and watch my head bob up and down in his lap while he felt the pleasurable skill of my mouth on his rigid cock.

He texted me back telling me how that was making his cock twitch for my sweet pussy and he was losing concentration for the meeting right quick.

When I was finished teasing him with my oral abilities, he was going to pick me up, place me on that boardroom table, slide my skirt up my hips, tear off my panties off with his teeth, spread my legs wide and eat me like the dinner he was hungry for. He wanted to part my sopping wet pussy lips, fuck me with his tongue and fingers until I was begging for his cock. Only then would he give me the satisfaction of a good hard fuck, a slap on the ass and a quick yank of my hair.

At this point we had been texting for most of the afternoon and we so thoroughly wound each other up, my hands were shaking slightly, my heart was racing and I wasn’t able to focus my thoughts on work. Unfortunately we weren’t able to do anything about this crazy state of arousal we were in until we were backing home together in a few days.

His meeting was now finished and I needed to wrap some work up before heading home. We both texted each other about how much fun sexting was and we would certainly have to do it again but only when we could meet each other at home to finish what we started. He did ask me if I was going to do anything about my state of arousal and I said I might if I still felt horny enough when I got home.

He asked me to do him a favor. I readily agreed even without knowing what that favor might be, but knew that he wouldn’t ask me to do anything to out of the ordinary. I was a little taken aback when his favor turned out to be for me to masturbate. I explained that it would be risky at work, but he said he thought in the car was a better idea. He explained that knowing how aroused I was and knowing that I was releasing myself in sort of a public way was a huge turn on for him. I hesitantly agreed to it and that I would tell him about it later.

I was certainly nervous about our agreement. I had never done anything quite like that before yet alone in the car in the parking lot of work and in the light of day but the more I thought about it the more I really wanted to fulfill his favor. My nervous state of arousal, the anticipation of the entire afternoon and the culmination of our sexting drove me to my final decision.

When work was finally done, I walked out to my car, got in and sat there for a brief second thinking about what I was going to do, how turned on I still was and how I really was going to have absolutely no problem fulfilling his favor.

I settled into the driver’s seat, draped the shawl I was wearing that day over my shoulder and down over my knee to cover up what I was going to be doing just in case someone came along. I looked around for any watchful eyes then reached beneath the shawl, unzipped my slacks, slid my hand underneath my panties and continued even further down until my fingers touched the warm folds of my pussy. The amount of wetness there took me by surprise. I was very slippery wet indicating that our afternoon of sexting had a very powerful effect on me.

Once my fingers were there and very happy to be playing, I just sort of let my inhibitions loose and allowed my hand to take over. I plunged my middle finger deep into my pussy like an oil dipstick to draw out even more wetness so I could then smear it around and start playing with my clit. I moaned at how good I was feeling and knew it would not take me long to reach my goal and grant my husband his favor.

I was basking in the pleasure of my play and really wanted to just sit in the car until I was completely sated, but I was reminded by the mass exodus from our office building that it was Friday and I really needed to get on the road or traffic was going to be terrible. So I started up the car and with my hand still down my panties swirling my clit which was now hard and so very swollen pulled out of the parking space.

As I was driving, I could feel my body respond so strongly and knew my release was so close, I wanted it and I needed it so bad that I was hoping to catch a red light so I could stop driving for just a moment, drive my clit to orgasm quickly, and hopefully avoid an accident. But no luck there. I drove for about two miles with my hand down my pants.

My finger finally finding that spot on my clit, you know that one that takes you to an orgasm very quickly was seriously concentrating on it now, swirling in slow motion building myself up to that crest.

I finally reached that red light right before I had to get on the expressway and pressed down hard on the brake pedal with my foot. I was oblivious of the cars around me as I leaned back, closed my eyes and thought about your earlier seduction. I started panting as I envisioned his head between my legs, his warm tongue on my clit and fingers fucking my steamy pussy.

I continued stroking that spot and knew that I was only seconds away from that much needed orgasm. My face started to flush with rushing blood, the lips on my face felt hot and swollen, my nipples grew achingly hard, my hands shook a bit and then the final thought of his hand slapping my ass and that yank of my hair made me cum like a sparked explosion right there in the seat of my car.

My entire body stiffened and I actually stopped breathing for just a moment as I rode the pulsating waves of white hot orgasm out for few brief exhilarating seconds before I was forced to recover quickly as the light turned green.

I merged into traffic panting and feeling a little dizzy, but after a minute felt completely and utterly relaxed.

My Wife Is a Dirty Girl

After my in-laws arrived for a night of baby-sitting, I climbed the stairs to the second floor. My wife, Helena, was standing nude in the bathroom while blow drying her hair. She had just gotten out of the shower and left the door wide open. Fog clouded the mirror as I took in her flawless form. Two child births hadn’t done her body any wrong. Her ass was still firm, and her tits larger than when we first met. She smiled at me as I entered the bathroom.

“I see you left the door wide open for me.”

“In more ways than one,” she replied. I put my arms around her and kissed her on the back of the neck, the blow dryer whipped her blond locks into my face like strings of spaghetti. She turned off the blow dryer as my cock grew hard in my jeans. She spun around and we found each other’s tongues. “That’s nice,” she commented.

We continued kissing as I pressed my body against her nude form. I reached down and cupped her cheeks in my hands and separated them a bit so one of my middle fingers could tease her anus. “Whatta you doing?”

“Hopefully making you wet.”

“You’re succeeding.”

“Remember how we used to fuck in your parent’s house down in the basement? They’d be sound asleep upstairs while I’d twisted you more ways than a treacherous highway.”

“Yes, those were hot days.”

“I think it used to turn you on; getting laid while your parents were in the house.”

“Hmmm, you know me too well.”

“Yep, their good little girl getting fucked, sucking cock, and just a few feet away.”

“Stop. You know I’m a good girl.”

“No you’re not. You’re a naughty girl. A dirty girl. In fact, you’re gonna get down on your knees and suck your husband’s cock right now.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t, my parents are down stairs.”

“C’mon dirty girl, suck my cock.” Helena playfully smiled. This was turning her on big time. This was our little game. She was the second of three children and definitely her parent’s favorite. She always brought home good grades and never stayed out late. She was a virgin when I met here, and my hammer is the only tool that’s entered her lovely tool box. But deep down, she’s always wanted to be a bad girl, the naughty daughter, sucking cock and getting fucked, especially while her parents are in the house.

Helena dropped to her knees and pulled my boner out of my pants. She licked playfully at the pink tip as she looked up at me. “Even though I’m doing this, I’m a good girl, right? she said.

“No, no you’re not, you’re a bad girl and you know it. Suck that cock you little slut,” I instructed.

“Not so loud, my parents will hear you,” she said in between gulps of my wood. “What would they think?”

“Their sweet, innocent Helena is just a slut who loves cock. C’mon dirty girl, suck that dick. That’s it, all the way down. You’re such a good cock sucker. All the way down, slut. Mmm, that’s nice.”

Helena was working her dripping hole as her head moved back and forth on my helmet headed soldier. She was jerking it off into her mouth as her hand worked the welcoming confines of the pink palace between her legs.

Suddenly her father called up from the bottom of the stairs. He wanted to know my beeper number in case they needed to reach us in an emergency. I told it to him with my cock in his daughter’s mouth. Helena was moaning loudly. It was a major turn-on.

I reached down and removed my cock from between her lips. I started pumping my dick in her face as my wife knelt before me frigging her snatch. I slapped my seven inch rod all over her lips and cheeks as she masturbated in front of me. “Hurry up and come you little slut so I can fuck you. Your parents have such a slutty daughter. I’m gonna bang you right on top of the sink. Moan for me dirty girl,” I instructed, and soon Helena was gushing girlie jiz all over her tired hand. She quickly jumped up and took a seat on the vanity.

“You’re gonna fuck your dirty girl?”

“Of course, that’s what you want; to get fucked while your parents are down stairs. Too bad they don’t know what a whore their daughter is.”

“No, I’m good,” Helena protested, but willingly spread her legs to her neatly trimmed, blond cunt.

“No you’re not. You’re a dirty girl. You just love cock and wanna get fucked, right?”

“No, I’m good, but I do wanna get fucked.”

“No, you’re bad, you’re a dirty girl,” I told her as I slipped my pole inside her. She yelped and lifted her ass off the vanity while wrapping her arms around my neck, meeting each thrust of my growing cock with a slap of her thighs against mine.

“Am I a dirty girl?”

“Of course you are. You’re getting fucked while your parents are down stairs.”

“Ohh,” she sighed heavenly. Her pussy was slick and moist; her excitement sweeping her away to places where she only dreamed of these decadent desires.

“C’mon dirty girl, fuck this cock. You’re such a bad, bad, girl.”

“No, I’m good, I’m a good girl.”

“No way, Helena, you’re a little slut, and you know it.” There was silence. “Aren’t you?” I repeated.

“Yes,” I’m a dirty girl. She said as we both watched my cock disappear into her eager slit. “You know how bad you are?”

“How bad am I?”

“When I come, you’re gonna drop to your knees and take my load in your mouth and swallow it down like a dirty girl would. Your parents may think you’re a good girl, but I know you’re a cunt.”

“I’m a cunt. A big cunt.”

“Yes you are. Get ready for my load you dirty girl.” I pulled my cock from Helena’s sopping pussy as she jumped from atop the sink. I pushed her down on her knees while jerking my tool off in her pretty face, her mouth wide open like a hungry whore in a porno movie, eager for me to fill it with ropes of my sex syrup. “Ready you little cunt?”

“Yes, please come in my mouth. Come in your whore’s mouth.”

“I’m gonna come in your mouth while your parents are down stairs. They don’t know their daughter is such a slut, do they?”


“But you are.”

“I am.”

“You’re what? Say it.”

“I’m a whore.”

“You’re a dirty girl,” I pressed.

“Yes, I’m a dirty girl.”

“You’re a cunt.”

“I’m a cunt,” she repeated as I blew my love lava in her mouth. She held her tongue out and I shot lines that found the back of her throat and bounced off her uvula. Sweat was glistening off her tits as I continued to spray semen all over her pretty features, leaving her face covered in a layer of my man milk. She looked up at me and smiled while licking the cream from the corners of her mouth.

“You’re such a good whore,” I commented and she smiled broadly.

Girlfriend Likes To Dance

I’m writing today to relay a situation that happened to me exactly two month ago. That night I was going out with my girlfriend. There wasn’t anything unusual about that. We would usually go out at least one or two nights during the week or weekend. We were planning on going to our local pub and hanging with the regular crowd.

I arrived at my girlfriends place and she was already to go. My girlfriend stands 5’7″ and weighs 120lbs with very shapely legs a very thin waist and perfect B cup titties. She is a knockout in her short skirts and tight mid drift tops. Tonight was no exception. She had on a very short tight skirt that didn’t even reach her mid thighs and a nice tight top that showed the perfect shape of her chest and left her belly exposed. Her outfit was capped off with a small pair of 3 inch spiked heals. Damn I loved the way she dressed.

We made it to the local watering hole and settled in at the bar for a few drinks. After and hour or two we both were feeling no pain and my girlfriend decided she would like to go somewhere to dance. Knowing that I don’t dance this subject would come up once in a while and we would have it out. This night I didn’t feel like fighting so I gave in and told her that it sounded like fun. So off we went.

We ended up at one of the more popular night clubs and this night was no exception. There must have been five hundred people in this place. I was surprised we were able to make it in with just a minimal wait. Once inside it was wall-to-wall people. Everyone was bumping into everyone else. We followed the flow until we worked are way around the dance floor and just when I thought we were going to have to stand all night the booth next to us was empting out. It looked like the couple sitting in it were having a disagreement and they cleared out. My girlfriend and I scored the booth. So there we were sitting facing the crowded dance floor and I was wondering how long it would take for me to get another drink.

The bar waitress arrived fairly soon and I ordered a couple of drinks each. The music was very loud and the lights were low with flickering strobes. My girlfriend was getting into the scene dancing in her place itching to get out on the floor. I told her I’d better wait for the drinks so we don’t loose our booth. She was good with that. Before our drinks made it to the table a big black guy approached and asked if he could dance with my date. I looked at my girlfriend and she seemed to want to go so I gave the go ahead and he reached one of his huge pawls out and my girlfriend laid her very small hand in his mitt. This guy led her to the floor and as he walked it was like the sea of people parted just from the pure presence of the guy. He towered over my girlfriend by almost a foot. 

The drinks showed up just as my girlfriend made it to the dance floor. I paid the waitress and had a drink then looked to the floor to see what was happening. That place may have been dark but it was easy to spot that big guy on the floor because he was the tallest one out there. They were dancing to a fast song and my girlfriend was really shaking what she got. She was having a good time and she looked hot doing it. When the song ended I watched as she turned to go and he reached out and grabbed her arm and kept her on the floor for the next song. The song turned out to be a slow one and I watched as the big guy pulled my girlfriend in close to him. 

It seemed to me that he kept her on the far side of the dance floor away from me. I would catch a glimpse of them with their arms wrapped around each other. When that song ended the big guy walked her back to my table and thanked me for letting her dance with him. When she set down she scooted in close to me and leaned in and gave me a kiss. I asked her if she had fun and she said she did. She made mention of how big that guy was and that his size scared her a little. I asked her if he was any good at dancing and she said she thought he was pretty light on his feet.

My girlfriend asked me if I would dance and I told her I really didn’t want to besides I was feeling pretty drunk at that time. She gave me a look of “oh well” and excused herself as she needed to go to the ladies room. On her way back she found someone else to dance with. I spotted her on the dance floor dancing with an average look guy. She danced a few songs and returned to my side.

She had enough time to take a drink or two when I noticed the big black standing by the floor motioning to my girlfriend. She was gone in a flash. I watched as they almost disappeared onto the crowded dance floor. I didn’t pay much attention for the first song or two but then it felt like she had been gone for a long time. I scanned the floor for the big guy and spotted him in the far corner. The lighting was much darker in that corner and he seemed to be fairly stationary. The song playing was kind of slow with a beat and most people were doing a slow bump and grind. I watched as the big guy bent down some and I saw my girlfriends hands reach up and wrap around his neck. Beyond that I couldn’t see much. 

A couple of more songs played before my girlfriend returned to our booth. She was looking hot and sweaty. She sat down next to me as she was breathing hard from the excretion. I asked her how she was doing and she gave me a hot deep kiss and then said she was having a great time. I placed a hand on her thigh and ran it up under her skirt and lightly slid a finger over her panty covered pussy. Wow she was really wet. I pulled my finger from under her skirt and sucked her juices off. I made mention of it and she said she was just having a good time. I joked that she was getting turned on by the big guy and she gave me a sly look. I asked her what they have been up to on the dance floor. She said that he may have squeezed her ass once or twice and may have also casually slid a hand over her tits. I asked her if she was planning on dancing with him more and she said she wasn’t planning on anything.

We sat and had a few more drinks chatting and people watching. I had a pretty good drunk going and I’m sure my girlfriend did too. Once again I noticed the big guy moving towards the dance floor. Before I could say anything my girlfriend had already gone to meet him. They danced the first song close to my end of the floor and he slowly worked her to the far corner. Once in the corner I noticed they were dancing much closer to each other. I saw my girlfriend turn her back to the big guy as they danced in rhythm to the music. I couldn’t tell for sure but it looked like he was running his hands over the front of her body. 

A song change came and a slow song was beginning. I thought I should move around the floor for a better look. As I moved around in the crowd I could see them clearer. There were no tables or booths in that corner so I couldn’t get to close without being on the floor. No matter I still had a clear enough line of sight. My girlfriend had her arms wrapped around his waist as he had his resting one on the small of her back and the other on her ass. He maneuvered her so she was between the wall and him. Then he turned her around so her back was to him again. I watched him lean down and say something in her ear. She just tilted her head and let him kiss her on the neck. As he did this his hands moved up her body and squeezed both her tits. When he did this she pushed back with her ass and rubbed it against his crotch. Then he let both his hands slide down her sides over her stomach and down to her thighs. He ran both hands at the same time up her thighs and under her skirt. I watched as it appeared that he had slid one hand into her panties as she wiggled her ass against him. It looked to me like he was finger fucking her right out there on the floor. My girlfriend turned her head towards his and they kissed each other hotly. The big guy pulled one of his hands out from under her skirt and slid it up under her top onto her tits. 

I have to admit it was a pretty hot scene but damn it, that was suppose to be my girlfriend. I watched as they continued to indulge in their game. Before the song ended she turned around to face him and they continued to kiss. I watched as he slid his hands under the back of her skirt and into her panties. The way her skirt hiked up I could see his hands on her ass cheeks and I watched as he manipulated those cheeks. I have to admit I was getting a hard on by then.

As the song neared the end I hurried back to the booth. My girlfriend returned shortly after and slid in beside me. We had a few more drinks and we made small talk. I slid a hand up her thigh then worked it under her panties and into her pussy. She was soaking wet and her pussy felt open. I said lightly that if I didn’t know better I would guess that this is not the first time her pussy was finger fucked tonight. She gave a startled look for just a second and then regained her composer. She said I was crazy and made fun of me for being jealous. She squeezed up tight to me and gave me a deep kiss while she ran a hand over my cock. She squeezed my hardon and told me she couldn’t wait to get fucked. I said lets go and take care of that now, but she said she wanted to dance one more time.

It wasn’t much longer when she said she had to go dance again and I looked over and saw the big black standing there. Once again they dance a song close to me then he moved her over into his dark corner. I also moved over towards that corner to watch the show.

They didn’t waist much time. My girlfriend threw her hands over his shoulders and around his neck as soon as they were out of the light. The big guy reached under her skirt and grabbed her ass practically picking her up as he returned her kiss. When he set her down she said something in his ear. He turned her around forcefully and reached under her skirt at her hips and pulled her panties down. Then he reached between their bodies and unzipped his pants. The whole time he kept his other hand wrapped around her waist holding her in place. Then I got a glimpse of his cock when he freed it from his paints. Damn he was huge. My girlfriend lifted the back of her skirt and pushed her ass back onto his cock. I watch as the big guy lowered himself down and aimed his huge cock at her pussy. She steadied herself and arched her back as he slid up between her legs and into her pussy. His cock didn’t get in there very easily. She may have been real wet but she never took anything that big in her pussy before. There was a moment or two of struggle between them before he must have been able to get his cock into her pussy.

The big black guy straightened up some and placed both hands on my girlfriend’s hips. They had moved close enough to the wall that my girlfriend placed both hands on the wall. In this position it looked like the fun began. The big guy started pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. The way that they were doing it looked almost like they were dancing. At first it didn’t look like my girlfriend was taking his size to well but it didn’t take long for her to start pushing back on his every thrust. They kept this up through out the song. When the song ended my girlfriend leaned back against his body. He appeared to still have his cock in her pussy. He rubbed her tits through her shirt and held her close as they kissed. When the next song started he pushed her away from him exposing a very large wet hard on, and turned her around to face him. He then proceeded to pick her up by her ass, as she kicked free of her panties, and lowered her down onto his cock. The big guy was bouncing her up and down on his cock. She must have been really enjoying it as she was tossing her head back and side to side. I could just barely hear her screams through the music. The big guy then stepped up close to the wall, leaning her back against it and started to really pump his cock in her pussy. They traded a deep hot kiss during this fuck up against the wall. 

I noticed her legs start to flex and twitch. I figured she was having an orgasm. Then the big guy started to slam himself up against her in a slower more deliberate way and I figured he was cuming also. They stayed in that position for the rest of the song just kissing and holding each other. Then as the song was ending the big guy lowered my girlfriend to her feet. She tried to shield him as he tucked his cock back in his paints. My girlfriend started searching the floor and I realized she was looking for her panties. I saw them close to me so I snatched them up. I stayed out of her site so she never saw me. 

I hurried back to the booth and tossed the panties on the table. Then I grabbed my things and moved to the door. I kept an eye on the booth and when my girlfriend returned she quickly scooped up her panties and with a stressed look on her face she started searching the crowd for me. That is when I left.

I turned off my phones and when I got home I had a good wank thinking about the scene I just witnessed and fell asleep. The next day when I got up I turned my phone back on and it was only a minute or two before it rang. I picked it up and it was my girlfriend, she sounded pissed and started bitching at me for leaving her at the club. When she finally shut up I said I figured she would go home with the guy that was fucking her. There was silence on the other end. I waited a few seconds then hung up.

A week later when I answered the phone it was her and she asked me how I’ve been. We made small talk then she said she had to go. That was the last time I spoke with her. A mutual friend told me that she is pregnant now. I’m pretty confidant it isn’t mine.

Nude Dance

This is a story about what happened a few years ago when my wife was 34 years old and I was 40. My wife and I are nudists and we have belonged to a nudist club for years. It is a family oriented club and not a swingers’ club and we are not swingers. The ironic part is that for years the dances were clothed and it was against the rules to be nude at the dances. Nude dancing was frowned upon because it could be considered sexually suggestive.

Let me tell you a little about my wife, Sue. She is only 5 feet 2 inches tall with 36B tits that are very perky. She has nice tits! She also has a nice little bottom that is nice to squeeze. Sue has always been an exhibitionist. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons why she enjoys going to the club.

Fortunately, the club has relaxed its rules concerning the dress code at the dances. The dress code is now “clothing optional.” That means you can basically do whatever you want. In other words, you can be dressed, topless, bottomless, or totally nude.

This story takes place one Saturday night at the dance at the nudist club. Sue and I arrived at 9 o’clock and made ourselves comfortable at one of the tables with our friends. We were all clothed. We enjoyed the conversation and shared a little wine. It’s typical for most people to keep their clothes on at least for a little while.

What I did this evening is what I usually do. I usually take off everything except for a blue long sleeve shirt that I unbutton. I don’t wear a T shirt or anything else. I’m bottomless. I love that feeling of being bottomless because I love to show off my dick. I admit that I am an exhibitionist. When I am on the dance floor nude with my sexy wife, it is difficult for me not to become aroused. Part of the arousal is due to a lack of control. I have only so much control over whether or not I have an erection and when I am bottomless and dancing close to my wife and she squeezes my butt, my dick starts to stand up whether I want it to or not and everyone can see it!

On this evening my wife was still sitting at the table fully dressed. After a couple of glasses of wine, though, I did manage to coax her into taking off her blouse and bra so that we could admire those beautiful tits. If you saw my wife’s tits you would have noticed how hard her nipples were. Her tits stood out even more because of the cool air in the clubhouse.

Around eleven o’clock we danced another dance. There I was, dancing with my wife. I was bottomless. I told her that she should consider taking the rest of her clothes off. After all, this was a nudist club!

Now, I need to tell you about someone else at the dance. He is a single guy, Tom. Tom was much younger than us. He was only 28 and about six feet tall. Tom’s a really nice guy. Like a lot of nice guys, he just doesn’t seem to know how to find a girl friend. I think it’s because he is so quiet and shy. Tom’s a good looking guy. My wife says that he is “very well hung” and that he has a “nice ass.”

Tom was at the table with us and a few other couples. I’m sure he felt a little out of place, being the only single guy amongst the rest of us couples, especially considering that this is a nudist club. One thing that I will give Tom credit for is that he is not afraid to be nude. Tonight was no exception and Tom was completely nude!

Throughout the night, Tom got up on the dance floor and danced a number of dances. Most of them were fast dances and he would go up and dance by himself. A few times one of the other girls would join him for a fast dance. The girls would have their clothes on.

Let me tell you what usually does not happen at one of these dances. Usually a nude woman does not dance a slow dance with a nude man who is not her husband. This is just too sexually charged for this nudist club. Remember, this club is still a family club.

Anyway, my wife and I would watch Tom dance and couldn’t help but to notice that as he would swing and dance his cock would get semi-erect. Obviously, Tom enjoyed being an exhibitionist and what’s wrong with that?

Around midnight and after another glass of wine, my wife and I were both more excited and relaxed at the same time if you know what I mean. I told her, “Sue, it’s midnight. Isn’t it about time you took the rest of your clothes off? This is a nudist club you know and there are a few other women who are completely nude. It’s your turn.” I could tell that Sue was feeling the effect of the wine because her face and chest tend to become flushed when she drinks wine. Her face was a little red from the wine, but also perhaps a little bit from the thought of dancing in front of all those people completely nude. The wine only helped to reduce her inhibitions.

Finally, Sue agreed and she slipped her pants and panties off and she was totally naked. Not a stitch of clothes remaining!

We danced the next slow dance together. I took my shirt off and we held each other tight. I touched the sides of her breasts and held her around her waist. I also squeezed her bottoms. Fortunately, I’m not very tall myself, being only 5 ft 8 inches tall. Sue is only 5 ft 2 inches tall so we are a good match. When we are dancing together we make a nice couple.

When we were dancing, Sue made a point of rubbing her pussy against my cock. This made my cock get stiff. I told her that she was being bad and she innocently said “I am?” She held me closer so that no one could see my dick pointing in the air. It took some willpower on my part not to embarrass myself too much.

While we were dancing I could see Tom sitting at the table by himself. I felt a little sorry for him and I suggested to Sue that she should ask him to dance. She said that she was thinking about Tom too and that if it was okay with me that she would ask Tom to dance.

When we got back to our table, the band was getting ready to play a fast song. Sue asked Tom if he would like to dance. Tom said he didn’t have any clothes on and Sue said that it was okay.

So there were my wife and Tom twisting and shaking to a fast dance. My wife knows how to wiggle her bottom and shake her boobs in a way that would get any guy excited. Tom is a little more restrained on the dance floor, but he still knows how to shake to the beat of the music.

After a couple of fast dances, it was time for the band to play a slow one. Usually, this would be the time for Sue to trade dance partners. Sue dances the slow ones with her husband, especially if she is nude. This time however, she asked Tom to stay and dance this dance with her. I think she had the devil in her. Let’s say that this wasn’t an innocent request. She knew that Tom is a single guy, that he’s been dancing naked the entire evening, and that he’s been looking at the nude girls all night, and that by now he must be getting sexually frustrated. She wanted to see what she could do to get him turned on in front of all those people.

The dance floor was full of couples dancing intimately. I sat at my table and watched. Not all the couples were nude. The few that were completely nude enjoyed being the object of attention.

I watched Sue as she clung to Tom on the dance floor. Now remember that she is only 5 feet 2 inches tall and he is 6 feet. She held him really close and he was completely turned on. His cock was now completely hard and there was nothing Tom could do about it.

Tom felt very embarrassed because there was no way that he could hide his now huge erection from Sue and from the others watching from the tables and he pulled away from Sue slightly and started to apologize. Sue could tell that he was embarrassed and, of course, it had been her intention to get him stiff and to embarrass him. She knew that she was in control and that Tom was helpless. At that point she told him not to worry about it and that no one could see his erection if they held each other close. She pulled him close until his erect penis was pressed up and flat against her stomach.

By this time, the band was playing the second slow dance in the set. Sue decided to pause for a moment to slip on her black high heeled shoes (until now she had been dancing bare footed). Now that she was taller, she was able to rub her pussy against Tom’s swollen cock. Sue was holding Tom very closely and she knew that he was getting very excited, despite his attempts to be a gentleman and to control his erection. I was sitting at the table watching and I knew what was happening and I was very turned on by the whole thing. Poor Tom was trying to conceal his now engorged 8 inch erection, but anyone who wanted to could see it.

Sue continued to squeeze Tom’s butt and to rub her pussy against his cock. Her nipples were very hard and she pressed them against Tom’s chest. By this time her pussy was very wet. She could feel Tom’s wet cock against her pussy. She decided to look up and kiss Tom. She sensuously pressed her lips against his and kept them there. Sue was getting very excited at the thought that Tom was losing control.

Finally, Sue could tell that Tom was at the point where he was going to completely lose control. It was already very embarrassing for Tom to know that everyone could see that he was having an erection, but it was another thing for him to actually lose complete control and to have sex right there on the dance floor with another man’s wife.

Sue knew that the slow dance would soon be coming to an end. She gave Tom another kiss and rubbed her pussy against Tom’s erect dick. She said, “Don’t worry. No one can see you if you hold me close.” Tom knew that he was at Sue’s mercy and, despite every attempt to resist her, he knew he was about to come. Suddenly, Tom’s dick ejaculated and he squirted cum all over Sue’s pussy.

At this point, Tom was very embarrassed. Sue smiled and said, “It’s okay.” She took her hand and gently touched the head of Tom’s penis to wipe any cum so that it would not be dripping after the dance was over. She gave him this devilish smile and said “I didn’t realize that I got you so excited. I didn’t mean to do that.”

Fortunately, since Tom was no longer sexually frustrated, thanks to Sue, he was able to walk back to the table with his penis no longer being erect. Sue came back to the table and I asked her if she had a good time dancing with Tom. She said yes and discreetly gave my dick a playful squeeze under the table.

Beach Goddess

There is not a cloud in the sky on this beautiful summer day. The waters of the Med are just as blue. I’m sitting on my beach towel feeling as horny as hell, pretty normal for an 18 year old guy enjoying all the girls in their little bathing suits. And then I see her and suddenly there hardly seems enough room in my swim trunks.

She is tall and lean, with a sun bronzed body and flowing blonde hair. I watch as she steps down to the water and plunges in. I adjust my posture so that my erection doesn’t show. A few minutes later he rises up out of the water like some goddess of old. It is the most erotic sight I have ever seen and I just about shoot my bolt.

Water drips down her flat belly. Her big, firm tits jut out in front of her as she walks. She smiles, for no reason other than it is a beautiful day, and reveals pure white teeth. Everything about her is just perfect and she is driving me crazy with lust. And then, to my amazement , she seems to be headed straight in my direction. I can feel my heart start to thump as a sweat breaks out on my forehead.

But, sadly, she joins a man on a towel behind me. They embrace and soon snuggle up on his towel. I turn around and lie on my belly, watching them and envying him. Soon they start to kiss and I feel really aroused. The beach is crowded but no one else seems to notice, or care. And then I see him slip his hand between her thighs. My hard cock throbs underneath me as it presses into the sand.

He strokes her silky smooth thighs as I die a thousand deaths. I want him to touch her intimately, and yet I want him to stop. She is my fantasy goddess; I don’t want anyone else touching her. Moments later I feel faint when I see his finger slip underneath her bikini. I can see directly between her legs; perhaps I’m the only one on the beach who can. He tugs the material aside a little and I catch a flash of blonde pubes. I can almost smell and taste her sex. A wet spot appears on the material of my shorts.

His long, elegant finger rubs along the valley where her leg meets her torso. I realize that he is teasing me. I am the only one who can see this private show. How I wish it was my tongue running along that silken valley. Then he pulls her bikini right aside so that her pink gash is exposed. She has the prettiest pussy I have ever seen, and exposed like this it is ten times more desirable than it normally would be.

I see his finger stroke along the length of her slit, teasing her lips apart. I reach under my stomach and grab hold of my rock hard dick. I smear the precum over the bloated mushroom head and almost pass out at how good it feels. And then he slides his finger into her delicate folds and starts gently finger fucking her. He rears up a little and looks directly at me. I rear up a little so that he alone can see the tip of my exposed boner. He grins and then goes back to pleasuring his lady.

Soon I see her hand grab hold of his wrist and she shudders slightly. The sight of that is too much for my cock. It suddenly explodes, shooting out a massive volley of joy juice that drains all energy from my body. I collapse onto my sticky towel as the exhibitionist couple pack up to leave. She stops, and kneels by my towel.

‘Did you enjoy that?’ she asks.

I hold my hand up to her. She sniffs it and laughs.

‘Wow. You enjoyed it that much?’ she says.

‘You bet.’ I reply. They both chuckle and walk away.

Exposed Wife

I had been living with my wife for over a year. She was quite tall and slim and pretty too. Very sexy, very smart, but best of all, she loved to party. Being in a huge city, bars, people and music were never hard to find. Sitting at a bar drinking beer was one of our favourite pastimes.

So we were out one night, drinking, laughing, dancing to crap music, looking at sexy girls bodies swaying to the beat. She was in her early 30’s and I was 12 years older so we both really enjoyed looking at younger girls moving sexily to music.

“Do you like looking at them?” she insecurely asked.

“You’re much sexier baby” I told her, I knew this game. And, at my age, was a master.

“Ha ha….I’m ten years older than those little girls.”

“Yes, but there’s not a man in here that hasn’t taken his eyes off your arse.”

“Who? Where?” I pointed them out. All of them were looking. It was something about the way she moved her body: so tall yet so graceful and the sex just flowed like a river of porn. I had gotten used to the staring of other guys, and over the months I had relaxed about it, evolving into somewhat of a quiet voyeur from the angry douche bag I used to be when I had first started living with her.

“And why do you think they are looking at me at my age when there are all these tight little teenage pussies available?”

I played the game, convincing her she was gorgeous and it wasn’t really her unavailability that was the attraction to us asshole guys. We carried on drinking and talking, with her dancing attracting ever more daring partners — one even putting his hands around her waist as they danced. A year ago he would’ve received the death stare.

We got drunk and left in the middle of the morning, sleeping through Sunday until mid afternoon. Oh the joy of no children. We snacked until early evening, when I suggested the movies. The game started again.

“What shall I wear?” I didn’t play this time, but tried a different tact, knowing she was still on a buzz from last night’s attention.

“Why don’t you see how much attention you can get tonight honey?” I teasingly asked. She bit. I was smug. I selected a normal top, with a matching short skirt. No panties. I convinced her no panties. I suspected she liked the idea of sitting in the movies, being able to open and close her legs as she wished, exposing herself to the darkness.

She dressed and we walked to the elevator. I didn’t mention that I was trying to get her horny as hell. Now don’t misunderstand, she had her moments, but they were rare. We had a lot of sex for sure, but that dirty stuff that we pervs oh so enjoy, well, I hadn’t had one of those sessions for some time.

The elevator arrived and we entered. I couldn’t resist it — I kissed her full on the lips, entering her mouth with my probing tongue, circling my fingers around her arse cheeks. I knew she was wet.

“Stand still.” I commanded, and pulled her skirt down to her knees, her freshly shaved dripping vagina exposed to my hungry eyes. Her shocked facial expression intensified to sheer horror as the elevator slowed three floors from the bottom. She glared at me as she pulled it up hastily trying to re-arrange herself as a neighbour stepped in. He was in his fifties and I wasn’t sure he couldn’t smell her dripping cunt. However, had he gazed down, he’d have noticed her skirt on the wrong way round. Just as I had had that thought, he gazed down, and smiled. She blushed. Cool.

We spent the night flirting with each other, and, as she walked around the mall to the screens, she deliberately walked up a glass staircase, exposing to anyone below a cunt that I just couldn’t wait to eat. I noticed one middle aged man looking up, hurriedly looking to each side to ensure his fat wife wouldn’t catch him. His fat wife should thank us; she’d be getting a good pussy pounding tonight for sure.

We enjoyed the night. I didn’t want to spoil it getting ejected from the movie for finger banging a girl I’d be cock banging a couple of hours later. I wasn’t 17 after all, was I?

We got home and fucked like the 17year olds that we weren’t, and I waited for the weekend, hoping I could use my not so ingenious methods to make her hot again.

Friday night came, and we played the dressing game again. Not wanting to repeat last weekend’s trick I selected an even shorter skirt but with ultra tight black gloss leggings. I nearly came in my pants as she pulled them on and they went right up the crack or her arse.

We finished a bottle of wine and left for our local bar. We didn’t know anyone there except the barman, who set us up some drinks as we walked in.

She was already tipsy, and after a couple more and some flirting with the barman she wanted a dance. Damn she looked hot; my cock started to twitch watching her move. There were a lot of eyes on her too, men, boys, and horny girls. I wanted to fuck her there and then.

The drinking and dancing continued for a few hours. I limited myself as the whole point of showing her off was to get her horny enough for a dirty session, something that wouldn’t happen with too much alcohol.

She was getting wilder, arms around guys’ necks, their hands on her hips. She came back to finish off yet another glass and said she was sweating and asked if it was ok to take off the leggings. I suggested no and that perhaps the skirt removed would cool her somewhat and still retain some dignity. She agreed and went to the toilet and unclasped the skirt, putting it in her handbag.

Watching her walk back I realized I was getting anxious with nerves at everyone looking. Her leggings showed everything, even pulling tight up her vagina. Camel toe gold medal; and the girl did have big pussy lips.

She gave me a slutty kiss and told me to check her bag as she went off to dance. I opened it — the tiny skirt was folded, and on top, her wet string. I’d been chatting most of the evening to a nice middle aged couple at the bar as the drunken babe danced with everyone and anyone. They asked me what she’d put in the bag, so, in my drunken haze, I opened it and showed them, getting a nervous heartbeat as a strange man looked at my girlfriend’s soaking panties. His wife giggled, looked up, and jokingly suggested he go dance with the girl with no pants on. He did. There were men all around her, staring at her arse and prominent cunny lips.

He walked up to her and put his arms around her neck, softly grinding into her. My cock jumped, his wife placed her hand on my knee and smiled at me with a slutty drunken look. She was about my age, way too old for me, and slightly chubby, in a sexy way. She rubbed up my knee as she watched her husband, who by now had lowered his hands to my wife’s hips, and found my throbbing cock. I swallowed dryly with surprise and tried to ignore her by taking a huge swig of beer, as I watched a strange man, who knew she was wearing no panties, grind his obviously swollen tool into my wife’s crotch. I couldn’t wait to get her home.

She came over for a drink and told me she was drunk but oh so horny. Really darling I hadn’t realised.

“Why you so horny?” I wanted to hear her confession.

“He’s got a hard on, I think he went to the toilet to wank.”

“How do you know he’s erect?” I asked, again with a dry throat and a throbbing cock. His wife was trying to listen above the music.

“He was rubbing it on me…”she drunkenly confessed… “…I couldn’t help it.”

She finished her drink, gave me a fake look of shame, and went back to dance. A different guy grabbed her, equally as drunk, and started to kiss her. She responded to his kiss with too much vigour for my liking and I knew it was approaching home time. I had enjoyed the show so far but kissing was taboo.

When hands dropped to her arse she turned around and ground into him, bending to touch her toes in time with the pounding music as he held her hips dreaming of his own pounding. The couple had gone onto the dance floor too, drunk and in their heightened state of sexual arousal.

I rubbed my cock through my jeans. It felt good. I need to cum. I thought about visiting the toilets but decided, even as perverted as I was, public toilet masturbation wasn’t part of my lifestyle; besides, I wanted to see how hot I could make my slut because I wanted to achieve my objective.

My dirty unfaithful lady staggered back when the song finished. She didn’t have to speak, I knew she needed cock. As I paid up and walked to the cloakroom, the middle aged couple also left. They walked along with us, and the conversation revolved around the hot little girls dancing in their little skirts. His references to wanting to see their tight young bodies were obviously aimed at my wife, who bit and asked was she as sexy, turning and pushing her arse up for us to assess. A unanimous “Gorgeous!” from the three of us rubber stamped my impending hardcore session, and we continued our short journey, as apparently they lived in the next apartment block.

I started to feel relaxed, thinking of all the illegal things I wanted to invent to do to this slutty bitch, when I heard myself ask:

“Come up to our place, I got some beers kicking around” like we hadn’t had enough and as though I didn’t really just want to strip my slut naked the second I entered the elevator.

The offer was gratefully received by our new acquaintances, and we went up and entered the apartment. As we took off jackets and shoes, my dirty cow once again bent right forward so we could all see her arse and, unknown to her, those very wet and prominent lips, which had soaked her leggings, making her look incontinent. She didn’t know that we all knew the truth.

The middle aged man took it as another queue to have an uninvited play and stepped in, held her hips and started grinding into her arse and pussy, simulating thrusts and dragging a finger across her lips.

“Oh that’s rude, and we have guests….!” she cooed sweetly, thinking the throb was mine.

He let go and stepped back, and the three of us grinned drunkenly to each other as she tried to stand up straight, regretting bending over in the first place. I don’t know why I didn’t try to stop him…perhaps it was because he was a nice guy, ten years older than me, and, strangely, it was turning me on.

We travelled to the kitchen and I put on a bit of music, quite but danceable. I grabbed cold beers and some more wine and we all started to dance, my first with my own girl for what seemed like hours.

“You’re not hard like you were 5 minutes ago!” she stated openly, putting her hand to my cock.

“It wasn’t me grinding you.” I told her. The look of shock was great. She looked over to our dancing friends and said to the professor look-a-like: “You rubbed your cock on me…how rude!” and we all laughed, and swapped dance partners. I could see where this was going, and wasn’t sure how to stop it.

It was hot in the apartment, and the middle aged wife decided she had nothing to lose by dropping her jeans and pulling off her top. Actually she looked quite horny in her satin underwear, and I pulled off my top in approval (at my age, I rarely needed an excuse to expose my hard-fought-for six-pack.

Not to be outdone, and turned on by the sight of his underwear clad chubby wife, Mr. Horny Old Dude unbuttoned his shirt and almost instantly dropped his trousers, his huge hard-on poking up inside his underwear. Impressive. I was glad he kept his boxers on though.

Well, there was one left, and she keeping clothed. She also wasn’t wearing panties, and we all knew it.

She walked into the middle of the kitchen, looked me in the eye, pulled up her top, unclasped her bra, and dropped it all, standing topless with her huge nipples erect and breasts swinging freely, Smiling and rubbing them, pulling her nipples out hard.

I was so hard and just wanted to suck them. I loved sucking her tits. I stepped toward her but was beaten by a guy 20 years older than her who was determined to have a feel before someone intervened.

“No!” said my babe, but not because she didn’t want the attention, evidently she wanted to get her cunt out. Would I let it happen? I didn’t have a choice. I stood transfixed as she turned around, hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings, and slowly slowly started to pull them down. When half her cheeks were exposed, the underwear clad middle aged mum dropped her bra off to reveal a nice pair, and as I stared at them, her husband dived straight in, pinching, suckling, massaging, his obvious excitement encouraging them both on toward something that I had neither planned nor in my naivety, anticipated.

I shouldn’t have been, but I became somewhat shocked as she dropped her panties, right there, right there in front of me, us, right there in my kitchen; and her husband’s excitement quadrupled.

On seeing the shaven older pussy, displayed so openly, my angel bent forward, again, right over this time, and pulled the leggings down and out of the crack of her arse and away from her sticky pussy, dropping them all the way to the floor. Her wet lips had come into view, as had her sweaty anus.

I couldn’t fully grasp the scene: a stranger of a man with his erect penis throbbing inside his boxers and his middle aged but by now very sexy looking naked wife were looking at my equally butt naked wife in our kitchen, and, as I thought the surrealistic images couldn’t get anymore more surreal, Mr. Fifty dropped his boxers, his cock pointing directly at my sluts exposed holes, pre-cum dripping, big head purple and angry.

She was looking over her shoulder at him, looking at his cock, just staring, drunken blurry eyes transfixed to a tool 20 years older than her. That cock had been ejaculating before she was even born.

She wasn’t alone in her staring: I was embarrassingly transfixed to only the second live cock I’d even seen, and his wife was the third unavoidable voyeur, aware, as we all were, that this impromptu evening had evolved beyond drinking and grinding and flashing tits and ass.

Sensing an imminent un-discussed insertion into a much younger pussy, the sexy wife dropped to her knees and made oral love to that cock. Her actions broke the voyeuristic spell that had befallen us, and my honey, still bent to an almost touchy toe position, began pulling her nipples as she looked over her shoulder at the blow job action unfolding in her kitchen.

Quite why she continued to expose her inner most sexual parts instead of turning was slightly perplexing me, as not only had my voyeuristic side had been fulfilled, I had no desire, perverted or otherwise, to watch her being taken.

Despite it all, my cock was so hard; I wanted to drop my jeans, after all I was the only one not fully exposed, and I loved showing off my knob. What man doesn’t?

What was in my mind at that point was that I was going to drop my jeans, show the fellating lady my nice looking tool, then stick my cock up my woman’s cunt and fuck her whilst our two guests did the same. I didn’t mind them watching; after all, it wouldn’t be the first time I’d been watched. What wasn’t in my mind was that the woman would un-impale her head from her husband’s cock, reach for mine, and thrust it to gently into her mouth, moving it toward the back of her throat before I could react.

It felt so good, her warm soft mouth around my aching helmet. She tickled by balls too; damn I loved that.

My baby was watching. By now rubbing her dripping cunt lips openly for all to see, and running her finger over her anus, still looking over her shoulder.

I couldn’t take anymore. I really needed to cum, but wanted my own woman to have it and I so needed to smell her. She’d been rubbing her vagina on other men’s cocks all night and I knew it was soaking and sweaty; I just had to smell it.

I was about to pull out of that warm willing mouth and drop to my knees behind my wife, wanting to smell her arsehole, when, as if a scene form a porno, Mr. Horny stopped tugging his big cock, dropped down behind my slut, and just stared into her much younger pussy.

His wife was an expert cock pleaser, and I involuntarily started to shaft her head as the voyeur started to smell my woman’s sweaty arse crack. My god it was so horny to see, she loved it too, and started to gyrate her bottom as he nuzzled his nose into the crack of joy. Would she let him fuck her, I found myself wondering, as I watched from another world, not knowing what to do, leaving it up to my slut to call the shots.

It didn’t take long, as she placed a hand on each buttock and pulled herself wide open for this man’s pleasure, exposing her pink gaping hole. He didn’t disappoint her; he pushed his tongue, oh so slowly, deep into her anus, her arsehole, her tight secret hole of lust. If it hadn’t have been for the amazing mouth wrapped around my swollen tool, I would’ve stopped him, I told myself. But I knew I wouldn’t. It was too horny, too sexy to stop. Far too filthy dirty.

As I watched I realized his wife had stopped sucking my cock and was watching her older husband tongue fuck this young woman. She wanked me rhythmically, kissing my head softly, running her tongue around on it, almost lovingly.

It was incredible, watching my previously loyal wife getting her anus and pussy eaten out by a relative stranger as she bent forward and touched her toes.

This man had seen, smelled, and tasted my wife’s anus and vagina, and I hadn’t stopped him, and right now, as I watched, she was dropping to her knees in our kitchen to suck on his big cock. I couldn’t believe, but any anxieties vanished as his wife returned to deep throating me.

This double swapped over fellatio continued for a few minutes. God women were sluts sometimes.

My wife stood up and demanded cock:

“I need fucking.”

His wife agreed:

“My cunt needs cocks.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted her, but I knew I wanted my wife.

We walked to our bed, a superb Super King size, not purchased for this purpose. I lay her down on the bed and entered her. At that moment I didn’t care who could see what, I just wanted to be inside her vagina. I thrust in an out, almost oblivious to the scene next to me. My face was buried in my wife’s neck and I was kissing it softly. I wanted to tongue her mouth passionately but didn’t quite fancy the obvious taste of cock. The other couple were on our bed too, her wanking and sucking his cock. She turned around and offered her rear end to him as I watched. The site of her cunt and dark arsehole staring and winking at me brought me an excitement I couldn’t control. I fucked my slutty cock sucking wife’s flooded cunt faster and faster, slowing as my baby lifted her head to try and see.

As the guy started to enter his wife, mine reached for his balls and massaged them, pushing her thumb against his arsehole. It was dirty of her, and I thanked the beer for preventing my ejaculation.

He fucked his wife wildly, and mine asked for doggy style too.

There we were, two couples, neighbours and strangers before tonight and now players in an incredibly hot sexual game, which was consensual and hadn’t gone too far.

I reached under and started to massage her clit as she buried her face in the bed and lifted her anus up high. She started to finger her own arsehole, one then two fingers, knuckle deep, and started to cum. The anal fingering display pushed him over the edge, his orgasm starting with a grunted “Mmm” and he became more vociferous as his wife joined in. She started to push back harder on his weapon, looking over her shoulder as she came with us also reaching climax. As if previously agreed but totally spontaneous, my big cocked friend and I withdrew, grabbed our respective erections and furiously fisted them as spurt after spurt of hot cum sprayed of the dirty cow’s backs. I turned slightly to look at his wife’s cunt as I came, staring into her winking hole as I wrung the last droplets from my softening penis.

I sat back, my wife lay collapsed, semen dripping from her skin, and our friends lay down to recover.

When the heat of sexual excitement cools, the atmosphere equally cools; but, in a friendly way, our guests, no doubt due to their maturity, comforted each other lovingly. I stood and pulled a cover from the dresser, and offered them the couch. They took the cue perfectly and rose to leave. She came to me and kissed me full on the lips, rubbing my cock as she did so; he turned to my wife and bent over to kiss her on the cheek goodnight.

It was so relaxed, so mutually respectful. We haven’t repeated the event up until now, but sure as hell we fucked a lot that weekend after our guests left the next morning.

If you’re thinking of sharing with another couple, oral only and same room sex is definitely a comfortable way to start.

Wife Back Seat Black Cock

Tracy and I hadn’t been out in a while, as our demanding work schedules tended to take their toll on our social life. Consequently we were both looking forward to our planned Friday-night outing. We just wanted to go somewhere different, with no plans and no structured activities, just having fun.

Tracy, my wife, is a hot and sensuous woman with long dark hair, large tits and a very sexy body, and on this night she looked great. After hitting a couple of “happy hour” spots, we had dinner and then decided to go to a new sports bar that we had heard was a pretty cool place. However, we were disappointed to find that there were only a handful of people there. Undaunted, we sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Tracy finished hers rather quickly, and we decided to order one more and then head home.

As I was about to pay the tab, a man sitting at the bar struck up a conversation with us. He was a large, rather good-looking black man, about six feet two and about two hundred pounds. He was watching a college basketball game, and he told us his nephew was the star of one of the teams that were playing. He offered to buy us a drink and we moved down next to him. He said his name was Frank, and that he’d been recently divorced. I got the impression that he was kind of lonely and looking for companionship.

He bought my wife two shooters and me a beer, and as we were about to leave he told us about a small, quiet bar he knew near the lake, and suggested stopping there for a nightcap on the way home.

I wasn’t really up for it, but Tracy wanted to do it, saying, “Oh, let’s go, honey, this is our night to have fun, remember?” So off we went.

We found the bar, ordered some drinks and went out on the deck to enjoy the warmth of the evening and listen to the waves. When we finished our drinks I said it was my turn to buy, and I headed for the bar. The bartender had gone to the storage room to get some supplies or something, and it took me ten minutes before I returned to the deck with the drinks.

As I approached my wife and our new friend, they seemed to get awfully quiet, but I assumed they were listening to the lake beating against the shore. As I gave them their drinks I had a funny feeling that something was wrong. Then I noticed that Tracy’s lipstick was a little smeared, and looking closely at Frank I could see a trace of lipstick on his mouth, I couldn’t believe it! My beautiful wife must have been kissing this black man, who we had only just met, while I was gone!

Tracy had never showed any interest in black men or fulfilling any fantasies with black men without me present, certainly not with a stranger. I started to think that I was mistaken, but it didn’t look that way. I was confused and upset, but also, for some weird reason, aroused. Then Tracy took off her jacket. Her large, full tits, encased in a tight, silvery satin blouse, were quite visible in the moonlight. She was braless, and her nipples were sticking straight out toward our black friend. He was obviously impressed with her tits; he stared right at them and smiled.

I looked at my wife, and she was giving him a sexy smile, as if to say, “How would you like to get your hands on these big titties?”

I didn’t know what to do. I finished my drink quickly, saying something about how late it was getting, but Tracy didn’t seem to hear. She nursed her drink and seemed to listen avidly to everything Frank said. They were having an animated conversation, leaving me out almost completely.

After a while I had to take a leak. I certainly wanting to leave my wife alone with this good-looking, rugged black man again, and seeing if anything would happen. I hurried off and relieved myself. Before returning to the deck I peeked quietly around the doorway, and my suspicions were confirmed. My wife was in the arms of this muscular black man, and they were locked in a torrid, passionate French kiss!

My cock hardened immediately as I watched them kissing long and deep. Frank had his hands on my wife’s ass and was getting a good feel. She had both arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible as their tongues played with each other. Frank was grinding his torso against her, his cock obviously rubbing against her midsection as they continued to kiss like long-lost lovers.

As I watched, he slipped a hand under her blouse and got a good feel of her tits, while his other hand continued to massage her ass. Tracy offered no resistance at all, but appeared to thoroughly enjoy his every move.

Finally they pulled apart, obviously not wanting to be discovered on my return. As I came out and approached them, Tracy was applying a coat of lipstick to her well-kissed lips, just as though nothing had happened.

Frank took out some cigarettes and offered one to my wife, which she accepted, although she seldom smokes and knows I don’t approve of it. As he lit her cigarette, she put her hands around his to steady them, and they looked at each other with obvious lust in their eyes. For some reason I looked down at the front of Frank’s jeans, and saw a huge bulge made by his aroused cock. I now knew why my wife was in no hurry to get out of here and that she was looking for a little extra fun tonight.

“Honey, let’s give Frank a ride to his car and head home,” Tracy said.

The three of us had taken our car from the first bar to this one, and now we drove back to where Frank had parked his car.

Tracy and I were in the front, Frank in the back. When we reached his car Frank was in the middle of a story, so Tracy told me to turn off the engine while he finished. I pretended that I was anxious to get home, and I hardly listened to the story, which seemed to go on and on.

Once he finished, Tracy told Frank what a great story it was and how much she loved it.

“You are such a fun person,” she told him. “I hope I see you again soon.”

Then she said, “Honey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to give Frank a kiss good night.”

She didn’t wait for my answer, but turned around and leaned into the back seat to kiss her new black friend. It wasn’t an ordinary kiss, any more than the one on the deck had been. I could see her tongue disappear into his mouth, and the kiss seemed to last forever. Then I became aware that Tracy’s right hand was between his legs, searching for his big cock. Her left hand was around his neck as they continued to French kiss hotly right in front of me. I was stunned, but again I was also inexplicably aroused. She was certainly looking for some extra fun tonight and I was just as much game as she was.

Now Frank’s hand went under my wife’s blouse and started feeling her mammoth tits, and I heard Tracy moaning with lust. She turned completely around now, kneeling up on the seat, and kissed him again. His other hand reached for her ass, and began kneading it through her tight jeans. It soon moved to her crotch, as her right hand rubbed over his swollen cock. What was supposed to be a goodnight kiss had escalated into a steamy scene. This was crazy, but neither of them seemed to mind at all about me being there, or about anything else.

“Oh god,” Tracy said breathlessly when they broke apart. “I’ve got to have more of this!”

And with that she hopped over the back of the seat and joined her smiling black stud, who grabbed her and kissed her again. I looked around to make sure there was nobody watching from outside, and when I turned back my wife had removed her blouse, proudly offering Frank full access to her tits.

His hands were all over them, tweaking her hard nipples. I heard a zipper open, and Tracy saying, “Lord, it’s even bigger than I thought!”

I took a look for myself, and saw Frank’s big black cock, which had to be at least ten or maybe even twelve inches long, and very thick. And then, without hesitation, my hot wife lowered her head and engulfed that huge dick in her mouth, sucking it like a seasoned whore.

Tracy gives good head, and has only gotten better and better lately, and Frank obviously loved what she was doing with her talented mouth and swirling tongue. I still felt dazed, but watching my wife avidly sucking this virtual stranger was undeniably erotic, and I had to admit that I was turned on by her slutty behavior.

I looked around again, and this time I saw two men in the shadows of the parking lot, watching my wife sucking cock in the back seat. They had their dicks out and were jerking themselves off as they stood there. I couldn’t hold out any more. I pulled out my own cock and played with it as I gazed at my wife’s head bobbing up and down, up and down on that big black pole.

Finally Tracy lifted her mouth from Frank’s cock.

“I want to come!” she gasped out. “Put a finger in my pussy and one in my ass, and shoot your come down my throat, you stud. God, I love your black cock, and I want your come in my mouth so I can taste it!”

Frank did just as she said, and in a minute my wife was screaming more loudly than I’d ever heard her as she exploded in an intense orgasm. As soon as she calmed down she took his cock back in her mouth and sucked it wildly until he erupted. She tried to swallow it all, but he had too much seed for her, and his huge cock kept pumping come into her mouth until it spilled out the sides. The whole scene was too much for me, and I shot my load all over the dashboard of our nearly new car.

When I looked again, the two voyeurs had evidently come as well, and were stuffing their spent cocks back in their pants. I began thinking that the heat that my wife was in, she would have blown the two of them also. I don’t think I ever told her that she had an audience.

Tracy began applying her lipstick again, while she and her lover whispered things I couldn’t hear to each other. Finally Frank kissed her one more time and got out of the car. Tracy got back in the front seat and waved goodbye to him as I drove off.

“My gosh, what a night!” she said, and she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I could smell a mixture of booze, cigarette smoke, lipstick and come. Frank’s come on her breath.

“Frank wants me to go to a party with him Friday night,” she said then. “And I want to go as his date. Do you have any objections?”

I started to say no, but I had to be honest with her, and with myself. “Not if you tell me all about it afterwards,” I said. “And if you fuck my brains out as soon as you get home.”

“You’ve got a deal,” she said

And when we finally got home, Tracy fucked the shit out of me until dawn.