Category: finger fucking

Highway Masturbation

My husband was away on business yet again. As is normal for us, we text back and forth trying to keep in touch. Silly little texts all morning long about how our days were going, flirting some but keeping it light as we were both pretty busy.

But somewhere around lunchtime his texts become slightly naughty. He had never done this before so it completely caught me off guard. He texted saying he missed me which is nothing new, but went on to type he missed not just me but very specific parts of me, his favorite parts of me. He described those favorite parts in great detail, the way my nipples looked all puckered up with desire, desire he caused with his hands and his mouth. The supple skin that starts on the underside of my breast and continues along my rib cage and how when he traces it with his fingertip it makes me giggle. The back of my knee and the goose bumps that a lick of his tongue can cause. My long fingers and how they softly grace his own skin.

I could not keep my eyes off the screen of the phone as I anticipated every text and they were really starting to heat me up. I only encouraged him by describing how my body was responding to his words; my nipples were stiffening and I could feel them rub against the silky material of my bra. My pussy was starting to pulsate and began moistening my panties. I was chewing on my lower lip.

This only egged him on and made his texts even dirtier. He was becoming more descriptive telling me what he now wanted to do to me. His mouth wanted to take in the hard nubs of my breasts, suck profusely until they were achingly stiff and then tease them with a flick of his tongue. His tongue desired to swirl its wetness in my belly button and then trail southward to warmer more parts. Then he wanted to take my toes in his mouth, savoring them and then softly suck until I was wiggling uncontrollably. I was starting to squirm in my chair with the pictures he was painting in my mind.

About mid afternoon, he texted that he was in a boardroom style meeting and had a raging hard on that was only being controlled by the waistband of his slacks and thankfully concealed by his sweater. He wished he could rub his palm up and down his hard cock a few times and how if we kept up this texting he was going to fly home early so he could pick me up, throw me on the bed and fuck my brains out. I envisioned him at this meeting with his pants tented and giggled.

I proceeded to text back how I wanted to walk right into that boardroom with high heels, skirt taught against my ass and nipples pricking through my blouse and my shoes clicking on hardwood flooring, kneel before him, unzip his pants, grasp his stiff cock, lick the precum then envelope his swollen purple head with my hot wet lips and let him slide down the length of my warm tongue. He could then sit back and watch my head bob up and down in his lap while he felt the pleasurable skill of my mouth on his rigid cock.

He texted me back telling me how that was making his cock twitch for my sweet pussy and he was losing concentration for the meeting right quick.

When I was finished teasing him with my oral abilities, he was going to pick me up, place me on that boardroom table, slide my skirt up my hips, tear off my panties off with his teeth, spread my legs wide and eat me like the dinner he was hungry for. He wanted to part my sopping wet pussy lips, fuck me with his tongue and fingers until I was begging for his cock. Only then would he give me the satisfaction of a good hard fuck, a slap on the ass and a quick yank of my hair.

At this point we had been texting for most of the afternoon and we so thoroughly wound each other up, my hands were shaking slightly, my heart was racing and I wasn’t able to focus my thoughts on work. Unfortunately we weren’t able to do anything about this crazy state of arousal we were in until we were backing home together in a few days.

His meeting was now finished and I needed to wrap some work up before heading home. We both texted each other about how much fun sexting was and we would certainly have to do it again but only when we could meet each other at home to finish what we started. He did ask me if I was going to do anything about my state of arousal and I said I might if I still felt horny enough when I got home.

He asked me to do him a favor. I readily agreed even without knowing what that favor might be, but knew that he wouldn’t ask me to do anything to out of the ordinary. I was a little taken aback when his favor turned out to be for me to masturbate. I explained that it would be risky at work, but he said he thought in the car was a better idea. He explained that knowing how aroused I was and knowing that I was releasing myself in sort of a public way was a huge turn on for him. I hesitantly agreed to it and that I would tell him about it later.

I was certainly nervous about our agreement. I had never done anything quite like that before yet alone in the car in the parking lot of work and in the light of day but the more I thought about it the more I really wanted to fulfill his favor. My nervous state of arousal, the anticipation of the entire afternoon and the culmination of our sexting drove me to my final decision.

When work was finally done, I walked out to my car, got in and sat there for a brief second thinking about what I was going to do, how turned on I still was and how I really was going to have absolutely no problem fulfilling his favor.

I settled into the driver’s seat, draped the shawl I was wearing that day over my shoulder and down over my knee to cover up what I was going to be doing just in case someone came along. I looked around for any watchful eyes then reached beneath the shawl, unzipped my slacks, slid my hand underneath my panties and continued even further down until my fingers touched the warm folds of my pussy. The amount of wetness there took me by surprise. I was very slippery wet indicating that our afternoon of sexting had a very powerful effect on me.

Once my fingers were there and very happy to be playing, I just sort of let my inhibitions loose and allowed my hand to take over. I plunged my middle finger deep into my pussy like an oil dipstick to draw out even more wetness so I could then smear it around and start playing with my clit. I moaned at how good I was feeling and knew it would not take me long to reach my goal and grant my husband his favor.

I was basking in the pleasure of my play and really wanted to just sit in the car until I was completely sated, but I was reminded by the mass exodus from our office building that it was Friday and I really needed to get on the road or traffic was going to be terrible. So I started up the car and with my hand still down my panties swirling my clit which was now hard and so very swollen pulled out of the parking space.

As I was driving, I could feel my body respond so strongly and knew my release was so close, I wanted it and I needed it so bad that I was hoping to catch a red light so I could stop driving for just a moment, drive my clit to orgasm quickly, and hopefully avoid an accident. But no luck there. I drove for about two miles with my hand down my pants.

My finger finally finding that spot on my clit, you know that one that takes you to an orgasm very quickly was seriously concentrating on it now, swirling in slow motion building myself up to that crest.

I finally reached that red light right before I had to get on the expressway and pressed down hard on the brake pedal with my foot. I was oblivious of the cars around me as I leaned back, closed my eyes and thought about your earlier seduction. I started panting as I envisioned his head between my legs, his warm tongue on my clit and fingers fucking my steamy pussy.

I continued stroking that spot and knew that I was only seconds away from that much needed orgasm. My face started to flush with rushing blood, the lips on my face felt hot and swollen, my nipples grew achingly hard, my hands shook a bit and then the final thought of his hand slapping my ass and that yank of my hair made me cum like a sparked explosion right there in the seat of my car.

My entire body stiffened and I actually stopped breathing for just a moment as I rode the pulsating waves of white hot orgasm out for few brief exhilarating seconds before I was forced to recover quickly as the light turned green.

I merged into traffic panting and feeling a little dizzy, but after a minute felt completely and utterly relaxed.

Elevator Ride

Standing alone in his dorm room John pondered what his next move should be. It was Christmas break and there was barely anyone left on campus. Looking around he saw the picture of his family sitting on his dresser which was empty due to having no class over the break. Sitting to the right of that was his laptop which was open to facebook, his usual procedure to burn a couple hours while having nothing to do. 

His dorm room was really quite empty, except for a Chicago Bulls calendar and some family photos, the walls were bare. He never really was the decorating type, he always thought when he found the right girl she would decorate their house for them. In truth he really didn’t care that much, he was fine with the walls being empty; it was always the people who visited him who had the problem, always saying how his room was so bland and boring, he didn’t care. 

As he began to pace thoughts returned to what he was going to eat for dinner. Since it was Christmas break the cafeteria was closed, so he couldn’t count on that. There was always Burger King a couple blocks down he thought. With how cold it was outside in the dead of winter, traveling down the block really wasn’t appealing. 

So with that in mind he was going to the ole standby and gets some food out of the vending machines. Crossing the floor he readjusted his sweat pants and made sure everything was in order. Opening the door he reached down and re-adjusted himself and started walking down the halls. With no one around he really didn’t have to worry about crashing into someone with his hands down his pants. 

The walls were a boring white color, with every ten feet or so a new room with a corresponding number. His room was number 10, which was perfect because it was right in the middle of the hall which meant it was right across from the bathroom. Sure that meant hearing the door open and close during the night, but on those drunken nights when you have to get to the bathroom quick, nothing was better. His floor was completely abandoned; he was the only soul living there the entire month. He kind of liked it that way, but it also got lonely. 

This was the first time he wasn’t able to go home for the holidays because his parents were on a cruise they book months ahead of time. They didn’t think about him of course, they never did. As he walked by room number six, he could smell the sweet scent of pot. His friend George lived in that room and was a huge pothead, always skipping class to go get high with his girlfriend, but naturally a straight A student. 

Reaching the elevator he clicked the button and only had to wait a matter of seconds before the elevator arrived, another perk of being one of the few in the building. His building was newly renovated so the elevators were exceptionally nice, wood panels and carpeted floors. The amber colored floor brought out the wood of the elevator but looked strange next to the white walls of his floor. Each floor had different colored walls ranging from light blue, white, to brown and even red. He always thought he picked the right floor sense he was always told he had a boring personality.

The elevator slowly descended until it reached the lobby and he exited onto the ceramic tile. Walking across the floor he could hear his footsteps slap the tile, echoing around the corridor. With the lobby vending machines down the hallways on the right, he walked that direction. As he turned the corner he could hear grunts and heavy breathing from where the vending machines were. A metallic crack sounded off into the air as if someone was kicking the machine. With his heart beat quickened he picked up the pace to see if someone needed help. 

“You piece of crap give me my Snickers bar!” he heard a women scream down the hall. 

It was nice to hear another person’s voice he though, you get cabin fever after being alone for too long. In his mind he was going over all the scenarios of what she could look like. With his luck it was be some girl he was not attracted to, he never caught the breaks. 

Before turning the corner he called out, “Do you need help?” he was hoping that she did.

“Oh thank god, I’m starving and this machine won’t give me my candy bar,” she yelled back.

As he turned the corner he saw the source of the voice, and it took his breath away. Standing ten feet away was the most elegant women he had ever seen. Standing perpendicular to the machine he could see she was thin, around 5’10 and had beautiful brown hair about shoulder length. Even though it was winter she had pink short shorts on that left little to the imagination. Her cream colored appeared soft and smooth. To top it off was a white Illinois State sweatshirt that appeared brand new. Our eyes meeting for the first time seemed to go on forever, but was really only a second on two. 

Visually regaining her composure she brushed some hair away from her face before putting them on her hips.

“I’m sorry but I’m really hungry and this dumb machine won’t work,” she explained. 

Closing the gap between the two of them, he walked right up next to the machine to get a closer look. 

“Well it looks to me as if your candy bar won’t fall,” he said jokingly. 

Throwing her hands up in the air she said, “Well duh smarty pants.”

Breaking his attention away from the machine he came face to face with her and could smell her delicious perfume. She smelled of strawberries. Looking directly into her eyes he was about to speak when she got her words out first.

“Hey I’m Carol”

“Nice to meet you I’m John, what are you doing here, its Christmas break shouldn’t you be at home with your family?

“I would but I work at the community center down Williams’s road doing charity work over the holidays. How about you, what are you still doing here?”

Looking back toward the machine his hands started to lightly shake the device hoping he could cause the food to fall. 

“My parents thought it was a good idea to go on a vacation without me,” he explained while tending to his task of helping the girl out. 

While he was trying different way to get the candy for her they made small talk about how abandoned the campus was and how there was no where to eat. Thus explaining why the both went to the vending machines for food. After a minute or two and more rough housing the machine, the candy finally dropped. 

“Ah there we go,” he said as he put his hand into the slot and handed her the candy bar. 

“Thank you so much! I don’t know what I was going to do if this didn’t work out.”

“Not a problem, glad to help,” he said

“Well it was nice meeting you John, I won’t forget this,” she said as she turned to walk away. 

They shared a smile and like that she started to walk away. Naturally when a good looking girl is in need of help, it’s one that doesn’t find him attractive he thought. Hearing her footsteps he wished he would have asked for her number, an opportunity like that doesn’t happen every day. She had to be the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and he just let her walk away.

As he kept kicking himself over the mistake, and picking out his food, which of course was Doritos, his favorite chips, he could hear footsteps coming closer to him. As he bent over taking his bag of chips out of the slot, he looked back and saw Carol walking back toward him. His mind began to race, why is she walking back to me for he thought. A smile spread across her face as she walked up next to him.

“Hey by any chance would you be interested in hanging out? I’m very bored and you look like a nice enough guy to hang out with.” 

The sound of her voice was enthralling, all he knew was the wanted to keep hearing it. 

“Yea sure, that sounds like a great idea. I really don’t know what there is to do but I’m sure we can think of something.” 

With that we take off from the vending machine down the hallway. For some reason the hallways seem just a little brighter than when I arrived just ten minutes earlier. We decide that neither of us was ready to go back to our rooms so walking sounded right. Luckily we had the largest dorm on campus and had plenty of places to walk around. 

As were walking we talk about our roommates and how we both despise them. It turns out she is from Michigan and wants to be a nurse, pretty much all small talk. Her charity work resolves around her cooking the meals for the elderly at the community center. 

Making their way around the dorm the flow of conversation goes from the normal how is your day type of chit chats to more personal questions. After walking around for about twenty minutes he stops in front of the elevator.

“I have grown tired of walking,” he said with a laugh, “but I would still appreciate your company so would you be interested in joining me to my room; we could watch a movie or something?”

He had no idea where that came from, it was so unlike him. But after talking and walking around with her, perhaps he had become more comfortable than he thought. He wasn’t even worried she would say no, a rush of adrenaline came bursting through his veins and he knew she would say yes. 

With a wide grin on her face she says, “Wow, you really are confident in yourself aren’t you.” Pausing for a second before he could answer she continued, “But I like that, normally guys around me are nervous, but not you.”

“Well that settles it then,” he said. 

Turning his back he reached for the elevator button and pressed it, it grew an orange color. Almost immediately the elevator dinged indicating it was there and the doors opened. Wasting no time Carol walked into the elevator and moved into the right back corner. With John following, he walked in pressed the button for the 9th floor and turned around facing her. Carol was leaning against the wall with her arms holding onto the side railing. Wasting no time, without even asking for permission John walking right up to her and planted a kiss on her lips. 

Ding- they had just passed the second floor. 

Opening her eyes and coming back to reality John could tell his kiss had the desired effect. 

“Wow, I am really growing more found of you John. Confident, assertive, and not even asking if I wanted you to kiss me, you’re a dangerous man. But I want more, are you willing to do that?” she asked playfully throwing her delicate brown hair over her shoulder.

“I don’t know if you can handle me,” he grinned, “I can be quite the handful.” 

Ding- they had just passed the fourth floor.

His mind was racing, who is this guy and where has he been his whole life. All he knew was he didn’t want to think too much and lose him. One kiss wasn’t enough he thought, he wanted more. Without thinking he leaned back in and began kissing her again. The intensity of the kiss escalated when she slowly parted her lips and with her tongue grazed the inside of his mouth. 

Wanting more he placed his hand above her shorts and went under her sweat shirt, to her bra. Feeling her breasts made his heart beat faster and faster, and could feel himself get aroused. Without missing a beat Carol used her hand and pulled his sweat pants open and slowly creped her hand down toward his penis. 

Ding- 7th floor

While massaging her breasts his kisses left her lips and moved to her neck and along her collar bone. Her breathing had quickened and he could feel her shivering against his hard body. Her hand finally met his penis and she grabbed it and then their eyes met. 

“You were not lying there big boy,” she said between deep labored breaths. 

Sweat began to accumulate across her brow like a light drizzle before a storm hit. She began to slowly stoke him and could see his eyes begin to roll back from pleasure. 

Ding 9th floor

The doors slide open but neither of them moved; they were not ready to get off this ride yet. Maintaining eye contact this time she leaned in and planted a more sensual kiss on his lips, slower, more romantic.

“How about we make this elevator out of order?” he said with his eyes closed looking up toward the ceiling. 

“You don’t have to tell me twice, but how do we keep this private, I want to do some dirty things with you in here,” she whispered into his ear. 

“Oh I got a trick up my sleeve, something I learned pulling a prank on my friend Eric last semester. ” 

Breaking contact for the first time, he went over and pressed the first floor button, illuminating it. Carol looking over curiously but remained silent, trusting her partner knew what he was doing. Once the elevator began to move John pressed the emergency stop button and the elevator came to a stop. 

“Wait won’t that cause an alarm to go off or something?” she asked curiously. 

“No, they had the alarm disabled because college students were abusing it and the fire department was annoyed at all the wasted trips,” he replied.

“Oh you just can’t trust college kids with 

anything these days can you,” she said with that mothering tone. 

“No you simply cannot,” he said looking her up and down, “Now where were we…?”

“You were about to put those nice strong hands back on my body Mr.”

Taking his cue they went right back to where they started except this time John didn’t go for her top but instead went for her bottoms. Sliding his hands around her back he cupped her butt and squeezed causing Carol to squeal. Still stroking his penis she could feel pre-cum slowly comes out making it easier to do. Wanting to touch her skin he went inside her shorts and pulled them down around her ankles. Wanting nothing more than to feel her wet cunt he licked his finger and went straight for it.

The warmth of her skin and softness sent a chill throughout his body. Slowly he slid one finger inside which caused carol to lose her balance and wrap he free arm around his waist. Repeatedly his finger went in and out as moans began to escape her lips. This time she pulled his sweats out and around his hot thick dick and they fell to the floor.

“I want you in me,” she gasped still holding onto him to maintain her balance. 

“My pleasure,” he said taking his place in front of her. 

With his arms he picked her up and pushed her into the side of the elevator. The sight of his muscles at work turned her on even more and she opened her legs as wide as she could. With her hand she placed his cock in front of her pussy and spread it with her two fingers. 

“You’re pretty big, please be gentle with me,” her eyes wide and full of emotion as she said it. 

Simply nodding he applied a little pressure and the tip slide inside her. Wanting more she put her hands on his ass and pulled him closer, pulling inch by inch farther inside of her until she took him balls deep and a scream escaped her mouth. 

Sweat dripping down his face and accumulating around his arms he started fucking her, going in and out. She was so tight he thought he really didn’t want to hurt her so he kept it slow and easy. The rhythmic fucking took on a life of its own as Carol arched her back and slow muffled moans came with ever pump. Wanting to get as deep as possible, he picked Carol off the side and moved to the middle of the elevator. 

Instinctively Carol placed her arms around his neck for support and began thumping off his thighs. Each strike getting deeper than the one before it, his grunting grew louder. 

“Oh John you’re so deep, I love the way you fuck me. You’re going to make me cum if you keep going,” she cried. 

Kissing her lips and savoring her smell he kept going, wanting nothing more than to have her cum all over his cock.

“Come on baby, cum for me Carol, I want it.” 

The thump of their skin hitting after each thrust grew louder, and her screams echoed off the walls of the elevator. 

“Oh John cum with me, I want us to cum together. I want to feel it inside me.”

With her on the breach of ultimate pleasure, his thrusts grew faster and harder. For the first time he didn’t feel guilty about cuming while having sex, she wants it, needs it he thought. The feeling of his balls growing tighter and a wave washing over him, he could feel he was about to cum. 

“Oh baby I’m going to cum,” he gasped while squeezing her ass in his hands. 

With her arms wrapped around his shoulders she pulled herself up to his lips and kisses him deeply. He could feel her muscles tighter around him and her legs holding onto him for dear life. Finally reaching his limit he couldn’t hold back any longer and blasted his cum deep inside her while at the same time he could feel her cunt grip him and pulsating uncontrollably. He could feel her screaming while they kissed, their eyes open, staring into each other’s soul.

Breath after breath of her screams slowly turned into moans as their climax slowly came to an end. Having received ever ounce of him from his orgasm, he could feel her wetness dripping down his legs. Still in his arms, he held her close. They could feel each other’s heartbeat in rhythm. Picking her up, his dick slowly fell outside of her and he let her down in which she immediately stumbled back into his arms. 

“Oh I’m sorry but my legs don’t quite feel up the task of standing yet,” she said shying clearly embarrassed by the ordeal. 

“Oh in that case let me see what I can do about that,” he said while he scooped her up into his arms and held her once again.

Moving toward the buttons he pressed the 9th floor once again and the elevator doors opened. Both dripping from sweat he carried her though the white halls toward his dorm room. 

“Well you really are a dangerous man John,” she said between kisses. “But I think I can handle you, how about that movie you told me about?”

Kissing her right back he responded, “I don’t know, you can’t even walk right now,” he teased. 

“Luckily I have a comfortable bed for us to lie on while we put a movie on,” he said with a wink. 

“Oh I can’t even wait,” after kissing him on the cheek.

Beach Goddess

There is not a cloud in the sky on this beautiful summer day. The waters of the Med are just as blue. I’m sitting on my beach towel feeling as horny as hell, pretty normal for an 18 year old guy enjoying all the girls in their little bathing suits. And then I see her and suddenly there hardly seems enough room in my swim trunks.

She is tall and lean, with a sun bronzed body and flowing blonde hair. I watch as she steps down to the water and plunges in. I adjust my posture so that my erection doesn’t show. A few minutes later he rises up out of the water like some goddess of old. It is the most erotic sight I have ever seen and I just about shoot my bolt.

Water drips down her flat belly. Her big, firm tits jut out in front of her as she walks. She smiles, for no reason other than it is a beautiful day, and reveals pure white teeth. Everything about her is just perfect and she is driving me crazy with lust. And then, to my amazement , she seems to be headed straight in my direction. I can feel my heart start to thump as a sweat breaks out on my forehead.

But, sadly, she joins a man on a towel behind me. They embrace and soon snuggle up on his towel. I turn around and lie on my belly, watching them and envying him. Soon they start to kiss and I feel really aroused. The beach is crowded but no one else seems to notice, or care. And then I see him slip his hand between her thighs. My hard cock throbs underneath me as it presses into the sand.

He strokes her silky smooth thighs as I die a thousand deaths. I want him to touch her intimately, and yet I want him to stop. She is my fantasy goddess; I don’t want anyone else touching her. Moments later I feel faint when I see his finger slip underneath her bikini. I can see directly between her legs; perhaps I’m the only one on the beach who can. He tugs the material aside a little and I catch a flash of blonde pubes. I can almost smell and taste her sex. A wet spot appears on the material of my shorts.

His long, elegant finger rubs along the valley where her leg meets her torso. I realize that he is teasing me. I am the only one who can see this private show. How I wish it was my tongue running along that silken valley. Then he pulls her bikini right aside so that her pink gash is exposed. She has the prettiest pussy I have ever seen, and exposed like this it is ten times more desirable than it normally would be.

I see his finger stroke along the length of her slit, teasing her lips apart. I reach under my stomach and grab hold of my rock hard dick. I smear the precum over the bloated mushroom head and almost pass out at how good it feels. And then he slides his finger into her delicate folds and starts gently finger fucking her. He rears up a little and looks directly at me. I rear up a little so that he alone can see the tip of my exposed boner. He grins and then goes back to pleasuring his lady.

Soon I see her hand grab hold of his wrist and she shudders slightly. The sight of that is too much for my cock. It suddenly explodes, shooting out a massive volley of joy juice that drains all energy from my body. I collapse onto my sticky towel as the exhibitionist couple pack up to leave. She stops, and kneels by my towel.

‘Did you enjoy that?’ she asks.

I hold my hand up to her. She sniffs it and laughs.

‘Wow. You enjoyed it that much?’ she says.

‘You bet.’ I reply. They both chuckle and walk away.

Wife Back Seat Black Cock

Tracy and I hadn’t been out in a while, as our demanding work schedules tended to take their toll on our social life. Consequently we were both looking forward to our planned Friday-night outing. We just wanted to go somewhere different, with no plans and no structured activities, just having fun.

Tracy, my wife, is a hot and sensuous woman with long dark hair, large tits and a very sexy body, and on this night she looked great. After hitting a couple of “happy hour” spots, we had dinner and then decided to go to a new sports bar that we had heard was a pretty cool place. However, we were disappointed to find that there were only a handful of people there. Undaunted, we sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Tracy finished hers rather quickly, and we decided to order one more and then head home.

As I was about to pay the tab, a man sitting at the bar struck up a conversation with us. He was a large, rather good-looking black man, about six feet two and about two hundred pounds. He was watching a college basketball game, and he told us his nephew was the star of one of the teams that were playing. He offered to buy us a drink and we moved down next to him. He said his name was Frank, and that he’d been recently divorced. I got the impression that he was kind of lonely and looking for companionship.

He bought my wife two shooters and me a beer, and as we were about to leave he told us about a small, quiet bar he knew near the lake, and suggested stopping there for a nightcap on the way home.

I wasn’t really up for it, but Tracy wanted to do it, saying, “Oh, let’s go, honey, this is our night to have fun, remember?” So off we went.

We found the bar, ordered some drinks and went out on the deck to enjoy the warmth of the evening and listen to the waves. When we finished our drinks I said it was my turn to buy, and I headed for the bar. The bartender had gone to the storage room to get some supplies or something, and it took me ten minutes before I returned to the deck with the drinks.

As I approached my wife and our new friend, they seemed to get awfully quiet, but I assumed they were listening to the lake beating against the shore. As I gave them their drinks I had a funny feeling that something was wrong. Then I noticed that Tracy’s lipstick was a little smeared, and looking closely at Frank I could see a trace of lipstick on his mouth, I couldn’t believe it! My beautiful wife must have been kissing this black man, who we had only just met, while I was gone!

Tracy had never showed any interest in black men or fulfilling any fantasies with black men without me present, certainly not with a stranger. I started to think that I was mistaken, but it didn’t look that way. I was confused and upset, but also, for some weird reason, aroused. Then Tracy took off her jacket. Her large, full tits, encased in a tight, silvery satin blouse, were quite visible in the moonlight. She was braless, and her nipples were sticking straight out toward our black friend. He was obviously impressed with her tits; he stared right at them and smiled.

I looked at my wife, and she was giving him a sexy smile, as if to say, “How would you like to get your hands on these big titties?”

I didn’t know what to do. I finished my drink quickly, saying something about how late it was getting, but Tracy didn’t seem to hear. She nursed her drink and seemed to listen avidly to everything Frank said. They were having an animated conversation, leaving me out almost completely.

After a while I had to take a leak. I certainly wanting to leave my wife alone with this good-looking, rugged black man again, and seeing if anything would happen. I hurried off and relieved myself. Before returning to the deck I peeked quietly around the doorway, and my suspicions were confirmed. My wife was in the arms of this muscular black man, and they were locked in a torrid, passionate French kiss!

My cock hardened immediately as I watched them kissing long and deep. Frank had his hands on my wife’s ass and was getting a good feel. She had both arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible as their tongues played with each other. Frank was grinding his torso against her, his cock obviously rubbing against her midsection as they continued to kiss like long-lost lovers.

As I watched, he slipped a hand under her blouse and got a good feel of her tits, while his other hand continued to massage her ass. Tracy offered no resistance at all, but appeared to thoroughly enjoy his every move.

Finally they pulled apart, obviously not wanting to be discovered on my return. As I came out and approached them, Tracy was applying a coat of lipstick to her well-kissed lips, just as though nothing had happened.

Frank took out some cigarettes and offered one to my wife, which she accepted, although she seldom smokes and knows I don’t approve of it. As he lit her cigarette, she put her hands around his to steady them, and they looked at each other with obvious lust in their eyes. For some reason I looked down at the front of Frank’s jeans, and saw a huge bulge made by his aroused cock. I now knew why my wife was in no hurry to get out of here and that she was looking for a little extra fun tonight.

“Honey, let’s give Frank a ride to his car and head home,” Tracy said.

The three of us had taken our car from the first bar to this one, and now we drove back to where Frank had parked his car.

Tracy and I were in the front, Frank in the back. When we reached his car Frank was in the middle of a story, so Tracy told me to turn off the engine while he finished. I pretended that I was anxious to get home, and I hardly listened to the story, which seemed to go on and on.

Once he finished, Tracy told Frank what a great story it was and how much she loved it.

“You are such a fun person,” she told him. “I hope I see you again soon.”

Then she said, “Honey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to give Frank a kiss good night.”

She didn’t wait for my answer, but turned around and leaned into the back seat to kiss her new black friend. It wasn’t an ordinary kiss, any more than the one on the deck had been. I could see her tongue disappear into his mouth, and the kiss seemed to last forever. Then I became aware that Tracy’s right hand was between his legs, searching for his big cock. Her left hand was around his neck as they continued to French kiss hotly right in front of me. I was stunned, but again I was also inexplicably aroused. She was certainly looking for some extra fun tonight and I was just as much game as she was.

Now Frank’s hand went under my wife’s blouse and started feeling her mammoth tits, and I heard Tracy moaning with lust. She turned completely around now, kneeling up on the seat, and kissed him again. His other hand reached for her ass, and began kneading it through her tight jeans. It soon moved to her crotch, as her right hand rubbed over his swollen cock. What was supposed to be a goodnight kiss had escalated into a steamy scene. This was crazy, but neither of them seemed to mind at all about me being there, or about anything else.

“Oh god,” Tracy said breathlessly when they broke apart. “I’ve got to have more of this!”

And with that she hopped over the back of the seat and joined her smiling black stud, who grabbed her and kissed her again. I looked around to make sure there was nobody watching from outside, and when I turned back my wife had removed her blouse, proudly offering Frank full access to her tits.

His hands were all over them, tweaking her hard nipples. I heard a zipper open, and Tracy saying, “Lord, it’s even bigger than I thought!”

I took a look for myself, and saw Frank’s big black cock, which had to be at least ten or maybe even twelve inches long, and very thick. And then, without hesitation, my hot wife lowered her head and engulfed that huge dick in her mouth, sucking it like a seasoned whore.

Tracy gives good head, and has only gotten better and better lately, and Frank obviously loved what she was doing with her talented mouth and swirling tongue. I still felt dazed, but watching my wife avidly sucking this virtual stranger was undeniably erotic, and I had to admit that I was turned on by her slutty behavior.

I looked around again, and this time I saw two men in the shadows of the parking lot, watching my wife sucking cock in the back seat. They had their dicks out and were jerking themselves off as they stood there. I couldn’t hold out any more. I pulled out my own cock and played with it as I gazed at my wife’s head bobbing up and down, up and down on that big black pole.

Finally Tracy lifted her mouth from Frank’s cock.

“I want to come!” she gasped out. “Put a finger in my pussy and one in my ass, and shoot your come down my throat, you stud. God, I love your black cock, and I want your come in my mouth so I can taste it!”

Frank did just as she said, and in a minute my wife was screaming more loudly than I’d ever heard her as she exploded in an intense orgasm. As soon as she calmed down she took his cock back in her mouth and sucked it wildly until he erupted. She tried to swallow it all, but he had too much seed for her, and his huge cock kept pumping come into her mouth until it spilled out the sides. The whole scene was too much for me, and I shot my load all over the dashboard of our nearly new car.

When I looked again, the two voyeurs had evidently come as well, and were stuffing their spent cocks back in their pants. I began thinking that the heat that my wife was in, she would have blown the two of them also. I don’t think I ever told her that she had an audience.

Tracy began applying her lipstick again, while she and her lover whispered things I couldn’t hear to each other. Finally Frank kissed her one more time and got out of the car. Tracy got back in the front seat and waved goodbye to him as I drove off.

“My gosh, what a night!” she said, and she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I could smell a mixture of booze, cigarette smoke, lipstick and come. Frank’s come on her breath.

“Frank wants me to go to a party with him Friday night,” she said then. “And I want to go as his date. Do you have any objections?”

I started to say no, but I had to be honest with her, and with myself. “Not if you tell me all about it afterwards,” I said. “And if you fuck my brains out as soon as you get home.”

“You’ve got a deal,” she said

And when we finally got home, Tracy fucked the shit out of me until dawn.

Two Girls On The Beach

It was about 1130am on a hot March mid-week day in Perth, Western Australia. I am a 30 year old male, and was heading to a small beach about 40kms north for a day of sunbathing. I tend to go to this beach as it’s a short walk across and around rocks to the beach from the carpark, so it doesn’t get too busy, even on weekends. When I say it doesn’t get busy, usually you only see the odd person or 2, so it allows me to work on my all over tan without heading to the official nude beach further down the coast. Plus, sometimes you get lucky and you get to perve on a young mother or group of sexy young coeds sunning themselves topless, or even better nude. As it’s not a nude beach, people that do swim topless or nude are generally left alone to enjoy the suns rays in peace without the fear of being perved or pestered by dirty old men.

Anyway, as I was rock hopping across the rocks I notice 2 girls (one brunette, one blonde, both the same height at about 5 foot 10’) walking a couple of hundred meters in front of me. All of a sudden, the hat in the brunette’s bag falls out and drops to the sand, and the owner is unaware that the hat was missing.

By the time I get to where the hat was, I glance up the beach and see the girls setting themselves up behind a small sand mound a couple of hundreds meters up the beach, near where I usually go. It wasn’t hard to see where they were as there wasn’t anyone else on the beach on this glorious summer’s day. I pick up the hat with the intensions of returning the hat to its owner once I get to where they are sunning themselves on my way to my sunning place.

As I approached them, I noticed that they had already removed their bikini tops and were rubbing tanning lotion into their young skin. Both girls were beautiful, and either had a day off university or work. I estimate they would have been about nineteen or twenty years old, both with lovely tanned skin and perk boobs that stood straight out like proud beacons.

‘This is your hat, I saw it fall out of your bag a few hundred metres back’, I said. ‘Thanks’ said the brunette, ‘I didn’t even notice that it fell out’. Myself, the blonde and brunette made small talk for a minute or two, without the girls covering themselves up. Trying not to be obvious, I was happy they didn’t as I could have boned up right there and then without thinking too hard about it. They introduced themselves as Nicole (the brunette) and the blonde was Lisa. I was just about to leave when Lisa was frantically search through her bag ‘Damn, I left the SPF 30 suntan lotion back home, looks like we only got the tanning lotion (which is about SPF 4, which you can easily burn under the sun)’. I could see they were concerned about this, so I volunteered mine saying ‘I usually carry 2 bottles of lotion just in case, you are welcome to use this one (handing it to them) and return it when you are finished, I will just be working on my tan just over there. Plus I don’t want you burning your lovely bodies’. ‘Thanks, that’s really kind’, they said in unison.

On that, I walked about 30 metres away and laid my towel out in a small sand depression, where I could see the girls and they could see me. Watching them finish off applying lotion to themselves was erotic to say the least, as I stripped down to my bathers and standing there, slowly applied lotion to my body. I am particularly careful about ensuring that I am covered, however there is always a small section on my back that I can’t reach.

I glanced across to see what the girls were doing, who were stretched out, Lisa on her back and Nicole on her stomach. I had a feeling Nicole was watching me, so with a quick hand movement I removed my bathers and laid down on my towel. It was liberating to feel the sun on my bum, and I rubbed sunburn cream in just in case. Just as I finished, I glanced out of the corner of my eye, and noticed that Nicole had nudged Lisa and both were looking in my direction, having a good perve themselves, not that I minded though as I am a bit of an exhibitionist.

After about 15 minutes I was getting ready to turn over and tan my chest and stomach, I see Nicole getting up and with my sunburn cream in hand, walk over to me. I remain on my stomach, and Nicole sits down on the corner of my oversized towel and returns my cream. We chit chat for a few minutes, when she said she is now going for a swim, and am I going to join her in the water. With that, I stand up, grab her by the hand and stride off to the water. I could see she was glancing at my cock as we went towards the water, and then dove into the cool waters. Nicole yells out to Lisa, who rolls over, stands up and approaches the water. I am amazed how her breast are rock hard, and point straight ahead. She enters the water and swims across to where Nicole and I are. The water is only chest deep, so it’s not a problem for all three of us to stand.

The conversation got around to nude sunbathing and swimming. Both girls said they usually only go topless on the beach, sometimes in G-Strings, but not nude. They said they were a little hesitant, but I insisted it was the only way to swim, and how liberating it was, and suggested they should try it. They were a little hesitant, but Nicole said why not and removed her bikini bottom. She kicked away on her back, and I could just see her bush, which looked trimmed and neatly shaved. With that, Lisa removed hers as well. We continued to swim a bit more, and then decided to get out and sun a bit more. The sight of the 2 naked girls leaving the water with their neatly trimmed bushes was nearly too much for me, and luckily I didn’t have a weak heart. Nicole suggested I get my towel and come and join them. I didn’t need a second invitation, and went to get my towel, quickly. As I got back, the girls were still drying themselves. I laid my towel out, and Nicole laid hers out on my left, and Nicole on my right. I was a little surprised that I was sandwiched between them, but didn’t mind.

I laid down on my stomach, and asked if one of the girls would apply some cream into my back. Both said yes, but Nicole was first to it, rubbing cream into my shoulders and upper back. Lisa, who didn’t want to be left out, grabbed some cream and rubbed it into my lower back and then went even further and rubbed it into my bum cheeks, every now and then just brushing my arsehole and balls. I was feeling like a king at this point. The girls finished, and laid down on their stomachs, and said they needed cream as well. I kneed up, and my cock was now enlarging but only into a semi state. I pushed my leg against Nicole’s thigh, and started rubbing cream into her back. She didn’t mind when I massaged cream with both hands into her firm bum, and down her legs. She moaned with approval, and a sweet ‘Thanks’ was whispered as I finished. I then moved across to Lisa and started rubbing cream into her. Lisa jumped slightly when I started rubbing cream into her bum, but also voiced her approval when I finished. I then laid down, not quite believing how lucky I was to get my hands on two such hotties.

After about 5 minutes, I rolled over onto my back, and started rubbing cream into my chest. Just as I started, Nicole said ‘let me’. I transferred the rest of the cream I had on my hand to hers, and she expertly started rubbing cream into me. It felt like heaven.

Lisa, again not wanting to be left out, stayed on her stomach but started rubbing cream into my shoulder. Nicole worked her way down towards my feet, and stopped to lift my cock from side to side, stroke it a couple of times with cream, and then massage my balls. She said ‘you can’t be too careful now, as the sun can get anywhere.’ I nodded with approval.

Nicole then rubbed the rest of the cream into her breasts, and laid back. She then reached across and started stoking and playing with my balls. I moved my hand across and started sliding it through her trimmed bush, until I found her lips wide and waiting. I started moving my hand and working her pussy with expert technique from years of practice. I moved my other hand onto Lisa, down her bum (she shivered as I touched her arsehole), and found her pussy as well. Soon Lisa’s juices were now flowing as well as I inserted a couple of fingers into her. So here I was lying on my back with an absolute huge erection by now, Lisa on her stomach with my hand rubbing and probing her pussy, and Nicole on her back with me fingering her love hole.

Shortly both girls were starting to buck and raise their bums up and down, and moaning with sweet ‘ohhh yehs’, and ‘oh my god’. Nicole started moaning louder, and I knew she was cumming soon. ‘I never believed nude sunbathing could be this good’ Lisa moaned, who was also starting to leak heavily and on her way to a mighty orgasm. Then all of a sudden, both girls started to buck violently and moaned and yelled their way to huge orgasms both at the same time.

‘WOW’ they both said shakingly. At that Lisa leaned across and started kissing me, and Nicole raised herself to her knees, and took my cock in her mouth and swallowed me whole. I nearly came there and then. Lisa then moved down to my cock as well, and both girls started to work on me. They were taking it in turns, Nicole would swallow me, then slide her mouth off, and then Lisa would do the same. They had obviously done this before, which was absolutely breathtaking.

I couldn’t hang on any longer and said ‘I’m cumming’. With that, Lisa who was currently going down on me, sucked even harder and stayed with her lips locked around the base of my shaft. Kaboom went the first load into the back of Lisa’s throat like a rocket shooting to the moon as she withdrew her mouth and Nicole quickly replacing her mouth where Lisa’s just was. Nicole cleaned up the rest of the cum explosions which had now subsided to a trickle.

At that, both girls leaned across to one another, and kissed each other passionately on the lips, giving each other deep tongue tickles. I felt myself getting hard again at the sight of both of them enjoying each other’s company.

They then both laid down next to me, and cuddled in and started kissing me. I was now turning my head from side to side and kissing them passionately. I could taste the salty cum on their breathe, but eagerly kissed them hard. After a bit of this, they both laid back and we all started giggling and throwing statements like ‘wow, that was great’, ‘I have never orgasmed so hard before’, etc.

After we had all calmed down, we all got up and went for another nude swim and refreshed ourselves. We stayed like this for another hour, resting and relaxing on the sand, gently stroking each other and rubbing more sunburn lotion into each other.

As it was now nearly approaching 2pm, the wind started to come in, and we made plans to leave.

As we got back to the carpark, we exchanged addresses and planned drinks that night at a hotel and then both agreed to sleep over (another story) at my place. We also made a date for another day at the beach, and after that night, it was to be another fuckin good beach day.

The Commuter Bus

Trudy awoke to the soft classical music on the alarm clock radio. As she lay there thinking about the last evening with Ginger and Scott, Trudy realized she was very horny today and needed a stiff cock in her aching pussy.

Trudy climbed out of her bed and went to the patio window to look at the morning sunshine in the wooded yard outside her apartment.

“It was going to be warm today, she thought.” as she went to take a shower.

Trudy stood under the stream of hot water in the shower. The spray felt good on her skin as the hot water cascaded down her back, past her tiny waist, and rolled off the rounded cheeks of her tight buttocks. She lathered her ample, firm breasts with the soap and picked up the large sponge on the shelf under the shower spray. Rubbing her firm, soft breasts with the sponge, her thoughts went to Scott again.

His cock was so large, as she rubbed it through his slacks last night; she remembered how she could feel the heat of his organ through the thin material. She brought the sponge across her tiny waist and flat tummy and down to the tuft of blond hair on her soft, aroused pussy.

Resting a foot on the edge of the ledge of the shower, she rubbed the sponge around her little mound and across the outer lips of her pussy. She thought about what it would be like with Scott’s’ hand rubbing her there. Her pussy was getting very hot as she fantasized about his big cock shooting his hot come into her. She turned off the water and grabbed a bath towel to dry her soft, tingling body.

She went into the bedroom to dress for work. Standing naked in front of the mirror, she put on her lipstick and carefully applied her mascara. Trudy finished combing her long, blond hair and went to the closet to get a skirt and blouse.

As she put on a yellow, nylon blouse she decided to not button the top because she liked the sexy way her breasts would shake the loose, thin material as she moved. Then she pulled on a ruffled, yellow mini-skirt with black polka dots past her narrow hips and fastened it around her tiny waist. Slipping into a pair of plain, black high heel shoes she crossed the bedroom to her dresser and took out a pair of pink, black trimmed panties. After pulling on the panties, she stepped in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection.

“Such a hot looking babe.” she thought as she examined the sexy, blonde girl in the mirror wearing the soft, yellow blouse, opened to reveal a hint of her soft cleavage peeking past the loose, nylon fabric.

Gazing down, past her narrow waist to her flared polka-dot mini-skirt, she thought about the way Scott looked at her last night when she showed him her new panties. Gazing at the ruffle on the hem of her bright yellow skirt which stopped at the tops of her tanned slim thighs, she thought about his big cock again and the bulge it made in his clothes. She could feel the wetness in her little pussy building, as she looked at the image of her gorgeous blonde body.

She reached past the hem and touched her hot, wet pussy through the little nylon panties. Rubbing the tiny opening at the top of her cunt gently, she noticed how her full breasts would heave, as her breathing became faster from the excitement building in her aching pussy.

She rubbed the sensitive, pink clitoris beneath the thin border of her panties for a moment, then reached under her little flared skirt, and pulled down her panties. She lifted her leg to take them off and stepped out of the wispy panties, leaving them lay on the floor. After taking one last look at the reflection of her freshly made-up face, the silky, yellow blouse, and very short mini-skirt, she left for her job at the office.

The bus was very crowded with business men and people going downtown to work. There was no seat available, so she worked herself past several men in suits to the back of the bus and grabbed a rail in the crowded isle.

There was a man directly in front of her wearing a neat brown business suit. Beside her, were more men in suits standing with blank expressions on their faces as they rode the large bus towards their offices. Behind her, she could feel the presence of more men standing in the close quarters, bumping her occasionally, from the rocking action of the bus, as it hurried down the street.

She suddenly felt a warm hand on the skin at the back of her thigh and was startled at first. Nevertheless, the warm hand, as it gently rubbed the soft skin of her thigh, felt good to her. She dared not look behind her for fear he would stop, but she wondered which man was doing this to her.

“Was it the man in the black suit directly behind her, or could it be the fellow sitting in the seat next to her, reading a newspaper.” she wondered.

The strange, warm, strong hand slowly drifted to the damp, soft skin between her tingling thighs and massaged the smooth skin just below her dampening, horny pussy hiding under her flared, yellow skirt. As the warm hand massaged the soft skin, her pussy became very wet.

Then she felt his fingers travel up under her skirt, touching the sparse, blond hair at he opening of her naked sex. She gasped as her breathing quickened at the persistent rubbing near her little, wet pussy. The mysterious, warm hand continued up the back of her ruffled skirt and rested on the firm, fleshy cheeks of her little ass, naked under the sexy, ruffled skirt she was wearing.

She took a deep breath, as the hand squeezed the warm, firm globes of her cheeks. She could hear faintly, his breathing get heavier, as he rubbed the soft, warm flesh under her skirt. She felt the mans’ hand drifting back down the deep valley between her soft, round cheeks to her now, very hot pussy. His fingers lingered there, before they probed into the warm, slippery, wetness inside her.

As his fingers rubbed between the wet, outer lips of Trudy’s’ pussy, she moaned softly and closed her eyes, As she held tightly to the rail with both of her hands. Unconsciously, she pushed her little bottom rhythmically against the probing hand. As his fingers rubbed the opening of her wet pussy back and forth, she could faintly hear, above the noise of the crowded bus, the sound of a zipper opening behind her.

Suddenly the hand was gone and she started to turn around when she felt his body pressing against her back, pushing against her soft, rounded butt, draped only by the ruffles of her little yellow skirt. Then she felt the heat from the head of his hot, engorged prick as it pushed against the wet opening of her pussy from behind her.

As the crowded, noisy bus rocked gently, She could feel the strangers cock push and enter her hot, wet opening from behind, sliding easily along the slippery channel of her soaked pussy under the brief skirt. She wondered if he could see her naked ass from where he was standing. Trudy felt relief as she saw the fellow sitting down next to her, still reading his newspaper and apparently not noticing the lewd display in front of him.

The thick cock pushed in a little further and a hand again, squeezed the warm fleshy cheeks under her skirt. The rocking of the bus made his cock slide back and forth in her tight, wet pussy as Trudy flushed with sexual excitement. Trudy pushed back against the engorged, hard cock and sighed heavily to the gentle, rocking rhythm of the thick, probing organ sliding inside her soaked pussy.

Trudy bit on her lower lip, as his cock began to thrust deep into her hot, wet vagina, to stifle the moans she started to utter. His hands on her ass, under her short skirt, squeezed and pulled her soft, naked ass firmly against him. Suddenly, she heard him groan behind her as she felt the spurts of warm semen shooting against the walls inside of her pulsating cunt. She stifled a loud moan, as she felt her vagina tighten and begin the rhythmic spasms of orgasm around the thick, shooting penis deep inside her. She bent forward slightly as she hung on to the rail, and pushed her throbbing pussy hard against him.

After a brief moment, she felt him withdraw his now softening, wet cock followed by the familiar sound of a zipper behind her. Regaining her composure, she turned her head around to see her strange lover. However, there wasn’t a clue to indicate which of the several men behind her had just screwed her so well from behind. Come was dripping down her leg as her bus came to her stop. She looked behind her one more time for a glimpse of the owner of that wonderful cock and, not being able to tell which one of the suits it was, worked her way to the exit at the back of the bus. She could not avoid rubbing against the dark suits on her way to the exit, her hard nipples brushed against the smooth material inside her loose, nylon blouse. Breathless from her erotic experience, she squeezed by the crowd of business men.

Stepping off the bus into the sunshine, she smoothed down the ruffles of her little skirt and walked the short distance to her office. As she walked down the bright sidewalk, lined by tall office buildings on the busy street, her body was still warm from sexual excitement.

Her breasts shook wildly in her thin, yellow blouse, as her inflamed nipples brushed the soft nylon material, bringing her close to another orgasm.

A mild breeze was gently blowing against her face and she noticed how it would occasionally pick up the ruffles of her flared mini-skirt, exposing the little, blond hairs of her swollen pussy. She smiled at the nerve of that strange man taking such liberties with her body and was glad she had left her panties at home today.


My wife and I, both 40, have always enjoyed hot tubbing. It started when we were dating. We would grab a bottle of Korbel Brut, reserve a room at a nearby hot tub establishment, and find various ways of getting each other off in the hot bubbly water. Marriage and two children have not stopped us from enjoying hot tubbing and each other. However, one day last winter, changed hot tubbing as I knew it.

Winter in the Northwest is dreary. Cold, wet, rain… On a Monday in January, my wife asked if I would like her to arrange a babysitter after work one night during the up coming week, and reserve an hour hot tub session. Of course, I said, “YES”, anticipating a hot, steamy sucking and fucking session. Not a bad way to end a stressful day at work. On Wednesday, she called me after lunch and said she had made a reservation at Elite Hot Tubbing for 5:30pm. I said, “Great!! I’ll pick up a bottle of champagne on my way”.

Stopped at a traffic light, my mind wandered to thoughts of seeing the steam float off my wife’s tits. These thoughts gave me an instant hard on. Although my wife has had two kids, her body is still in great shape. She works out at the YMCA, and it shows. I’ve always loved her tits. As I pictured myself sucking on them, I heard the car behind me honk. The light changed green, but I was obviously in another place.

I arrived a little late due to rush hour traffic. I expected my wife to be waiting in the lobby, dressed in a tight black outfit. She knows how hot she looks in black. And when I see her in black, I can’t control myself. However, when I opened the door, she wasn’t in the waiting area. I told the cashier my name and asked if my wife had already checked in. She said, “yes, they’re waiting for you in room #1.” I didn’t think much of it, but as I approached room #1, I heard laughing and giggling. I knocked on the door, and heard my wife say, “who is it?”

I responded with, “it’s me honey.” A couple of seconds past, the door unlocked and opened slowly. My wife, smiling and standing in front of me naked, steam coming off her hot, wet body, nipples hard from the cool breeze flowing in from the open door, said, “Hi babe! Come in and join us.” Us, I thought. As my eyes made their way across the room, I noticed an empty bottle of champagne sitting on the counter, two sets of bras and panties hanging from hooks, and my wife’s friend Michelle from California sitting in the hot tub.

Of my wife’s friends, Michelle is always the one I have fantasized about having a threesome with. Her looks remind me of my wife. She has brunette hair, piercing eyes, and exudes a strong sexual energy. Not to mention a fantastic body. I’ve often masturbated, picturing my wife and her locked up in a sixty-nine, and me fucking them both side by side.

My wife, getting cold from the breeze, jumped back into the hot tub and said to me, “Close the door, open that bottle of champagne, get naked and join us”. The bulge in my jeans was noticeable, because I heard Michelle tell my wife, “it doesn’t look like he’s going to need any champagne to get ready”. She was right; my wildest fantasy was about to come true. I quickly stripped my unwanted clothing. My cock was hard, and a few drops of pre-cum were glistening on the tip of my swollen head.

As I opened the champagne, I heard the girls talking about my ass. My wife is (was) fairly conservative. Growing up in a large Catholic family in the Midwest, the thought of sex was more pro-creational than recreational. Let alone sex with another woman. However, She had lived with a girl in college, who according to my wife was for the most part a “lesbian”. They played with each other’s tits a few times, but that was the extent of it. So this was a surprise to me. I often wondered if my wife was telling me the truth about “just playing with each others tits…”

I filled their glasses and mine, and I joined them in the hot, bubbling water. We drank the champagne and made small talk, and then my wife took the lead. She said to me, “you’ve appeared to quench your thirst, are you ready for your SNACK?” With that, she raised out of the hot water and sat on the side of the hot tub. Steam was flowing of her hot body. I moved to her and kissed her passionately. She responded by grabbing my hard, throbbing cock.

I pushed her back on an Exercise mat that I laid out. I glanced over at Michelle. She was watching intently. I bent down over my wife and kissed her erect nipples. I heard Michelle pop out of the water and slide down closer to us. I looked Michelle up and down. She was exactly how I pictured her in my mind. Small, firm tits, with tiny nipples. My wife has large nipples, so this was going to be a “double” treat. Her pussy hair was dark like my wife’s, and trimmed just enough to see her clit and pussy lips. God I love a hair pussy! She had begun massaging her clit and fingering herself.

The smell of sex and chlorine from the hot tub began to envelop the room. I continued sucking on my wife’s nipples, and them moved down to her hairy mound. As I ran my mouth over the top of her clit, moans of pleasure escaped from her. I was ready for my “SNACK”. As my tongue touched her swollen clit, I heard a loud sound of ecstasy fill the room. I thought it was my wife, but noticed that it was Michelle’s cry of pleasure. Her fingers performed magic on her swollen clit, and she was shaking with enjoyment as she reached orgasm. With that, my wife’s breathing intensified, each time my tongue massaged her clit and darted in and out of her wet hole.

My tongue was moving faster and faster. Michelle bent down and started, gently biting my wife’s nipples. Between my tongue and her teeth, it wasn’t long before she was bucking like a Brahma bull, begging me to fuck her. Her legs stiffened and the shaking of her body created waves in the hot tub, pulsating against my throbbing cock. My wife, obviously in another world, begged Michelle to feel her wet pussy. Without hesitation, Michelle explored my wife’s wet snatch and slipped her middle finger into my wife. It was like a hot knife going through butter. Michelle started finger fucking her, and she said to me, “I need to feel your cock in me.”

“Please fuck me now!!” Michelle pulled her finger out of my wife, brought it to her nose and smelled her friend’s wetness before licking the pussy juice off her finger. While my wife and I watched Michelle enjoying her nectar, I jammed my stiff rod into her. As I started pumping, it almost slipped out because her pussy was so wet. My wife began to hyperventilate, and I knew she was getting close to another intense orgasm. Her eyes opened momentarily as Michelle started to squeeze her erect nipples. My wife returned the favor by grabbing and squeezing Michelle’s small tits. Noticing this, while continuing to fuck my wife, I reached over and started rubbing Michelle’s clit.

With my wife squeezing her tits and my finger working its magic on Michelle’s love button, it didn’t take her long to get fully aroused and close to orgasm. In fact, I could feel my balls fill up quick. Michelle screamed out, “I’m going to come!!” That’s all it took for my wife. She yelled out, “I’m coming too. Fuck me! Fuck me!” Both of them started shaking.

I could feel my wife’s pussy squeezing my cock as it contracted in orgasm. I was there too. I started to moan loudly as the first shot of come pumped into my wife. God she was so wet. As I started my second shot, my cocked slipped out of her and shot the next load onto her left tit and the third all over her stomach. Michelle collapsed on top of my wife, her head lying above my wife’s tits. She opened her eyes, and noticed the load of cum on my wife. She reached out with her tongue and licked it off my wife’s nipple. A smile came across her face, and she said, “You taste as good as Mary.”

We all sat back down in the hot tub, eyes closed reminiscing about the most incredible licking, sucking and fucking session we had just experienced. As we showered and dressed, I wondered what the next couple was going to do. The smell of sex we created was still lingering as we left…

Upskirt and More

It was a big barbecue to celebrate the warm weather FINALLY arriving. My name is Rhonda. I got to the party with my husband and we began drinking and enjoying ourselves. I’m only thirty, in great shape, tall slim in a size 5, big c/d cups that I work out enough to keep pretty perky especially in a push-up bra.

I was wearing a denim skirt, not mini, but not long, and a cream colored blouse that kind of wrapped across my front with a low neck-line. In the V of the neck my half-cup push up bra put my cleavage at the lashes of most of the men there. My husband Darren is pretty average, tall dark, handsome, pretty muscular I guess. He knows I’m attractive and likes when others take notice. We once discussed going further and decided at the time against it. ‘Maybe when we’re forty and sick of each-other’ we joked.

On this particular night we had been cooped up all winter. Heavy coats and long cold nights had kept me covered and I was feeling frisky and daring. We drifted together and apart as the night progressed. I noticed some dancing going on and told my husband the next time I bumped into him that I wanted to dance. He was a little too drunk he confessed, but told me I could if I kept it clean. I smiled a little tipsy myself. The next time I passed by the dancing which was away from the house near the tree-line of the large yard I lingered until someone asked me to dance.

“I’m married, so it’s just a dance.” I giggled. The guy smiled graciously and nodded. We danced and I really enjoyed it after the dance with a bit of fire spreading in my groin I headed back towards the house to locate my husband. I didn’t find him, but wandered my way inside where there was a quieter more intimate setting. I soon ended up talking to another couple and two guys about local real estate and schools or something pretty trivial, but engrossing. I sipped my rum and coke and relaxed forgetting about my husband. A half hour passed and we ended up sitting around in a downstairs den. We were chatting and gabbing while the tv buzzed through the news on mute.

I was beginning to lose track of time, but didn’t mind it was warm and cozy and I was feeling the booze and a light flirtatious arousal. The other woman seemed to be feeling my vibe and feeding it. I was sitting in a recliner and she the corner spot of a large sectional sofa. She had jeans on and she kicked off her shoes and curled up her legs, encouraging me to get comfy and relax. I kicked off my sandals and wrapped my legs up under me, causing my skirt to creep high on my legs, but I wasn’t showing anything more than thigh, so I didn’t care.

It was cooling off and one of the guys got the gas fireplace going. The conversation kind of gave way to a comfortable quiet and I soon found myself half nodding off in the comfort of the chair by the warmth of the fire. I wasn’t out more than a few minutes when I woke the couple were making out very heavily and the two guys were just watching. The guy had one hand up her T-shirt and the other was fiddling in her jeans which were un-done. I couldn’t help but watch. A few minutes later the man pulled his glistening fingers from his wife’s panties and they went upstairs.

The guys got another round including another beer for me and soon we were all engrossed in a movie. I sat on the sectional closer to the guys and the fire. I was soon nodding off again, but my skirt kept bunching at my waist from where I was sitting. Seeing that the guys were involved I unzipped it for comfort. It zips down the side. So doing so exposed the side strap to my high cut thong panties. I then curled my legs up again and was soon sleeping. As I slept I must have lain back or squirmed or something. I stirred a little and found that I had managed to get my skirt bunched around my waist.

My condition wasn’t missed by the two guys who were looking at the sheer blue material covering my pussy. The panties were see-thru from my clit up, so they could see the full, but narrow swath of my landing strip. I was very horny, and still a little sleepy so I just sat up and left the skirt. I reached for my beer and asked if I missed anything.

For the next ten minutes or so I lounged comfortably, my skirt now very loose floated at about my waist my bare buttocks on the couch. With me awake the guys weren’t looking as much. So I sized them up. One was named Brandon, the other Jimmy, I don’t remember who was who. One was blond and boyish with a slim tall boy, the other had short black hair and was a bit rugged looking. My husband wandered down and immediately noticed my state of dress. Having been already caught I made no attempt to draw attention to it in any way.

“Hey Rhon.” My husband said. “I’m beat and pretty drunk how bout we walk home now?” He said not mentioning my exposed panties. I thought long and hard about my answer and then answered with total honesty.

“I’m too cozy and comfy to move down here, I’ll meet you home in an hour or so, maybe after this movie.” I said referring to the late movie which had just started.

“That doesn’t end until one its only eleven fifteen.” Darren said, this time looking right at my crotch.

“Alright then I’ll be home around one-thirty, if I make it, I may crash right here.” I said patting the cushion. The host had told us earlier that if we got tired to stake out a quiet corner.

“Babe I think we’re both trashed. I woke up in a lawn chair about twenty minutes ago, why don’t we call it a night.” Darren seemed a little miffed, with good reason I suppose.

“Darren I don’t have it in me to walk home right now, I’m beat and into the movie, the beer, and the campfire.” I reached under my shirt from the back and unhooked my bra. “I just want to get comfortable and wake up in the morning.” I snaked the bra through my sleeves, the act of doing so caused me to lean forward, which meant I put my legs down and spread them slightly for balance. As my bra came off I melted into total comfort. I set one foot on the sofa in front of me, sitting so un-lady like caused my very moist pussy to gape a little, and I could feel my panties up against it, the outline must now be visible below the see-through portion.

“Jesus Rhonda, watch yourself.” Darren whispered. I smiled.

“You know I like looking sexy, you like when I look sexy, relax, I’ll be fine, take this.” I handed him my bra. “Go home, I’ll wander over when I think I can.” Darren looked at me dumbfounded. “Go!” I said. “I’m fine.” As he turned to leave I felt odd. I had wanted him gone, so I could keep teasing the two guys.

It was true. I was getting such a charge from exposing myself that I had sent my husband home so I could do it. To make it even stranger he left, with my bra. What the hell kind of a man was he?! He was in for it in the morning, but the truth was I wanted nothing to do with leaving. So I wasn’t planning to go anywhere no matter what.

Now I was left with Jimmy and Brandon who looked at me with lusty eyes, and amazed stares. One of them started to say something.

“Shhhhh.” I said quietly and motioned to the movie. I sat Indian style in the corner of the sectional. As the movie progressed, I lost interest and found myself massaging a nipple. My hand has slipped into my blouse and was gently rolling my naked flesh. I looked over at Jimmy and Brandon and they were both staring at me, Jimmy was massagin his crotch through his slacks. I was about to cross a threshold. They both met my gaze for a moment and with a tipsy content confidence I flipped the breast I was fondling out of my blouse and began to rub it openly. My other hand dipped down and touched my pussy through my panties. the material was damp to the touch. I moaned.

With Jimmy and Brandon watching I stood and let my skirt slide to the floor. I then sat back down and first through my panties and then tugging them to the side I masturbated to orgasm.

When Iopened my eyes Jimmy had his cock out and was lightly stroking it. Brandon was rubbing gently through his pants. I was too horny to care at that point and slid my panties off. My blouse followed.

I closed my eyes and nodded. I soon felt them a light kiss on my left nipple, then a kiss at my inner thigh. firm hands guiding my legs apart. I don’t know who went down on me, but it was magnificent. The lean one then kissed my lips and we made out momentarily while the other ate me out. Then he guided my mouth to his cock. I sucked it slowly enjoying the tast and flavor.

The other got up between my legs and I felt his cock began nosing its way into my pussy. In-out/in-out each time going a little deeper. I was so overstimulated that I quickly began to come. It lasted a minute, somewhere near the end I felt the one in my pussy tense up, I wanted to tell him to pull out, but between my orgasm and the enjoyment I was getting from running my tongue around his friend’s cock I never got the chance. Our orgasms mingled as jet after jet of cum filled my pussy.

As he withdrew the other suddenly grabbed my head and a moment later I was swallowing fiercely as the cock in my mouth erupted cum also. For a few minutes they knelt beside where I lay on the couch tracing my nipples and abdomen. the afterglow was nice. then they dressed and left and I was alone in this basement with a pussy full of cum stark naked. I began to nod off and woke to the gentle touch of the woman from earlier. She covered me with a blanket and I slept until morning.