Category: cheating wives

Anniversary Trip Goes South

To my knowledge, my wife Sally had never cheated on me in 14 years of marriage. We have two great sons (12 and 10) and have always enjoyed a good sex life. Sally has blond hair and is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs. She is attractive and keeps herself in good shape. Neither of us are heavy drinkers but occasionally we like to get hammered and it inevitably leads to great uninhibited sex. We always reserve at least one night on any vacation for a big night out. This particular incident occurred on an anniversary trip to Bermuda and has both haunted and aroused me ever since. I have never spoken to my wife about what happened and probably never will.

It all started at the airport on the trip over. We met a nice couple from Georgia (Mellie and Jim) who were also heading to Bermuda for a getaway. Jim was bigger than me standing about 6 feet 3 inches and was pretty well built at around 210 lbs. Mellie was cute and slightly overweight but with very nice boobs. They had already been drinking and we had a great time talking to them prior to boarding. We talked to them again after landing in Bermuda and said our farewells as we all took cabs to our resorts.

On out third day we ran into Mellie and Jim while shopping. Mellie was on crutches and had a big bandage on her foot from stepping on a piece of glass. Jim told us the story and as usual he had us in stitches with his southern humor. We all decided to go have a drink and by late afternoon we were all feeling pretty good. I could tell this was going to be a big drunk for Sallie and me and I knew that if I kept feeding her margaritas that this would be a great night of sex. Sallie and I like tequila and it invariably leads to incredible love making.

We invited Mellie and Jim to go to dinner with us at a restaurant at our resort and we said our goodbyes to go get showered before dinner. Sallie and I kept drinking as we got ready for dinner. She put on a short clingy dress that came to mid thigh. Underneath she wore a lacy bra and white silk panties that I was already imagining taking off of her later in the evening. We met Mellie and Jim at the restaurant and had dinner on the terrace overlooking the ocean. The drinks were flowing freely and all four of us were getting really drunk. I always know my wife is drunk when she demands to go dancing and sure enough Sallie suggested we hit the dance floor. We debated going to into town and finding a hopping bar but decided that would take too long. I suggested we go back to our room where we had our iPod dock and crank some dance tunes. Everyone agreed and off we went.

The room dancing was fun with Mellie hopping around on crutches and the four of us doing our best dirty dancing moves. I spent as much time dancing with Mellie as I did with Sallie and I must admit I was having a good time brushing up against her boobs. Mellie was absolutely wasted due to some painkillers she was taking for her foot. As I danced with her I had to pretty much hold her up which gave me great access to her hooters. I ordered several rounds of room service margaritas as the dancing continued. I could see that Sallie was incredibly drunk and she was showing all of her best dirty dancing moves. Jim was hilarious on the dance floor as well but he never missed a chance to put his hands on Sallie or grind into her. It seemed like harmless fun.

Our suite was one room but it was large. We had moved the furniture so we could dance and were obviously making too much noise. A resort employee was dispatched to our room to tell us to quiet down which suited me because I was ready for Jim and Mellie to leave so I could go after Sallie. Suddenly I looked up to see Mellie sitting in a chair completely asleep. I suggested we end it but Sallie was having the time of her life dancing and Jim was in no mood to leave with his passed out wife. While Jim and Sallie kept dancing I moved Mellie to the bed and elevated her foot. It was sensational as I literally had my hands all over and was inches from her thong as I rested her foot atop a pillow. Sallie and Jim were oblivious. I grabbed my drink and sat down beside Mellie on the bed to watch the dancing. I must have nodded off in my drunken stupor because the next thing I knew Jim was shaking me trying to wake me up.

I really wanted him to leave so I pretended to sleep. He turned to Sallie and said that I was passed out cold and to my surprise she called me a light weight and said that she always could handle her liquor better than me – a true statement. So here I was pretending to be asleep on the bed with the comatose wife of Jim lying beside me. Sallie came over and shook me and told me to get up and start dancing. I simply lay there with my eyes shut hoping Jim would get the message and leave. Unfortunately that was not what he had in mind.

Even as Sallie was trying to wake me Jim was behind her dirty dancing. I heard him tell her to keep on dancing and to my surprise she did. Jim was running his hands all over Sallie and she was not stopping him. I saw him try and kiss her but she laughingly pushed him away. He kept after her telling her to loosen up and have some fun and I was amazed that she was giggling and having fun with it. Mellie and I might as well have been in another room.

At one point Jim was behind my wife dancing and I could see that he was running his hands all over her tits and even brushing her crotch. Finally Sallie stopped him when he tried to pull her straps off her shoulders but she still was good natured about it. I saw Jim whisper something to her and to my disbelief; Sallie walked over to me and shook me. I did not move. She then went and turned down the music and turned off the lights and went back to Jim. They started dancing again but this time they were grinding into each other and Sallie had her head against Jim’s chest. I could not believe she was doing this but I could not make myself stop it.

Jim grabbed her hand and led her to a chair. He sat down with Sallie facing him and pulled her straps off her shoulders and pulled her bra down below her tits and began sucking her nipples. She offered token resistance but was not about to stop him. Sallie loves having her nipples licked and I could tell she was at the point of no return. Jim pulled her down so she was straddling him on the couch. I could not believe my wife was letting him do this. I could not see his right hand but I knew he was rubbing her pussy under her dress. Her hips were rocking and she was clutching his head to her chest. This went on for several minutes and I could hear her breathing over the music. Suddenly she stood up and knelt down in front of him. Sallie has always liked to suck cock and when she gets really horny she demands it. She went down on him and I watched as my beautiful wife was balling Jim. Jim pulled her up and turned her around. I saw him reach up under her dress and remove her panties. He then pulled her down on him and inserted his cock between her legs. She was on fire with her eyes closed and trembling with pleasure. Jim turned her around again and she faced him and again sat on his cock. Her dress was bunched around her waist and I watched with both arousal and horror as he reached around and gripped her ass and eventually shot his load inside her. She orgasmed with him as she always does when I shoot off inside her and she continued to buck for what seemed like minutes. Finally, she rolled off of him and lay down on the couch and shut her eyes.

Jim stood up and straightened himself up and went straight to Mellie. He picked her up and headed for the door. We never saw them again.

When I woke up that morning Sallie was asleep in the bed with me having showered at some point during the night. Sallie and I have never spoken about her having sex with Jim that night although I think she knows that I know something happened.

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Girls Night Out In Sexy Text Messages

A month ago my wife Kim was invited to a friend’s 40th birthday celebration. Angela planned to have a girly night at a hotel in a nearby town and Kim and four other women were invited.

Kim was uncertain whether to go or not as she’s 49, so she’s about ten years older than the rest of them and she had found that previous social events with this group were a bit noisier than she really liked. Not that they were particularly rowdy, but Kim is rather quiet and conservative and doesn’t normally drink much.

However I told her she ought to go. It would give her a break from the domestic routine and provide a chance to relax and recharge her batteries. I think what swung the balance was when she found that she would be sharing a room with Angela. Although she knew the other women well (they were all involved in the parent teachers association for our local high school) she was definitely much more friendly with Angela than the others.

The plan was for them to check into the hotel early on the Saturday afternoon, spend a bit of time in the spa and pool, and then go out for a meal in the evening.

Kim isn’t vain, but she does like to look nice and she asked my advice about what she should wear on the Saturday evening. They were going to a reasonably smart restaurant, so she had picked out a stylish dress which I thoroughly approved of.

“What do you think about underwear?” she asked, knowing that it’s an area I normally take a keen interest in.

“Well you’ve a choice — sensible or sexy — which do you feel like?”

She said she didn’t know which was best, so I suggested that as she had plenty of room in her case she might as well take both, then she could put on whatever suited her mood in the evening. She nodded in agreement to that and as well as some sensible, comfy underwear she also packed a lacy black bra and pants set, plus some lovely lace-topped hold-ups which I had bought her recently.

Not surprisingly I had a definite preference for the sexy underwear, but funnily enough I felt that Kim would be more likely to wear them if I left the choice to her and didn’t try and tell her what to wear.

I was enjoying helping her pack and the idea of my lovely wife going out in a smart dress and with her best underwear on was distinctly arousing. After we had been married for several years I had rather hesitantly confided in her that I did sometimes fantasize about her having sex with other men.

She was surprised and rather shocked, but fortunately she wasn’t actually upset. I should add that Kim was a virgin when I met her and throughout our nearly thirty years of marriage we have always been faithful to each other. Anyway she said nothing was ever going to happen, but the subject did crop up occasionally in our pillow talk and we seemed to settle on it as an agreeable fantasy.

The fact that Kim found it okay as a fantasy made me hope that one day it might actually be realized. Clearly this night out had the potential for something to happen and that was added to by a few bits of information I knew about some of the other women. I knew that Angela occasionally went out to clubs with Denise who was divorced. Bearing in mind that Kim had told me that Angela and her husband hadn’t had sex for 18 months I found it hard to believe that there weren’t times when things happened on those nights out.

So there was definitely a subtext to this night out and if nothing else I had a pleasant time mentally running through (and picturing!) the possibilities. Nothing was actually said, but I’m sure that Kim had at least an inkling of what I was thinking.

Anyway Kim set off to pick up Angela and one of the other women at lunchtime on the Saturday and as the hotel was only twenty miles away it wasn’t long before I got a text saying they had arrived safely. The next I heard was in the early evening when my phone beeped.

All going well. Hotel is great. Off out for meal soon. Luv u. Kim. xxx

I tapped out a reply.

Good. I hope u have a lovely evening. What undies did u choose?

My phone soon beeped again and I smiled at the reply.

Trust u to ask that. I chose the sexy ones. xxx

Nice! Have fun!

After that I settled down to watch a movie. It was perfectly possible, indeed quite likely that I wouldn’t hear any more from Kim, but nevertheless I kept my phone handy just in case. In the event it was getting on towards 11pm when it suddenly beeped again.

We’re back at the hotel and there’s a disco. Is it OK if I dance with someone?

Now that was interesting because Kim clearly wouldn’t have bothered texting me unless she wanted to dance. So I replied leaving it up to her, but making it clear that she had my approval (though encouragement might be a better word).

Sure. Have a dance. Text me again if you get chance.

I hoped that Kim would realise that my request for her to text me again was basically me saying that if anything did happen I wanted to be kept informed. After that I settled down to wait. I surfed restlessly through several of the TV channels, but couldn’t really watch anything. It was over half an hour before my phone beeped again.

I’ve danced with Mike a few times and he’s trying to touch me up. Do u mind?

That did make my heart beat faster!

That’s fine. I want u to enjoy yourself but txt updates if u can.

There was an almost immediate reply.

Thanks. Luv u. xxx

I sat there looking at my phone wondering what my wife was doing at this very moment. When she texted saying that Mike was trying to touch her up, I assumed that meant he had already touched her bum and bust outside of her clothing.

In a way that wasn’t great intimacy, except that I knew that it was for Kim. In the last thirty years I was the only man who had kissed her and touched her. Untouched until now by any stranger she must have found the novelty of the situation hugely arousing (doubly so as it included the thrill of the forbidden). I could imagine that she was very wet, squirming beneath Mike’s touch, responding to the messages her body was sending her, yet very aware that what she was doing was “wrong”.

I was sure that Mike would be keen to explore. His hand would travel up the front of her dress. Kim would say no, probably push his hand away, but it would return and begin to trace a journey up her inner thigh. Still she would say no, but this time there would be no pushing his hand away. She would almost stop breathing when his hand reached her knickers and he would not be able to miss the unmistakeable message which her damp panties proclaimed. His desire would be intense as his fingers explored further. At this exact moment his fingers could be drifting across her lush pubic hair, before sliding down to their ultimate target. Parting her cunt lips and sliding his finger inside her I could imagine Mike thinking that he had to have her, he simply must fuck this lovely married pussy.

I stared at my phone; was that what was happening now? In the event there were another thirty minutes or so before the next message arrived.

Angela wants to take them upstairs. What should I do?

It’s your choice but u have my permission. R u wet? Has he felt your pussy?

I am v wet. He has touched my pussy. Luv u. xxxxx

Now my imagination was in feverish overdrive. I had a vivid mental picture of two couples stumbling into a dimly lit bedroom. My wife’s dress being removed. A stranger unfastening her bra and then licking and sucking her breasts. Hands removing those lacy black knickers, fingers delving between her legs and exploring her lush wetness. Then Kim on her back, legs spread wide and another man’s cock sliding between her cunt lips and drawing an exquisite moan of pleasure from her lips.

After an hour I realised there weren’t going to be any more texts so I went to bed. I couldn’t resist reading through the messages again and tried to picture what was taking place twenty miles away. Had anything happened — surely it must have? Perhaps the deed was done or at this exact moment was my wife gasping as another man groaned and pumped his sperm into her lustful pussy.

I jerked myself off and finally fell asleep to a pleasant mental image of my wife laid back satisfied, her pubic hairs matted with a mixture of love honey and cum and her cunt lips still gaping from the passage of her lover’s cock. Not long afterwards my phone went for the final time that night and delivered the decisive message.

I’ve just been fucked. Luv u. xxxxx

Wife Drinking At The Strip Club

I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5’7″ 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young children and just don’t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the kids at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue jeans skirt, a white sweater blouse with no bra and black boots. She then said that she had a surprise for me and bent over while pulling up her skirt. She was wearing no panties and instead had on an all in one garment that was stockings with a garter belt attached. I pleaded with her to fuck me right then and there, but she said not now! 

We went to dinner at a nice suburban restaurant and my wife drank most of a bottle of Pinot Gris. When we left the restaurant, she was already buzzing and wanted to stay out later. We drove down the boulevard until we decided to go to this strip club that we had been to before. She likes to go there when she’s drunk. It’s not too bad a place actually, it’s clean and they’re friendly there. I thought this could get hot, my wife has no panties on and we’re going to a titty bar. It was however unlikely anyone would see anything as her skirt was down past her knees. 

So when we got there we went to a table back away from the stage. While we walked back there, I could feel all the men’s eyes on her. We ordered a drink and watched the show. They have 1 dollar vodka cranberry drinks there, and my wife took advantage of that. She was on her second drink before I had half my beer consumed. As she got drunker, she got more interested in the dancers. She started to go up to the stage to tip them and be closer to them. They strippers really took an interest in my wife’s attention. They seemed to pay her more attention than other patrons. They would lean in real close to her and dangle their tits in her face. My wife was loving it! I might add that the other men in the club seemed to like watching the dancers being flirty with my wife. She would occasionally come back to sit at my table, but as she drank that became less frequent an occurrence. There were times, I thought that she must be so drunk, she forgets I’m here too. 

Anyway, the fun really started when my wife went up to watch a stripper named “Siren” do her thing. She’s a tall very thin brunette with an amazing body. My wife has liked watching her before. The strippers would dance two songs at a time and were usually nude by the middle of the second song. On the second song, my wife tucked the dollar bill in her blouse seemingly to dare her to come get it. The surprise was how she got it. Rather than put her head down her blouse, she lifted her blouse retrieving the dollar and kissing both of her tits. All of the men’s eyes around the stage were glued on the two of them. Siren then pulled back and recovered her so that she could show some love to the other tippers. 

After her second dance she departed the stage and another brunette got up to dance. This one was more medium build with nice breasts. They were probably a full C cup bra. She also took particular interest in my wife. She was dangling her tits in her face and just being very friendly. The men loved seeing this, especially the older gentleman sitting next to her. He was grey, a little heavyset and probably in his sixties. He had spoken with my wife at times, leaning in closer to make himself heard over the music. After her two dances were over, I could just make out the dancer asking my wife if she could give her a private dance for free. She said she really wanted to dance for her. My wife was rather drunk at this point and was very agreeable. The two of them ventured back to the VIP area. 

The VIP area is nothing more than a separate area of the club with five foot walls surrounding it and leather couches all along the inside. I truly think my wife was completely wasted, because she didn’t say a word to me, she just got up and went back there. Being drunk, I think she forgot about me. When they went back there, they went in and disappeared below the wall. I got up and walked over there to the side where they would be and peered over the wall. I am 6’2″ so it was not difficult to see below. The bouncer came over immediately and asked what I was looking at. I explained it was my wife getting a dance and he understood and moved away. 

When I looked down, I saw my wife laying back on a leather couch, with the stripper hovering over her very close. Upon further examination, they were making out, and I mean sucking face passionately. My wife’s hands were squeezing her tits and I thought to myself, “holy shit this is hot!” Five feet to the right of my wife was another older gentleman, probably in his late 50s getting a lap dance also. He appeared to be wearing a wedding band, but was here alone. He would occasionally look over at my wife and seemed to find that as interesting as the woman dancing for him. The private dances lasted two songs at this club and I think he was on his last song while my wife was on her first. After a few minutes of sucking face and massaging each others tits, the stripper kneeled in front of my wife and guided her skirt up a bit. 

My wife was drunk as hell and I am not sure if she knew she was doing that or not. The stripper let out a soft squeal, and called Cindi a dirty girl when she discovered she had no panties on. She then moved back up over her and off to her side making out with my wife again, but now her hand disappeared up her skirt. Being up and behind, I couldn’t see up her skirt, but I am sure she was fingering my wife, due to the way I could see her breathing change. This lasted through the rest of the first song. When it was over the stripper for the guy left and he started to get up too, then leaned over and asked if he could watch them. I didn’t quite hear their response, but I think he liked it and sat down on the couch to the immediate right of my wife. Before he did, he caught a glimpse of me watching and looked at me questionably for approval, I nodded that it was okay with me. At the time, there was nobody else back there and my wife had no idea I was watching all of this as I was behind and above her behind the five foot wall. She was also so drunk, I doubt she even remembered I was there. 

As the second song begins the stripper is to my wife’s left making out with her and with her hand up her skirt that is pulled halfway up her thigh, while the older guy was sitting to her right, very close almost leaning into her. As my wife made out with the stripper, she was gyrating her hips slowly enjoying the hand of the stripper. The guy sitting to her right reached over and placed his hand on her stocking mid thigh. Feeling that, my wife pulled away from the kiss to see who that was and looked at him again. She smiled, leaned over and kissed him. My heart was racing because I was conflicted. I wanted to put a stop to this while at the same time, I was hard and wanted to see what she would do. She then kissed the stripper again and then back to the guy. She was in heaven. She then reached over and gently rubbed his groin which was bulging. He then moved his hand to her skirt and pulled upwards slightly. She helped him by lifting her butt a little bit while still kissing the dancer. He pulled up her skirt enough so that even I could see her pussy exposed now. His hand moved down and now both of them were rubbing her pussy. 

This was unbelievable to me seeing this. The dancer and the guy knew I was watching this and were giving me a great show. This guy was old enough to be her father and his finger was in her pussy. 

My wife still squeezing his bulge, prompted him to, with his free hand, to undo the button and zipper on his pants and pull out his dick, which was stiff. My wife grabbed it and squeezed it, then slowly stroked it. The second song was coming to an end, but I don’t think they much cared. When the third song began, the music was “girls, girls, girls” by Motley Crue and my wife was now kissing the dancer while still stroking his dick. While my wife’s head was turned he looked up and back at me again with a look like is this okay? I gestured it was nodding and he then got up somewhat and kneeled in front of my wife. He pulled her forward by the hips so that her hips were over the edge of the couch and while she was still kissing the dancer he pulled his bulging cock up and placed it at the entry way to her pussy. He then slowly guided it in and began to fuck my wife. Her legs were out to his sides and he was holding her by the hips. My wife, mother of two and devoted spouse was now getting fucked in a strip club by a guy old enough to be her father. Holy Shit that was hot. 

While he fucked her, she would occasionally look at him and then kiss the dancer again. About halfway through the song, she said she had to go get ready for her next stage performance and make some money. She said, “I’ll leave you two alone” and gave me a wink as she left. He then took her legs and put them up near her head and stood up so that he could fuck her plunging down deep into her pussy. As he fucked her, he now kissed her and would occasionally look up at me. Alcohol had turned my wife into a fuckslut. She was moaning and then told him to fuck her brains out. I nearly came in my pants. She was reaching out and grabbing his buttocks to pull his dick deeper inside her. Just then he arched his back and was cumming into her. (she had a tubal ligation, so I am not worried about pregnancy). He would thrust deep to shoot his load into her and then stopped altogether. 

They started to put themselves together and I went back to my table. She exited the VIP area and looked a little disheveled. She went right to the bathroom, no doubt to wipe up all the cum. When she came out, I met her at the restroom door and said hello. I said, “that must have been some dance, you were back there for three songs.” She said yes it was and that she really liked her dance with the stripper, but was tired now and wanted to go home. We did and when we got home, she passed out on the bed. I was sure to fuck her too, while she was out cold and shot my load up in her. 

The next morning, she seemed to not remember the night before. I wasn’t sure is she did or not, but she then asked me if we had fucked. I said yes. She said her pussy was all gooey and hairs were stuck together. What a night!

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Wife At The Movies

It was hard not to stare at the three of them standing in front of her. They were tall, tanned, and had great shoulders under their tee-shirts. And, from the look of their hands she was sure she had nice cocks to match. I’d like to ride one of those, she thought.

“Excuse me?” one of them turned and said to her. 

She was mortified as she realized the words had left her mind and come right out of her mouth. “Oh, sorry,” she said. At this point all three of them were looking at her with coy grins. 

“No problem,” the tallest one said. Then they took their tickets and headed through the door. They talked under their breaths as they moved and then all three turned to look at her before the door shut behind them. 

She took her ticket and headed into the dark theater. There were quite a few people in the room, but as she scanned the dimly lit arena she saw the three guys in the back corner gesturing in her direction. She took a quick look around and, when she realized they were truly calling her, she headed in their direction. Her heart was beating so fast and her panties were getting wetter and wetter with each step. 

“Hi” she said as she stepped beside them. She took her place in the middle of two of them; the third one was just over from them. 

Minutes after the movie started she felt an arm over her shoulder and fingers tickling her nipples. Suddenly another hand was on her knee and slowly sliding up her skirt and into her sopping pussy. She could have come from the mere excitement rushing through her body. Although hands were now fondling her both guys kept their eyes straight ahead on the screen. 

She let her knees fall apart a little more so that big hand could finger fuck her a little better. He was working slowly, though; his fingers teasingly circled her clit, pushing her to want big cock even more. She turned to the guy with his fingers in her pussy and as they caught eyes he pulled his hand from between her legs and stuck his fingers in her mouth. With pussy on her lips she then turned to the other guy and licked his lips to give him a taste. That was all he needed to encourage him to slip down on the floor and bury his face between her legs. 

The guy that had started with his fingers in her pussy now had his cock out and grabbed her hand to stroke him. His cock was exactly what she thought it would be – hard, fat, and long. She stroked it hard, trying not to come as the guy between her legs now had fingers in her ass and pussy while he licked like crazy. There was no shame by now as the third guy slid in for some action, too. All of a sudden she had a second cock in her hand and, again, it was nice. Here she was: legs spread, a hottie eating her pussy, a big cock in each hand, and all she could think about was getting fucked. 

Since they were at the back of the theater she didn’t see any problem with getting the cock she wanted. She pushed the guy out from between her legs, sat him down on the chair, and knelt in front of him to pull his cock out and see what she was dealing with. He had a good one, but not what she wanted. 

It was the second guy she wanted first. So, she pulled up her skirt, used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart, and lowered her body right over his fat dick. Since her back was to him as she rode him he reached around to pinch her nipples with each pussy stroke she gave him. She still had the middle guy’s cock in her hand and soon she was riding his cock just as hard. 

The third guy leaned over in her ear as she was grinding her pussy on his buddy and said, “Isn’t it my turn yet?” 

She nicely obliged and took position on his dick… and boy, it was the best of them all. He grabbed her hips and gently pushed them in a little circle to get her moving. He slipped his hand around to play with her at the same time and, without warning, she started coming all over that nice pole. 

She must have been making more noise than she thought because a couple in front of them turned around to see what the commotion was about. She didn’t care. She rode as hard she could and then he was ready to come. She jumped off and bent over to stick his cock in her mouth so she could enjoy every drop. Seeing her pussy was free one of the other guys didn’t hesitate. Instantly she had another cock pounding away. 

She had sucked everything she could off her first guy and, with a big dick still inside her, she turned to the third guy and took his cock in her mouth. She couldn’t get it deep enough in her mouth! She sucked and sucked and all of a sudden felt warm cum all over her thighs from the guy behind her. She reached between her legs and started finger fucking herself as she brought the third guy to climax in her mouth. She came again just as he shot his wad all over her lips. All three guys were now reclined back in their chairs and breathing hard.

At this point she needed some fresh air and a cold drink. She stood up, pulled her skirt down, and stepped over the guys and out into the isle. The movie wasn’t that good anyway, she though, as she headed out the exit.

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My Girlfriends Mother

My girlfriend Elsie told me her mother, Linda, was going to stay the weekend with us. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it was the beginning of an incredible summer.

I was 23 when I met Elsie. Elsie was 22. We had been dating for about a year and living together for almost 6 months. She was a dancer at one of the local gentleman’s clubs. I had no problem with her being a dancer. When she came home, she was usually very horny and our sex life was very good.

When I first met her mother Linda, we hit it off well. Linda was in her mid-forties and was a hairdresser. She was very classy-looking….I saw where Elsie got her body. A woman in her late forties, Linda looked incredible. She had been dating Ted for about a year, but their relationship was in trouble, so she wanted to get away for a few days.

Back to the weekend that started it all……

Elsie was called in to work Friday night until closing; she asked me to spend time with her mother, which I didn’t mind at all. Linda and I had dinner at the house. Linda loved wine, so we had a few glasses and were totally relaxed. We had great conversation and laughed a lot. We were borderline tipsy.

Linda suddenly said, “Elsie tells me you take very good care of her. I appreciate that you take good care of my baby girl.”

I was flattered and told her how much I liked Elsie.

Linda continued, “You know, Elsie tells me everything. And I mean, everything.”

I got a little nervous, wondering what she was implying.

“You fuck my daughter great and she loves it. She tells me you’re a fantastic pussy eater as well. Ted doesn’t eat pussy.”

I didn’t know what to say, but I noticed her previous smile had now become a frown. I wondered what my answer should be, not wanting to get myself into trouble. With my buzz in full force now, I decided to be just as blunt as she was.

I said to Linda, “Ted has no idea what he is missing. If I were Ted, I’d be eating you out every night. I bet your pussy is delicious.”

Linda’s smile returned. She hugged me and told me I was sweet. I had a raging hard-on by then; I knew she felt it pressing against her. I hugged her back. My hands found their way to her tight ass. I gave her cheeks a squeeze and felt no resistance. She moaned softly in my ear as she grabbed my cock. She slowly got down to her knees, pulled my dick out and started to give me the most intense, pleasurable blowjob I ever received.

Elsie gave great head, but her mother’s skill was in a class by itself. Linda continued licking and sucking as my pre-cum flowed freely. She paused for a moment, looked lovingly into my eyes and told me to cum in her mouth.

Her mouth went back to work and as she came up for air, she started talking dirty. “Do I suck dick as good as Elsie? I get so jealous when she tells me about you fucking her so hard. My pussy gets so fucking wet. Afterwards, I end up fingering my hot pussy and ass, fantasizing about you until I cum.” That sent me over the edge and I came harder than I had in a long, long time. We kissed passionately after my orgasm. I slowly removed her clothes and worked my way down. Her scent was intoxicating. I licked and nibbled her neck and sucked on her rock-hard nipples. She moaned loudly and led me down to her clean-shaven pussy, which was swollen and dripping.

“Eat me. Eat my pussy now! Make me cum all over your face! Make me cum like you make my daughter cum!”, Linda screamed out.

I was more than happy to oblige and I kissed, licked, and sucked her sweet pussy, hoping the pleasure I gave her was just as great as the pleasure she gave me when she sucked my cock.

“OOOOOHHHHHHHHH fuckkkkkkkkk!”, she wailed. “You’re so fucking good!”

Then I did something I had never done before. I started to lick her ass. I couldn’t help it. Linda was just so damn sexy in front of me with her legs spread wide open.

Linda moaned, “Holy shit! Elsie never told me about this! Oh my god! That feels so fucking good. So fucking sexy!”

With her moan of approval, I stuck a finger in her ass as I sucked her swollen clit. That did it. She came….she came hard. Her body trembled and tensed up.

“I’m cummmmmmmmmmming! Oh my fucking god I’m cumming!”

Then she went limp. After a moment, she smiled as I held her in my arms. My cock was hard again, and she grabbed a hold of it.

Linda whispered, “Elsie won’t be home for another 3 hours. You’re mine until then.”

Pulling The Bridal Train

Mary sat looking into the large mirror that rose above the antique dressing table and smiled at her image in the glass. She looked stunning with her golden blonde hair flowing down out of the wispy wedding veil, framing her creamy white cheeks in an almost angelic halo. Her silky white wedding dress dipped down in the front revealing her milky cleavage and she felt her breasts rising as her breathing grew short. Her nipples, always sensitive, reacted to her thoughts and rose up creating dimples in the otherwise smooth cloth that barely covered her breasts. She smiled at the sight, enjoying the idea of all of her guests seeing her like this.

It was still two hours before her wedding would start. Two hours and she would become Mrs. Greg Stevens. Her hair was not yet done up into the hairstyle she had chosen and she still had to put her makeup on, but still she was beautiful. Her face glowed with the inner happiness of knowing that a wonderful life was ahead of her. Greg was a kind and gentle man, who took her as she was and didn’t wish to change her. He was handsome, successful and very good in bed. Best of all he enjoyed her sluttish nature as much as Mary herself did. Mary smiled at herself and her own thoughts, beaming with delight as she studied herself in the mirror.

“Radiant!” Becky, her long time friend and bridesmaid, said as she looked over Mary’s shoulder. “You are radiant.”

“Well I’m supposed to be, aren’t I? In two hours I’ll be Mrs. Stevens. Newly married and headed to Paris for my honeymoon.”

“Paris is tomorrow honey. You spend tonight at the Palace Hotel, in the bridal suite.”

“Yeah, and what a night it’s going to be too!” Mary smiled broadly, showing her perfect white teeth before she turned serious and looked at her friend. “Can you believe I am actually nervous? I thought it was the groom that was supposed to be sweating.”

“Maybe you need something to take your mind off of it for a while. Want me to arrange something for you?”

“Ooh, you nasty girl. What did you have in mind?” Mary grinned at her friend.

“Well, let me get rid of your mother first. I’m sure that whatever I can come up with she’ll not approve.” Mary’s mother was the one who had insisted on having the wedding in a church, performed by her minister. Mary’s lifestyle really didn’t mesh very well with the traditional religious views, but she had given in to her mother, mostly because fighting would be futile anyway.

“That would be a start. She has been driving me crazy today. Where is she now anyway?”

“The caterer arrived and she is down stairs making their life a living hell.” Becky laughed. “They will probably kiss me when I send her off on an errand. Now let’s see. What do we need that’s important enough to require her personal care?”

“Here, ” Mary said taking off one of her shoes and twisting the heel roughly finally breaking if from the shoe, “send her down to the bridal shop to get this fixed.”

Becky laughed and took the broken shoe. “Perfect, perfect. It’ll take them a while to fix it. She won’t be back until just before the wedding starts.”

Just then a knock sounded on the door to the dressing room. “Are you decent in there?” A deep baritone voice called through the closed door. Greg’s father had the most sensuous voice Mary had ever heard and she felt a tingle start between her legs just from hearing his voice.

“Yes, but you can come in anyway.” She called out causing Becky to playfully slap her shoulder as the door opened.

Carl Stevens was a little taller than his son Greg, but had the same rugged good looks and the same large hands. Mary could only imagine that his cock was as big and beautiful as his son’s. The thought brought her nipples back to full attention and she smiled as he entered the room.

“Hi Carl, what’s up?” Mary said, taking the time to let her eyes drift down over his muscled chest, past his trim waist and onto the bulge in the tuxedo pants that he was wearing.

“Just checking to see if everything is okay.” Carl said, smiling at his son’s fiance as he noted her checking him out. She was beautiful and if half of what Greg said about her was true, then Carl was looking forward to having her in the family.

Becky held up the shoe. “Actually I was just about to send Linda on an errand. Would you like to stay here and keep Mary company until I get back?”

“Sure, no problem at all.” Carl felt his cock twitch inside his pants at the thought of being alone with Mary, even for a few minutes. Nothing had ever happened between them, but the sexual tension had been there for a long time. He shook his head, how could he think that, it was his son’s wedding day! And here he was thinking about a quicky with the bride.

Mary noted the twitch in Carl’s pants and smiled broadly. She had wanted to have him since the first time Greg had taken her to meet his parents. The opportunity had never arisen, however, but now she thought he might just be the distraction she needed. As Becky slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her, Mary twisted in her chair, pulling her legs out from under the dressing table. Her wedding gown was long in the back, trailing back into a long formal train, but the front was cut short enough to reveal her knees and as she turned she purposefully spread her legs and pulled the dress up just a little hoping to give Carl a flash of panty. Carl saw her turn and saw her skirt ride up but from his standing position he could only see about four inches above her knees. He smiled at her and moved to sit down on a small folding chair in front of her, hoping to improve his view.

As soon as he sat down Mary caught him off guard by raising one foot and setting it into his lap. “Would you mind rubbing my foot? Those shoes have made it sore.” She pouted, pursing her beautiful lips and batting her eyelids slowly. It was corny and Mary was sure that Carl saw right through it, but she didn’t care, it got his big firm hands onto her and that was what she wanted.

Carl started massaging her foot gently. He had definitely improved his view by sitting down and now he was able to see just a hint of white between her legs. Mary shifted in her seat, scooting down just a little, pushing her foot farther onto Carl’s lap and in the process she managed to spread her legs even wider and push her dress up a little farther. Carl almost choked. He could easily see her panties, even the small mounds made by her pussy lips were clearly visible. He continued stroking her foot, moving his hands up over her firm calf, loving the feel of her skin under his fingers.

Mary groaned a low moan of intense pleasure and leaned back slightly. She felt her pussy heating up and knew that she was getting wet. She hoped that Carl could see her panties, that he would notice the wet spot growing between her legs, maybe even smell the aroma of her sex as her excitement grew. She dropped her eyelids almost shut and watched him as he massaged her. He moved her foot deeper into his lap, letting his hands flow up her leg past her knee and onto her silky thighs before drawing them back down to her ankle. She stretched her foot a little pressing it into the growing bulge in his trousers, feeling his cock with her toes and he groaned in pleasure. Mary smiled and pulled her foot from his lap causing him to look up in alarm suddenly hoping he had not offended her. Maybe he had gotten the wrong signal. But his fears were allayed when she lifted her dress up, showing him her wet panties.

“Now you’ve done it Carl. Look at that, I’ve made my panties all wet. Will you help me get them off? I mean I can’t wear them like this. I suppose I’ll just have to go without.”

Carl grinned and immediately knelt in front of her. He let his hands slip up the outside of her creamy thighs to the thin strings that held her panties on. He pulled the wisp of material down slowly, inch by inch. His eyes never left her crotch as he breathed in her intoxicating fragrance. Her sex was in full bloom and as he lowered her panties farther he saw her swollen lips slightly parted below her carefully trimmed blonde pubic hair. Her clit was erect and flushed red with her excitement. As he continued to remove her panties he leaned forward and nuzzled her dripping pussy with his nose and mouth, drinking in her rich aroma, tasting her sweet juices on his lips.

Mary couldn’t take anymore so she dropped her dress down over his shoulders and pulled his head into her pussy. “Oh, yes, Carl. Eat me, lick my pussy, make me cum with your mouth. Mmm, I need to cum so bad. Oh yes, yes, fuck me with your tongue.” It felt so wicked to be doing this. Letting her fiance’s father lick her pussy in a church on her wedding day. Her mind reeled with the sheer eroticism of what she was doing. She felt like such a wonderful slut and she knew that Greg would be pleased when she told him the story.

Carl swirled his tongue into her pussy, letting it part her lips gently and then lifting it to flick it over her clit then quickly back down to stab into her sweet hole and taste her juices. His cock was fully erect now and uncomfortable inside his pants, but he wasn’t about to stop for fear that she would not let him resume. He sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he gently bit it and then he released her clit and sucked her engorged pussy lips letting her nectar flow into his mouth. He could tell that she was near orgasm from her breathing and the force her hands were putting on his head, but he didn’t let up. Instead he increased his assault, laving her obscenely and smearing her juice all over his face and bringing her to an intense climax that almost caused her legs to buckle.

She had just regained some of her composure when she heard the door to the dressing room open and then shut quietly. She looked up and saw Becky standing by the door grinning like a Cheshire cat. She raised a finger to her mouth, motioning for Becky to be quiet. Her friend took the hint quickly and stood without a sound watching as Carl performed his artistic cunnilingus.

Mary smiled at her friend and then looked back down at Carl. “Yes baby, that was so good, suck my pussy, make me cum again and again. You can do it, be my big daddy, fucking his daughter-in-law. I’m going to love being a part of your family. Oh, god, I need you to fuck me. Come up here and give me your cock, put your cum in my pussy so Greg can lick it from my pussy tonight, our wedding night. I want him to suck your cum from my pussy and to know where it came from. Please, oh please, fuck me now. Fuck me in my wedding dress. Oh yes, yes, yes.”

Carl was a little surprised by Mary’s coarse language but it just served to make him hotter. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he rose up in front of her. He grabbed her hair roughly and kissed her full on the lips, pressing his tongue into her willing mouth. As they kissed Becky moved a low coffee table around into a better position. Finally Mary and Carl broke the kiss and Carl realized they weren’t alone. He blushed and began to stammer an apology, but Mary grabbed his hand and held him tight, keeping him from leaving.

“It’s okay. She is a good friend. Now, are you going to fuck me or not?”

Carl stared at her and then looked over at Becky. Surprise and shock fought arousal on his face but finally his sexual needs won out. He watched as Becky helped Mary lay down on the coffee table, hiking her dress up around her waist and spreading her legs wide. Carl shook his head for a half second and then smiled and reached down and opened up his pants. He took out a cock that was longer and thicker than his son’s and he wasted no time moving between Mary’s legs and pushing his cock deep into her wet and ready pussy.

Mary gasped at the size of his cock and then smiled up at him. “Oh yeah, fuck me good with that big cock!” She moaned out as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even deeper into her. It wasn’t the biggest cock she had ever had but it was big enough and she moaned loudly as he pushed himself deep into her waiting sex. They began to fuck wildly as Becky watched, smiling. They were so engrossed in their sex that they didn’t hear the soft knock on the door. Becky did and she quickly moved to intercept whoever was out there. It was Paula, Mary and Becky’s friend and fellow adventurer. Becky quickly pulled Paula into the room, pressing her hand over her mouth as she did and then an evil idea welled up in Becky and she grinned at her friend.

“You stay here and guard the fort while they fuck.” Becky whispered to Paula, “I’m going to see if anyone else wants to join the party.” Paula grinned at her mischievous friend but nodded and smiled at her. Becky slipped out the door and then made her way downstairs to where the caterers were setting up. After she was gone Paula locked the door and then went to Mary’s side and knelt down. She leaned over her friend and kissed her gently on the lips. Once again Carl was surprised and he almost panicked when he realized that the girl beside them was not Becky. This was starting to get a little weird, who would show up next? Not his wife, he hoped, but he was almost to the point of climax and couldn’t stop. Besides the sight of Mary and Paula kissing was a great turn on for him. He continued to fuck Mary, pumping into her with renewed vigor and eliciting small animalistic groans and grunts from her as his cock hammered into her pussy. Paula heard a light knock on the door and went to answer it just as Carl began to cum.

“Oh fuck, Mary, you are such a beautiful little slut. I’m cumming, do you want me to cum inside you?”

“Yes, fuck, yes, put your cum in my pussy. I want to feel your cum inside me as I walk down the aisle.”

It was too much for Carl and his cock exploded deep into her hole. He slammed forward, pressing as deep into her as he could and let his balls empty themselves into the hot confines of her womb. He stayed that way for a long minute, relishing the release of orgasm and then as his cock began to soften he pulled out.

“Next!” Becky had returned to the room and she pulled Carl away from Mary and a thin young man from the caterers stepped in and rammed his cock deep into Mary without any warning. Mary’s eyes went wide as she realized that the room was actually full of men with their cocks out, standing in a line to fuck her. She smiled and mouthed a silent “I love you” to Becky and then concentrated on the boy between her legs. He fucked her hard and fast and all too quickly he began to add his cum to Carl’s.

Immediately another man dressed in a dark suit stepped up. He was an older man, in his late forties or early fifties, but he hadn’t forgotten how to use his cock. He moved inside her, not just pounding, but really fucking her and Mary felt herself flow into her second orgasm of the day. The man between her legs felt her orgasm explode inside her pussy and was unable to hold back. He drove his cock deep into her messy hole and let loose a huge load of cum. Her pussy was so full of cum already that it began to leak back out of her used pussy, flowing down her thighs and over her round ass cheeks.

She moaned in erotic ecstasy as another young man wearing a tuxedo slipped between her spread legs and drove his cock into pussy. Becky came to her side as she was fucked again and Mary managed to grunt up to her friend.

“Who are all these men I’m fucking?”

“Wedding guests that got here early, caterers, and three guys from the wedding band. That’s the guitar player whose doing you right now. I’ve got fourteen men and two women who want to fuck you. Greg’s sister, Lynn, is here too. Are you up for it?”

“Mmm, yeah, you are the best Beck. Give me Lynn next, let her lick my pussy, ‘kay.”

“Sure baby, no problem.” Becky went to arrange the guests and noticed Carl sitting at the dressing table, his jaw hanging loose as he watched his son’s fianc‚ taking each man in turn. She stopped by him and grinned. “She is quite the little slut isn’t she?”

“She is beautiful. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” He said still staring at Mary.

“Yeah, I know.” Becky said with a smile.

When the guitarist had at last emptied his load into Mary’s swollen and very messy pussy, Becky guided a sweet looking girl with light red hair between Mary’s legs. The girl hesitated for just a second and then dove forward lapping at Mary’s dripping slit. She sucked and licked for all she was worth and bringing Mary to another orgasm. Becky saw her friend climax and then gently eased Lynn up and away, letting another man take her place. Lynn, leaned over and kissed Mary on the lips, letting her taste her own pussy juice on her face and tongue.

“Love ya sis!” Lynn said softly and then moved away as the next man began to fuck Mary with abandon.

He fucked her quickly and only took a couple of strokes before he filled her pussy with his cum and was quickly replaced by the next man in line. Then one of the men in line got a little impatient and he pressed his cock into her mouth. Mary took it down her throat easily, sucking him eagerly, and quickly bringing him off. She tried hard to swallow the huge load of cum that he shot into her mouth but some dribbled down her cheek. Paula was there immediately, licking the cum from her face, and keeping it from getting on her dress. Another saw what Paula was doing and stepped forward. He lifted Mary’s shoulders up and gently unzipped the back of her dress. Carefully he helped Mary pull her arms from the sleeves and then pushed it down. This not only kept it away from the cum on her face it also exposed her heaving breasts and the helpful man quickly knelt beside Mary and began to suckle her nipple.

Another man took his place in her mouth. He wasn’t quite all the way hard and Mary tasted pussy juice and cum on his cock as she sucked it. It only took a few minutes before his cock was hard again and he moved back into line to await his next turn at her pussy.

The next man who stepped up leaned forward and kissed her gently even though she already had another cock in her mouth. “Would you mind if I fucked your ass?” He asked her gently.

She shook her head around the cock and tried her best to smile at him. He apparently understood and raised both of her legs high in the air. He dipped his cock into her sloppy pussy once to lubricate it and then slowly began to push it into her ass. She moaned around the cock in her mouth as she felt her dark hole spread apart and allow the man’s cock to slide inside. He groaned at the heat and tightness of her ass and she playfully squeezed his cock inside her. It was too much for him and even though he had only just begun to fuck her he came hard, filling her bowels with his seed.

The next man didn’t ask permission, he simply lined his cock up with her now dripping ass and pushed inside. Mary screamed in pleasure as she felt the assault but the cock in her mouth muffled her cries. The new man lasted longer and was able get into a steady rhythm fucking her ass. The second woman, an older lady with just a hint of gray in her hair knelt beside Mary and began to lap at her pussy as the man continued to pound into her ass. Soon Mary felt another orgasm rising from deep inside her and she relaxed and let her climax sweep her along. After that it was just a progression of men choosing to fuck either her sloppy ass or her sloppy pussy and a few women or men sucking her pussy or tits. Each man after he finished fucking her pussy or ass would move up and push his cock into her mouth letting her lick and suck her own juices from them. She lost count of the men who fucked her but she was sure that it was more than the fourteen that Becky had promised, finally the last man shot his cum deep into her pussy and pulled out. Becky and Paula shooed the men from the room telling them that it was time to get Mary ready for the wedding and then the three girls were alone.
“Wow, that was fantastic!” Mary said once she had caught her breath. “I don’t know how many orgasms I had, but I feel great!”

“Not just a little sore?” Paula asked smiling.

“Mmm, maybe a little, but it’s feels great!”

“Well the ceremony starts in thirty minutes so we better get you ready.” Becky said, already fussing with Mary’s hair.

They worked quickly and right on time Mary’s hair and makeup was done and her mother showed up with her shoe fixed and ready to go.

“Oh dear you look so beautiful. My sweet innocent daughter! What am I going to do without you?” Linda began to sniffle and she didn’t really understand why Becky and Paula giggled and turned away quickly.

The music started and Mary, walking a little bowlegged, and Becky quickly headed down the stairs to get into position. Mary’s father, old and stodgy but terribly sweet, waited to give her away and Mary wondered if he could smell the sex that was still wafting up from her used pussy. In a dream Mary floated down the aisle, all eyes were fixed on her and soft murmurs of “Oh how beautiful she is,” followed her as she made her way to Greg and his best man, waiting with the minister. As she drew nearer she looked up and with just a little start realized that the minister was one of the men who had fucked her less than an hour ago. Some of the cum that was leaking down the insides of her thighs was probably his. She couldn’t wait to tell Greg she had fucked the minister, and Carl, and so many others. She couldn’t wait to let her husband eat their cum from her pussy and then fuck her good.

The minister smiled at her and a tinge of red showed in his cheeks but she smiled and winked at him. When the ceremony was through she kissed Greg passionately and then whispered into his ear.

“You’ll never guess what I did today. But I’ll tell you all about it once we’re alone.”

Greg just smiled and kissed her again. “I’m looking forward to hearing about it.” He said as they turned and were presented to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stevens!

The post Pulling The Bridal Train appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Wife Has a Visitor

The phone rang three times before my wife was able to answer it. I had been outside this Saturday afternoon working in our garden and just came in the door to hear the phone ring. I didn’t know who she was talking to. From her responses on the phone, it seemed to me some one was flirting with her.

After a few minutes, she asked me if it was alright for Jim to come over today. I suddenly knew what it was all about and told her it was OK with me. When she hung up, I told her we were expecting this to happen anytime. She smiled at me and acted very nervous. She went to the bathroom to freshen up.

We had talked about sharing sex with our good friends, Jim and Julie, during the past several months. They indicated they would share, but my wife kept saying, no. Finally, my wife said she would try it, but she wanted complete privacy with Jim for the first time. No one could watch. I thought that would not be a problem, because we could utilize two separate bedrooms. She still wasn’t satisfied with that arrangement. She said Jim could come over sometime when I’m not in the house. After that, we would decide what to do.

My wife came out of the bathroom with her hair combed and her makeup freshly applied. She had put on more lipstick than usual. Her lips looked very inviting. Evidently, she wanted to look pretty and sexy for Jim.

I asked, “Are you going to take off your jeans and put on something pretty.”

“No, Jim will have to be satisfied with me just the way I am dressed.”

I laughed and said, “He will soon take off your clothes anyway.”

She looked a little shocked to realize Jim would soon be seeing her nude. I think she suddenly realized what was going to happen.

She said, “I need some courage. Go fix a strong drink for me”

I went to the kitchen to mix drinks for us, but made hers a triple. As she started sipping her drink, I asked, “What do you want to do when you are in bed with Jim.”

She blushed and said, “I’m embarrassed to talk about it, especially to you. I haven’t had time to think about it.”

She was dressed in jeans and blouse. I suggested she remove her bra so that her nipples would show through the thin blouse.

She said, “ I’ll remove my bra later. I didn’t think about it being daylight. I would feel much better if it was dark to be naked with Jim. I’ll be embarrassed today.”

“You have beautiful breasts and a body you can be proud to show. I’m sure Jim will be very pleased.”

She had quickly consumed the drink and asked for another. I mixed another triple for her. I’ve lived with her long enough to know that when she is feeling high, she loses her inhibitions and becomes sexually aggressive. I expected this second drink would loosen her up. Soon, she started talking more and I knew it was time for me to ask again what she expected to do in bed with Jim. I said, “Are you going to give Jim a blow job?”

She looked a little startled and responded, “Do you think I should and do you think he would like it?”.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Jim would be thrilled if you did. He would love it.”

“In that case, Jim and I will take a shower first because you know I like to be thoroughly clean when doing that.”

“You might consider a six nine position so that Jim can tongue your pussy while you go down on him.”

“Now you’re wanting me to expose the most intimate part of my body to him during daylight.”

“I’m sure that would turn Jim on.”

“OK, if that is what it takes, I’ll spread my legs wide and let him have a close look at my pussy and ass.” She humorously said, “He can even put his nose in it if he desires.”

We both laughed.

“Do you want him to tease your ass with his finger the way you like me to do?”

“That would probably feel good.”

The drinks were making her feel loose and willing to talk sex.

I said, “What else are you going to do with Jim.”

“I’ve decided to give him the best blow job he ever had. Then I’ll let him fuck me as long as he can get an erection. I’ll give him an afternoon he will long remember.” She paused. “Jim should be here any minute now, why don’t you go back and work in the garden. I’ll wait here in the house for him”

I thought, she is really primed for sex. Jim is going to have the thrill of a life time with my wife. I reluctantly returned to hoe the weeds in the garden.

Jim drove his car in the drive way and got out. He noticed me in the garden at the side of the house. He started walking toward me, then I walked to meet him. We shook hands and talked about the beautiful sunny day being a little hot. Nothing was said about sex or why he had come over to our house. We both knew the plan. The less talk right now, the better. I commented that my wife was in the house.

Jim left to ring the front door bell. I heard the door open and my wife’s voice to invite him in. Jim would soon find out what a sexy wife I have.

I continued to hoe the weeds, but my mind was elsewhere. It being a warm day, the windows of our house were open. I was wondering which bedroom they would use. A few minutes later, I heard voices from the upstairs bedroom window on the side of the house next to the garden. Maybe I’ll be lucky to hear what they say.

They were not talking loud enough for me to make out what they were saying. I heard my wife give a little squeal, and then Jim laughed. I wondered what he did to her. I leaned on the hoe handle and listened for more sounds.

I heard Jim say, “Off it comes.”, then a pause, “Your breasts are beautiful.”

I assumed he would be nibbling on them by now. I didn’t hear anything for a few minutes. I could only assume they were kissing and removing their clothes.

The upstairs bathroom also had a small high widow on this side of the house. Soon, I heard the shower going and Jim said, “Come on in”.

I knew my wife was planning to wash his cock before she gave him a blow job. Then there was some giggling by my wife. I heard muffled voices over the noise of water showering on them. I assumed he was washing my wife’s beautiful body after she had washed his cock and balls. A few minutes later, the water was turned off, but I could not hear any voices. My wife gave another little squeal and Jim laughed again. I was curious to know what he was doing. Was he goosing her or giving her a sexy pinch on her butt. I must remember to ask my wife what Jim did to make her squeal.

The window was open in the bedroom and the blind was pulled up. If they walked around the side of the bed next to the window, I might see them. They were very quiet. Now that they had dried off, they were probably standing up and kissing while their naked bodies were pressed together. He probably had a finger in her pussy by now. Maybe she had a hand on his cock.

As they came back in the bedroom, I heard my wife say, “Let me take off the bed spread.”

They both walked by the window giving me a glimpse of my wife’s body from her naked breasts up. I saw the top part of his naked body right behind her. I got a glimpse of him kissing her before they laid down on the bed. They disappeared from my sight. Then it was quiet for awhile. I assumed they had stopped kissing and she probably had his cock in her mouth by now. If so, Jim must really be enjoying it. I knew one thing for sure. I was going to give my wife a very good fucking after Jim left. I kept wishing they would say something so I would know what they were doing.

I heard Jim say, “Ooohhh! That is so good.”

I wondered if she had just deep throated his cock. If so, there would be more noise from him.

Then I heard him continue several times, “Oooooohhhhhh……”

There was no doubt in my mind that she was lying on top of him in a six nine position. She told me earlier that is what she planned to do. She is now alternating going down on his cock, licking the head, feeling and mouthing his balls. She is probably using her tongue all around his bottom similar to the way she does me. During this time Jim is looking at her pussy and ass, probably kissing her clit and running his tongue up and down her slit. She always enjoyed that.

I was wondering if he was fingering her ass as yet. He might not try it on his own, but I think she will tell him to move his finger up and down the crease of her ass and insert it. I couldn’t hear anything from my wife, but I could hear Jim’s vocalization.

Occasionally, I heard Jim say, “You are so sexy. You are the best. Keep doing it.”

Evidently, he is really enjoying the super blow job my wife is giving him. The grunts and sounds of sex continued. Then, Jim’s voice became louder and began to grunt very loud. Evidently, he was shooting his cum, spurt after spurt, in my wife’s mouth. His groans and grunts continued as I knew my wife was continuing to suck the last bit of cum from his cock.

My wife usually becomes vocal when she has an organism, but I didn’t hear her. Of course, she can’t make much noise with a cock in her mouth. Then the noise subsided. They are probably relaxing with my wife still lying on top of him with his limp cock in her mouth. I didn’t hear anything for awhile. They started softly talking but I couldn’t understand very much.

I did heard Jim say, “It won’t take long for me to be ready again.”

“Don’t worry, we have all afternoon”, she said.

I had been leaning on the hoe handle, but didn’t want to work. I decided to sit on a small bench that was handy and listen to more voices and noises from upstairs. I looked at my watch to see that about ten minutes had gone by before I heard them talk again.

My wife said, “I’ll help you get it up again. What position do you want?”

Jim answered, but I didn’t quite understand. Anyway, he is getting ready to fuck her.

My wife said, “Get in position and let me aim it with my hand.”

I then heard Jim give a groan and a big sigh as if he had just plunged his cock all the way in my wife’s pussy. Now they were quiet Probably, slowly fucking and taking time for tongue searching kisses for added sexual pleasure. Jim had already cum once, so they would take their time to enjoy many long kisses while his cock was buried in her hot pussy. I looked at my watch.

I heard Jim say, “You are so sexy, I can hardly believe I am here with you.”

It was quiet again as they continued to fuck. I then thought I heard a faint grunt. Yes, it sounded as if Jim was grunting as the sound became louder. I looked at my watch to see they had been fucking for at least twenty minutes. I could now picture in my mind a vision of Jim pounding his hard cock in her pussy. Then I heard my wife make her usual loud moans as she approaches an orgasm. Her moans sounded so familiar, I knew she was going through an orgasm. Jim became very vocal. Evidently his cum was filling my wife’s pussy. It wasn’t very long before I heard my wife’s voice.

“Wait a minute before you pull out.”

She had told me that many times when we finished so she could get some tissues to catch the cum before it soiled the bed. I knew exactly what they were doing right now. Sometimes she puts my limp cock in her mouth before getting out of bed to clean up. I wondered if she now had Jim’s limp member in her mouth. I will have to ask her later.

Before today, my wife was very apprehensive about having sex with another man. From what I could hear, it sounded as if her sexual experiment was successful. If so, now maybe we can continue the relationship in a more open fashion. I will have the opportunity to have sex with Jim’s very pretty wife. I heard the commode flush up stairs and assumed my wife and Jim were cleaning up.

I was wondering if they were going to get dressed. They seemed to be in no hurry to come down stairs. I heard them talking in the bedroom but couldn’t hear much what they were saying. It sounded as if they were going to stay upstairs and continue with more sex.

I could barely hear my wife say, “We can do it again if you want to stay.”

Jim responded in a clear voice, “I would really like to stay.”

I could barely hear my wife’s response, “Alright, I’ll help you get it hard.”

I could only assume she would take his cock in her mouth to get it hard. He liked the first blow job so good, maybe she will give him another. It was quiet for a long time. I assume she had his cock in her mouth.

Then I heard Jim say, “Turn around and let’s try it in this position.”

Evidently, he was going to fuck her again now that she had his cock hard. I looked at my watch. Five minutes went by, then ten, then fifteen. He was really taking his time to fuck her and enjoy the feeling. I didn’t hear anything, but they could have switched to other positions during this long time.

Then I heard him grunt and groan loud and practically shout that he was cumming. I didn’t hear anything from my wife. Maybe she was not having an orgasm but was allowing him to fuck her for his own benefit. My wife would enjoy it even though she might not have an orgasm. Jim’s vocal noises finally subsided. Then I heard them talking.

She said, “Let me get the tissues before you pull out”

Jim responded, “OK. That was so good, you are so very sexy.”

Now they began to talk loud enough so I could hear.

He said, “I hope I didn’t wear you out.”

“No, I enjoyed every minute of it. I’m glad you came to see me this afternoon. Now I feel we four can get together to extend our friendship in a more intimate fashion. Sorry, I had such a hang up to begin with. I thought I was going to be embarrassed this afternoon especially since it was daylight, but I feel good about it. You are a very good lover.” She hesitated, then said, “Go ahead and get dressed, I’ll stay right here for my husband. I’m sure he has the hots now.”

I went around to the front of the house to wait for Jim. He came out the front door with a big smile.

He said, “Your wife is upstairs waiting for you. I think she is a fantastic girl. You are lucky to have her all the time. While I was upstairs, we talked about you and your wife coming to our house tomorrow night for a big party. You know what kind of party I’m talking about. I’ll talk to Julie when I get home to see if it alright with her. I’ll have Julie call you.”

While I was talking to Jim, I noticed he had my wife’s lipstick smeared on his lips and on other parts of his face. I didn’t want to tell him that. I wanted him to go home and let Julie see him. The thought went through my mind that he probably had traces of lipstick on his cock. Maybe that is why my wife applied so much lipstick. Maybe she applied more between sexual encounters. When Jim left, I quickly went up stairs. My wife was lying naked on top of the bed waiting for me. She had that fresh fucked look. Her hair was messed up and her lipstick smeared.

She smiled and said, “Did you see my lipstick on Jim’s face? I wanted to send him home to his wife like that. She will know we had a good time.”

I didn’t know girls could be so catty, and we’re supposed to be good friends. I’m sure she did it as a joke.

I said, “I have to take a quick shower to get rid of the garden dirt and sweat.”

When I came back into the room, she was lying on her back with her legs parted. I could smell sex. Her pussy lips were red and swollen from the fucking Jim had given her. I was so turned on by the thoughts of another man fucking my beautiful wife and here she was just waiting for me. I saw tissues laying on the floor. These were the ones she used to catch Jim’s cum as he pulled out of her. Evidently, she had not gone to the bathroom to clean up after the last time because I could see Jim’s cum oozing from her. I assume she wanted me to fuck her with Jim’s cum still in her. That’s OK with me, I’ll just add mine to Jim’s.

I could hardly wait for her to tell me all the details of what she and Jim did. I laid on my back while she moved above me to sit on my cock. Before she could sit on my cock, some cum was dripping out of her pussy down on me. She sat on me as my cock became fully buried in her. She was very juicy and stretched. She then started telling me everything they did from the minute Jim came in the front door until he left.

Sloppy Seconds

“Have a good night, Barry.” My wife turned and kissed me as she left to go clubbing again. She looked pretty sexy with her short black mini-skirt and a leather top. Her long black hair covered some of her large 36c breasts but she brushed it aside to show off. “You like?”

“Of course.” I said running my hand over her leather clad breasts. “You sure Sara can’t wait a few more minutes?” My hand wandered under her skirt and between her legs now rubbing at her black lace panties.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get that later, when I get home. You mind if I get freaky tonight?” she asked coyly, a shitty smile crossed her face. She must be horny already.

“Like what?” already knowing the answer.

“I don’t know, maybe giving some guy head in a bathroom?” Her left hand pressing against my hardening cock.

“I don‘t know,” I sighed as her hand slid up and down the front of my pants.

“Please?” She whispered as she kissed at my neck. “I‘ll tell you all about it, like the last time.”

I couldn‘t take anymore of her teasing, she had been doing it all day. “If you want to.”

She turned kissed me on the cheek, and left with Sara, one of her girlfriends. All night I couldn’t get the picture out of my mind that she was probably giving some guy an awesome blowjob and him cumming allover her face in the process. She had been out several times and the last time this guy had her hands down his pants while begging for a blowjob. I didn’t know about it until the next day, she told me while we were fucking, but she didn’t give him head for fear of pissing me off. After thinking of it nonstop I finally went to sleep in anticipation of my wife arriving home.

About four thirty I head my wife open the door to our house and come in. I was pretty tired since I had been working first shifts but I was drifting in and out of sleep.

“Honey…you awake?” she asked climbing into the bed. Her hands instantly rubbed at my cock, making it hard. “Yeah..I’m awake.” I replied.

My eyes opened almost instantly, which happens when she wakes me up at night rubbing me. I rubbed my eyes while checking her out. Her hair was a little messed up but that was natural with clubbing. She bent down to kiss me and I could tell that she had been drinking.

“Good.” With a come hither look she pulled up her skirt to reveal her black lace panties. My hand reached out to feel those soaked panties hugging to her pussy. With one hand she slid them down her smooth legs and I could see her wet juices oozing from her pussy as she peeled them down. I could tell how horny she was, as she always gets a strong musky smell. Her pussy was practically dripping as my tongue licked her pouty pussy lips. One leg slid over my head as I tongued her wet lips and went to work on her clit, sucking it as she always liked.

“You want me to tell you what happened tonight?” she asked. I mumbled mmmm hmm as I licked at her clit.

“I danced with quite a few guys, but there was one that had just gotten out of the military on leave.” Her hand stroked my cock as she continued her story. “His hands were all over me. His wife was there too, watching him feel me up. He had whispered to me that his wife wanted him to get some pussy that night, and I told him that I was game.”

My cock hardened at the thought of a guys rough hands allover my wife’s body, with her dancing seductively with him. “What happened then?” I asked her, my cock straining against my boxers, wondering just how far she’d let this guy take it.

“I let him finger me.” she spouted out as my tongue grazed her hard clit. “That got me soo hot.” Amber gasped as she saw my hard cock. “As much as he had been dancing with me..” she stopped for a moment getting off me and making me lick her nipple, she continued.

“He led me out to his car and pushed me against it as he ground against me. He was shaking and was so horny as I unzipped his pants. Then I got down on my knees and started to suck him.” My wife gasped as she ground her pussy against my probing fingers. She was so slick and messy now it was unbelievable how wet she was. I slid a second, then third finger inside her while biting her nipple. “Put another one in!” she hissed as I bit down harder.

“How big was it?” I asked her.

Amber moaned and tensed up as I plowed away at her sopping pussy with my fingers, her juices running everywhere. “About 7 or 8 inches.” she panted as her pussy tensed again, around all four fingers.

Amber balanced herself barely after cumming that hard, and pulled my straining cock from the boxers. While I knew that it was only about 6 ½ inches, I also knew that she had a bigger cock in her mouth tonight, which made me even hotter. Her hand slid to her sopping pussy, got her hand wet, then started to jerk my cock with her hand while she told me what else happened.

My wife jerked me faster as she told me more. “I know I told you I was going to use a condom, and I did. I gave it to him and he slid it on, bent me over, and started fucking me against the car.”

Amber stood up for a moment then leaned down to lick some of the juices off my face, as she rubbed her pussy against my straining cock. “You wanna hear more?” she asked.

I nodded yes. “Then lick my pussy some more, make me cum.” she positioned herself back on my face and started again. “It felt so good, to be like that. He made me feel dirty. He fucked me missionary, then doggie but I wanted to feel him cum so bad.” She groaned as she told me that, and moved so that her pussy was directly over my face. Her wet juices were dripping from her shaved pussy. I licked at her clit all the while enjoying how horny my wife was at this point, I loved it when she would do anything to cum.

“I wanted to feel him cum in me so bad.” She paused and rubbed her pussy in my face. “I was so horny from his big cock.”

“Can I tell you something?” she asked.


“I don’t want you to be mad…,” she paused as she deep throated my cock until her nose was down to my pubic hairs. Then she slid back up again. “Promise?”

“Yes…I promise.” As I felt her lips slide all the was down my cock again I held her head and fucked her mouth for a moment.

“I was so horny I just needed to feel some cum in me, o I pulled off his condom and had him fuck me bareback.” I paused for a moment realizing what she was saying. It had been in my fantasies that my wife would let a guy cum in her but I never imagined that she would do it.

As I paused licking her clit she grabbed my hair and brought her dripping pussy to my face. “Keep licking.” she panted as I slid my tongue against her pussy lips. I kept licking at her cunt lips for a moment until she spread her pussy lips for me with her fingers. “Lick my box!.” she cried as my tongue dove into her sweet box, tasting her and her lovers’ cum.

“I hope you’re not mad,” she said as she rubbed her dripping box against my mouth. “but I really needed it” She groaned as I started to lick her cum filled pussy, my cock was so hard I thought it would burst. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my cock. She instantly started jerking me off again.

“Doesn’t look like you’re too mad,” she said rubbing my cock. “You like licking my used pussy don’t you?” I whispered yes to her as his cum started to leak out more.

“He really fucked me, but it really made me cum hard when he came in me. I must have really gotten him hot cause he left a nice big load for you to lick out.” Her pussy started to quiver then, as I licked out her fresh pussy.

“Come on, lick it all up.” she encouraged me as her lips slid over my cock. “Lick it all up. God, Lick out his cum.” she groaned as she pushed her sloppy pussy against my tongue. “God he had a big cock.” she said as she started to cum again. “He fucked me so fucking good. MMMM.” She groaned knowing that I was getting closer.

“I think next time I’ll bring you along and you can watch your little slut-wife get her pussy fucked. Would you like that?” That was all I could take from her telling me how this guy had fucked her to licking out her sopping pussy. My cock exploded in her mouth as her pussy spasmed around my tongue. My wife sucked me dry and continued sucking me hard again and we would end up fucking all night long.

That began our nights of fun with me waiting to see what sort of surprises that my wife would bring me, among them she would bring home a man with her one time, and another a hot 22 yr old woman. Those are stories for another time though.

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