Category: black cocks

Wifes Secret Party Slut Job

“How did it go tonight?” I asked my wife as she returned home.

“Okay.” She replied, trying to muster up a smile as she did so.

Of course I knew how her night had went. I knew exactly where she had been and exactly what she had done, because I had watched her doing it. She had been fucked by at least seven different guys. 

I should have been livid, I should have packed my bags and left her, but I now knew that she had been a reluctant participant in the events I had witnessed. And I knew that she was doing it for us. Sounds strange, but it was true.

The whole thing started a few months ago, really when she lost her job due to the economic downturn. We were struggling to pay the bills, even with the little extra I was making in over-time; when her friend Kelly suggested that she could make good money working with her as an events organiser. Initially Susan was enthusiastic, especially when Kelly told her how much she could make, but after one night when she went with Kelly to an event she decided that it wasn’t for her. I couldn’t draw her on what the problem was so I left it at that.

A couple of months after that first event, Susan told me she was going to help Kelly with her next party, she seemed hesitant and again I asked her what the problem was, and again she was non-committal.

The night of the event came along and I could sense that she was almost dreading going out to it, of course now I know why, but at the time it all seemed very odd, I put it down to first time nerves and a lack of confidence. She made £1000 that night and I was ecstatic. 

Looking back I can see it was then that things started to go sour between us. She lost her interest in sex, and she seemed to be more and more depressed. In the months that followed she helped Kelly at three more events and earned another £3000, but sank deeper into the gloom that had enveloped her.

I eventually came to the conclusion that she was having an affair, stupid I know, but how could I have guessed that the problem really was that she was working as a high-class call girl.

I came to the conclusion that the man she was seeing behind my back must work with her, so I decided to follow her to the next event and find out exactly what was going on.

Kelly picked up my wife shortly before 8pm that Saturday night; I was already outside the house, waiting further down the street in a rented car, so when Kelly pulled onto the street and drove past me, I discreetly followed them. After about 30 minutes they pulled into the busy driveway of a large detached villa somewhere in the suburbs. The house was brightly lit and was surrounded by trees set back from a small lawn. The property was enclosed by a high wooden fence, but I scaled it easily enough and waited, hidden in the trees to see what I could make out from the outside.

I could easily discern that a party was going on in the house and since Kelly and Susan had arrived without any bags or boxes, or anything that you would expect people organising an event to have I knew that my suspicions were correct. I thought about storming into the house and confronting my wife, but I had no proof. After a few minutes waiting in the darkness, I crept up to one of the windows and peered in. 

The room was well lit and it appeared to be a dining room, a very large table ran the length of the room, set for ten places, the plates and remains of the meal still sat on the table. I heard a cheer from deeper within the building, so I crept around to the back of the house and found another window to look into, this one was the kitchen. Just as I looked in two men came into the room and I jumped back into the shadows.

“You’ve got to hand it to Eric, he certainly knows how to throw a bachelor party.” One of the men said.

“I was at the last one, for the rowing team, same thing. I had a piece of the blonde one that night, but the one with the curly black hair is on the menu tonight.” 

“Yeah she’s really sexy. You want to double team her?”

“Hell, why not, just so long as we switch after a while I want to fuck her and have her blow me.”

They high-fived each other, picked up a bottle of wine and swaggered back out of the room.

I stood there in the shadows absolutely dumbfounded by what I’d just heard. They were describing my wife, no doubt about it. I felt sick to the stomach as their words replayed in my mind. Every emotion surged through me, but I was paralysed by indecision. 

Suddenly the kitchen door opened, flooding light onto the rear lawn.

“Just think of the money Susan, that’s all you need to do.” It was Kelly.

“You said this would get easier. It’s not, if anything it’s getting harder to do.” Susan replied. I could tell from her voice that she was struggling to keep it together.

“I know you don’t like doing this, neither do I. But it’s a job, a bloody well paid one and you said this was going to be the last time didn’t you?”

“Yes. I can’t do this any more, it’s affecting me and Joe. God if he ever found out about this.”

“Hello ladies! Are you ready for the party to start.” A male voice suddenly asked.

“Just coming big boy.” Kelly replied giggling.

Susan let out a long sigh.

“Come on Suze, remember to act like you’re enjoying it and try and say the right things. And just think of the money.”

The door closed and the lawn was plunged back into darkness. I was still numb from the shock but now I understood it all. She wasn’t having an affair, she was doing this to try and make money so we could continue to live as we had been. Strangely I was relieved. A million questions raced through my mind but I knew that I had already forgiven her and now my concern was for her safety. I couldn’t go get her, as she would never be able to live with herself knowing that I knew what she had been doing, so my only option was to watch her to make sure that she was okay. Lights came on upstairs, bedrooms probably, but how to see in. The solution was simple enough, I climbed one of the trees at the back of the lawn and found a position where I could see into one of the bedrooms; as luck would have it Susan, not Kelly entered the room.

The two men that I had overheard earlier followed her in. Susan looked stunning dressed in a black bra and panties, she was also wearing stockings and suspenders, since she has worn this combo for me before I knew she would also be wearing her brown high-heeled shoes. Susan is petite at 5′ 4″ she has loosely curled black hair, which spilled over her shoulders and framed her ample breasts. She turned around and beckoned one of the men over, he looked about 50 slightly overweight with grey hair, he walked up to her and leaned down to kiss her neck, trailing kisses down to the tops of her breasts, he unclasped her bra and slipped it off her shoulder, he then started sucking on her nipples. This continued for a couple of minutes before Susan sat down on the bed and unzipped his fly, she unbuckled his belt and pulled his trousers down, she then pulled his boxer shorts down allowing his very hard penis to spring forth. She took the rock hard cock in her hands and stroked it for a little while before enveloping it with her lips. Susan is very good at giving a blowjob and she certainly went to town on this guy, she bobbed up and down on his cock, while all the time she continued pumping him with both her hands. Meanwhile the other guy, who looked about 30, started to undress and sidled up to the bed. Unfortunately the windows were shut so I couldn’t hear what was being said, but whatever he said prompted Susan to lean back against the headboard. She younger of the two then lay down on the bed and opened my wife’s legs. He immediately set about eating her pussy through her panties. Susan returned to sucking on the cock of the older one and, after a few minutes, allowed the younger one to remove her panties. They continued like this for a few minutes, when the two guys changed positions. The younger one was now going to benefit from my wife’s excellent cock sucking skills. He had a much smaller cock than the first guy but that only made it easier for her to deep throat him.

I could tell from the expression on her face that the older guy was hitting the right spot with his tongue, Susan stopped sucking on the younger one’s cock but continued pumping him with her left hand. With her right she grabbed the hair of the one between her legs and started to press her pussy into his face. She suddenly arched her back and let out a loud moan, which I could hear even from my perch in the trees. There followed an ironic cheer from downstairs in the house. If she was acting, then she seemed to be putting on a show worthy of an Oscar.

After a brief respite to allow her to recover, Susan knelt down on the bed, doggie style. The younger guy stood behind her and slowly guided his shaft into her. She arched her back and spread her legs a little further to allow him easier access. He started pumping her, holding onto her hips as he did so. The older guy moved closer and guided his still rock hard cock into her mouth.

I sat transfixed in the branches of the tree watching my gorgeous wife being spit-roasted by these two strangers, it was like watching a movie and I was acutely aware of my own hard on.

The two guys eventually got a rhythm going with the older one benefiting from the younger one’s thrusting, they continued like this for about ten minutes before they swapped around. Again my wife’s willing mouth sucked greedily on the cock of the younger guy, whilst his partner thrust into her from behind while he reached around to play with her perfectly formed breasts. Another of the guests came in and watched the action for a while before he left the room. After another ten minutes of frantic fucking the two men high-fived each other again before pulling out. Susan squatted down on the floor, leaning back on the bed. The young guy stepped closer and allowed Susan to start wanking his cock, the older guy soon followed and the two of them stood either side of her. She again sucked on the older one and then started alternating between the two. It didn’t take long however before the older guy took hold of his cock and started wanking himself, he stood back slightly and let flow with a torrent of cum which caught Susan square on her face. The younger one followed seconds after; bathing her face in another jet of creamy cum. Susan reached up and continued wanking the two men. It was then that she surprised me again by alternately sucking on both the cocks, licking the dripping sperm from their softening members. She stood up, cum had splattered onto her neck and down onto her breasts, there was a white streak in her hair and some sperm hanging from her chin. She looked like a cheap porno starlet, but to me she looked amazing. 

Susan left the room, presumably to clean up before her next…customer, I guess. 

I stayed in the tree hoping to see some more of her show, I no longer cared about what she was doing I only cared about her and I was actually enjoying the sights I was seeing. After what seemed an age Susan re-entered the room, albeit in a rather unexpected way. She was carried into the room by a giant of a man, he was black, about 6′ 5″ with a shaved head; and had my wife impaled on his cock. Susan was hanging onto his neck, simultaneously bouncing up and down on his massive erection; he must have been at least 9″. Another man followed them in, said something, upon which they all left the room. 

The bedroom next to the one Susan had been using was also well lit and presumably was where Kelly was fucking some of the other guests. I couldn’t quite see into the room from my vantage point but I saw enough to make me believe that’s where Susan had been carried. I climbed down the tree and quickly climbed another one, which allowed me to see into the other room. I was relieved to see that I had been correct in my assumptions. Kelly was laid spread-eagled on another bed with one guy kneeling between her legs pounding her pussy, two other men knelt by her head each benefiting from her obvious skills at cock sucking. 

Susan was still bobbing up and down on her black giant, whilst another three or four naked men stood around watching the action. After a short while my wife slipped down from the black guy who moved over to Kelly, he took position between her legs and immediately started thrusting deep into her. Susan meanwhile, had squatted down in front of a skinny guy and was sucking on his cock; the guy had hold of her head and was gently fucking her face. All the attention was on monster dick however; I could clearly hear Kelly moan each time he buried his shaft in her shaved pussy, I was thankful that he wasn’t doing the same to Susan, since her petite frame would probably have been hurt. The black guy continued pounding Kelly for five minutes or so before he withdrew, knelt up and literally exploded; jet after jet of thick white cum rained down on Kelly coating her torso. A cheer went up from the watching group, Susan stopped sucking on the skinny guy, stood up and crossed over to where Kelly was lying, bathed in semen on the bed. Susan moved over her friend and started to lick up the sperm. She moved from pussy to breast and back down again before she lay down on her friend and started to kiss her. Another revelation, I had never known she would have dreamed of doing anything to another woman, let alone something so shamefully erotic. Long threads of sperm stretched between their mouths when they moved their faces away. 

There was another break in the proceedings as the two girls left the room, they returned showered and cleaned up. The rest of the evening was somewhat less spectacular; the remaining guests seemed content to simply fuck the two women. I continued to watch my wife perform blowjobs and fuck with strangers for another two hours. The final count by my reckoning was seven.

So there I stood in the hallway of our home looking at my gorgeous wife, whom I knew had just fucked seven different men, had swallowed load after load of semen and had licked an ocean of sperm from her friend’s naked body.

“You look beat,” I said, “why don’t you go up to bed, it’s after 2AM anyway.”

“No, I’ll take a shower first.” She replied, she stopped halfway up the stairs and turned to look at me. “I made £3000 tonight, but I can’t do the work anymore; it takes to much out of me. Things are going to be better between us from now on. I promise.”

Wife Back Seat Black Cock

Tracy and I hadn’t been out in a while, as our demanding work schedules tended to take their toll on our social life. Consequently we were both looking forward to our planned Friday-night outing. We just wanted to go somewhere different, with no plans and no structured activities, just having fun.

Tracy, my wife, is a hot and sensuous woman with long dark hair, large tits and a very sexy body, and on this night she looked great. After hitting a couple of “happy hour” spots, we had dinner and then decided to go to a new sports bar that we had heard was a pretty cool place. However, we were disappointed to find that there were only a handful of people there. Undaunted, we sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Tracy finished hers rather quickly, and we decided to order one more and then head home.

As I was about to pay the tab, a man sitting at the bar struck up a conversation with us. He was a large, rather good-looking black man, about six feet two and about two hundred pounds. He was watching a college basketball game, and he told us his nephew was the star of one of the teams that were playing. He offered to buy us a drink and we moved down next to him. He said his name was Frank, and that he’d been recently divorced. I got the impression that he was kind of lonely and looking for companionship.

He bought my wife two shooters and me a beer, and as we were about to leave he told us about a small, quiet bar he knew near the lake, and suggested stopping there for a nightcap on the way home.

I wasn’t really up for it, but Tracy wanted to do it, saying, “Oh, let’s go, honey, this is our night to have fun, remember?” So off we went.

We found the bar, ordered some drinks and went out on the deck to enjoy the warmth of the evening and listen to the waves. When we finished our drinks I said it was my turn to buy, and I headed for the bar. The bartender had gone to the storage room to get some supplies or something, and it took me ten minutes before I returned to the deck with the drinks.

As I approached my wife and our new friend, they seemed to get awfully quiet, but I assumed they were listening to the lake beating against the shore. As I gave them their drinks I had a funny feeling that something was wrong. Then I noticed that Tracy’s lipstick was a little smeared, and looking closely at Frank I could see a trace of lipstick on his mouth, I couldn’t believe it! My beautiful wife must have been kissing this black man, who we had only just met, while I was gone!

Tracy had never showed any interest in black men or fulfilling any fantasies with black men without me present, certainly not with a stranger. I started to think that I was mistaken, but it didn’t look that way. I was confused and upset, but also, for some weird reason, aroused. Then Tracy took off her jacket. Her large, full tits, encased in a tight, silvery satin blouse, were quite visible in the moonlight. She was braless, and her nipples were sticking straight out toward our black friend. He was obviously impressed with her tits; he stared right at them and smiled.

I looked at my wife, and she was giving him a sexy smile, as if to say, “How would you like to get your hands on these big titties?”

I didn’t know what to do. I finished my drink quickly, saying something about how late it was getting, but Tracy didn’t seem to hear. She nursed her drink and seemed to listen avidly to everything Frank said. They were having an animated conversation, leaving me out almost completely.

After a while I had to take a leak. I certainly wanting to leave my wife alone with this good-looking, rugged black man again, and seeing if anything would happen. I hurried off and relieved myself. Before returning to the deck I peeked quietly around the doorway, and my suspicions were confirmed. My wife was in the arms of this muscular black man, and they were locked in a torrid, passionate French kiss!

My cock hardened immediately as I watched them kissing long and deep. Frank had his hands on my wife’s ass and was getting a good feel. She had both arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible as their tongues played with each other. Frank was grinding his torso against her, his cock obviously rubbing against her midsection as they continued to kiss like long-lost lovers.

As I watched, he slipped a hand under her blouse and got a good feel of her tits, while his other hand continued to massage her ass. Tracy offered no resistance at all, but appeared to thoroughly enjoy his every move.

Finally they pulled apart, obviously not wanting to be discovered on my return. As I came out and approached them, Tracy was applying a coat of lipstick to her well-kissed lips, just as though nothing had happened.

Frank took out some cigarettes and offered one to my wife, which she accepted, although she seldom smokes and knows I don’t approve of it. As he lit her cigarette, she put her hands around his to steady them, and they looked at each other with obvious lust in their eyes. For some reason I looked down at the front of Frank’s jeans, and saw a huge bulge made by his aroused cock. I now knew why my wife was in no hurry to get out of here and that she was looking for a little extra fun tonight.

“Honey, let’s give Frank a ride to his car and head home,” Tracy said.

The three of us had taken our car from the first bar to this one, and now we drove back to where Frank had parked his car.

Tracy and I were in the front, Frank in the back. When we reached his car Frank was in the middle of a story, so Tracy told me to turn off the engine while he finished. I pretended that I was anxious to get home, and I hardly listened to the story, which seemed to go on and on.

Once he finished, Tracy told Frank what a great story it was and how much she loved it.

“You are such a fun person,” she told him. “I hope I see you again soon.”

Then she said, “Honey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to give Frank a kiss good night.”

She didn’t wait for my answer, but turned around and leaned into the back seat to kiss her new black friend. It wasn’t an ordinary kiss, any more than the one on the deck had been. I could see her tongue disappear into his mouth, and the kiss seemed to last forever. Then I became aware that Tracy’s right hand was between his legs, searching for his big cock. Her left hand was around his neck as they continued to French kiss hotly right in front of me. I was stunned, but again I was also inexplicably aroused. She was certainly looking for some extra fun tonight and I was just as much game as she was.

Now Frank’s hand went under my wife’s blouse and started feeling her mammoth tits, and I heard Tracy moaning with lust. She turned completely around now, kneeling up on the seat, and kissed him again. His other hand reached for her ass, and began kneading it through her tight jeans. It soon moved to her crotch, as her right hand rubbed over his swollen cock. What was supposed to be a goodnight kiss had escalated into a steamy scene. This was crazy, but neither of them seemed to mind at all about me being there, or about anything else.

“Oh god,” Tracy said breathlessly when they broke apart. “I’ve got to have more of this!”

And with that she hopped over the back of the seat and joined her smiling black stud, who grabbed her and kissed her again. I looked around to make sure there was nobody watching from outside, and when I turned back my wife had removed her blouse, proudly offering Frank full access to her tits.

His hands were all over them, tweaking her hard nipples. I heard a zipper open, and Tracy saying, “Lord, it’s even bigger than I thought!”

I took a look for myself, and saw Frank’s big black cock, which had to be at least ten or maybe even twelve inches long, and very thick. And then, without hesitation, my hot wife lowered her head and engulfed that huge dick in her mouth, sucking it like a seasoned whore.

Tracy gives good head, and has only gotten better and better lately, and Frank obviously loved what she was doing with her talented mouth and swirling tongue. I still felt dazed, but watching my wife avidly sucking this virtual stranger was undeniably erotic, and I had to admit that I was turned on by her slutty behavior.

I looked around again, and this time I saw two men in the shadows of the parking lot, watching my wife sucking cock in the back seat. They had their dicks out and were jerking themselves off as they stood there. I couldn’t hold out any more. I pulled out my own cock and played with it as I gazed at my wife’s head bobbing up and down, up and down on that big black pole.

Finally Tracy lifted her mouth from Frank’s cock.

“I want to come!” she gasped out. “Put a finger in my pussy and one in my ass, and shoot your come down my throat, you stud. God, I love your black cock, and I want your come in my mouth so I can taste it!”

Frank did just as she said, and in a minute my wife was screaming more loudly than I’d ever heard her as she exploded in an intense orgasm. As soon as she calmed down she took his cock back in her mouth and sucked it wildly until he erupted. She tried to swallow it all, but he had too much seed for her, and his huge cock kept pumping come into her mouth until it spilled out the sides. The whole scene was too much for me, and I shot my load all over the dashboard of our nearly new car.

When I looked again, the two voyeurs had evidently come as well, and were stuffing their spent cocks back in their pants. I began thinking that the heat that my wife was in, she would have blown the two of them also. I don’t think I ever told her that she had an audience.

Tracy began applying her lipstick again, while she and her lover whispered things I couldn’t hear to each other. Finally Frank kissed her one more time and got out of the car. Tracy got back in the front seat and waved goodbye to him as I drove off.

“My gosh, what a night!” she said, and she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I could smell a mixture of booze, cigarette smoke, lipstick and come. Frank’s come on her breath.

“Frank wants me to go to a party with him Friday night,” she said then. “And I want to go as his date. Do you have any objections?”

I started to say no, but I had to be honest with her, and with myself. “Not if you tell me all about it afterwards,” I said. “And if you fuck my brains out as soon as you get home.”

“You’ve got a deal,” she said

And when we finally got home, Tracy fucked the shit out of me until dawn.

The Party Wife

I have a wonderful erotic experience to share with you. Some may think I am bad, and others will secretly wish they were me, however it happened and I have some very fond memories which I love to rethink and remember as often as possible.

I am the wife of an Air Force Master Sergeant who at the time was deployed overseas. I was 39 at the time with a son who had just moved to another city to attend college. It was last August when this happened and I was left all alone in the apartment to think of all the things I wish I could do and I especially thought of sex quite often.

I noticed two handsome black guys moving into the apartment complex on my floor and two doors down. It was hot and I decided to prepare some ice tea and ask them to join me on the back patio, which they did. We soon had exchanged conversation on our situations and they revealed that they were seniors in the University and would graduate next May.

They were very nice and thanked me for the ice tea and said if they could ever do anything for me to be sure and call on them. I said that it would be nice to have some men things done for me sometime and I would call on them. Zack winked at me and smiled and said, “Anything you need just call.”

Being they were near by we saw each other often and they would carry my bags in when I had returned from shopping and even changed a flat for me once. I noticed that they never passed up the chance to look me over, which I considered a compliment from two young men who were half my age. Well not quite, as I am 39, and 5 ft 9 inches tall, slender with a nice figure, 34-c breasts which are still very perky and jiggle when I walk along with my butt which has a nice wiggle.

One day Isaac informed me that they were having a Halloween party and wanted to know if I would be his guest. He said that they were having some couples over, serving food and beverages, and might even dance some. I thought, what the heck, I don’t have anything else to do. “Yes,” I replied, “I will be glad to come.”

As I later was reflecting on the situation I began to wonder if he was including me in the party or wanted me as “his guest” as he had put it. Could it be that I would be his date? No, that is impossible, an old woman like me and so many young pretty ladies at college. I do recall some of the looks Isaac had given me and the thought kept coming back and I was feeling the results down between my legs, a nice warm feeling and dampness.

I suspected that I would be the oldest one there and the only white woman. I wanted to look my best so I carefully planned my attire. I would wear my black below the knee skirt with slits up the sides, a white satin blue buttoned down the front accenting my nice pair of boobs.

I also found my red lacy panties and bra with the black trim I had bought for my Husbands return from another deployment several years back. Not that anyone would see them but they made me feel sexy and appealing. What am I planning? My seduction? His seduction? No, it will not happen. Isaac is not interested in me, he just wants to invite me to be nice.

The night arrived and I was nervous trying to decide if I really wanted to go. I knew that if I went I would surely seduce Isaac or him me. The party started at 8 PM and I watched through my slightly opened door the couples coming to the party, they were all black and young and beautiful. It was well after 8 PM when I decided that I was going and I knew that if I went that I would not say no if sex was an option. If he wants me I am his and if not I will come home and be alone with my thoughts and desires.

I went to the door and knocked, Isaac opened the door and said, “Hi, thought you might not come.” “Gee you look great.” He kissed me on the cheek and led me into the apartment and introduced me around. I noticed that everyone seemed to be paired up and Isaac and I were apparently a couple. We had some drinks and started dancing.

Isaac said, “I hope I can keep you to myself, as all the guys here are undressing you with their eyes.”

I said, “Don’t worry Isaac, you’re enough for me tonight,” and I giggled like a teen. (which is one of my things to do.) He held me close as we danced and I could feel his manhood stretching his pants and rubbing against my pelvic. I was getting very wet and weak kneed.

He gently squeezed my buttocks and whispered to me, “If you don’t want me tonight, please stop me now.”

I said, “Don’t worry, I want you more than you’ll ever know.”

He took my hand and we walked toward the bedroom passing couples in all states of passionate embraces and undress. As we entered the bedroom, Isaac held me and kissed me passionately as we groped each other. He trailed kisses down to my breast as he unbuttoned my blouse and unhooked my red bra, mumbling how nice my breasts were.

As he suckled them just as I remember they were suckled by my baby son years ago. Gee, I love to be suckled! He then trailed on down to my panties and he moved the crotch of my panties over and kissed my swollen lips and clit almost making me cum. As he removed my panties he kissed and licked me as no one else has ever done in my whole life.

I now started on Isaac, kissing his chest as I unbuttoned his shirt, feeling his muscular arms and remove his pants, revealing his bikini shorts with the most beautiful ebony cock peeking out above the top elastic, which I immediately kissed and licked. I was shaking all over with anticipation, seeing the black cock that I would surely feel spilling it seeds in my womb. I removed his shorts and we fell in bed.

As we both were so hot by this time, he started humping right away with me meeting every thrust with a thrust of mine. We had our orgasms almost immediately. We lay there for a few minutes then he asked if I though we were too hot for each other to which we both laughed and agreed that that was the hottest either of us had ever been.

We were together frequently until early December when he told me that he and his old girl friend had gotten back together. I was disappointed but I knew the score when we started.

One day Zack (the room mate) said that they were having a New Years Party and wanted to know if I would be his guest. I said, “Sounds great,” and “will your girl friend be there”? He said that they had broken up and that I would receive his full attention. Of course I knew what that meant. I was ready for another romp in bed and if Isaac was not available for me, Zack would be just fine.

I don’t want to repeat myself here so I will say the evening was about the same with Zack as with Isaac the first time. We started seeing each other regularly and one night as we were making love and Zack was paying attention to my clit, Isaac entered the room removed his clothes and started suckling my breast. Now I was hot and wanton.

I didn’t care what happened now, I just wanted sex and more sex. Isaac pulled me on top of his in a 69 position and proceeded to suckle my clit and I his beautiful ebony cock. My butt was exposed to Zack who mounted me doggy fashion and we were off to town. This was an incredible night. I was so hot and then I felt Zack shooting his load in my pussy, OH SO GREAT!

Zack collapsed and lay down as Isaac rolled me over and mounted my from the front and proceeded to pump me full of his seeds too. There is something about a man cumming in me that just makes me crazy.

We had sex like this till May when they graduated and left town and my husband returned in June. He now has a hot horny wife who he says if hotter than ever. Little does he know how I got this way and what I am thinking when we make love.