Category: big black cocks

Work Surprise

Just try and imagine my surprise when I stopped by my wife’s office the other day, only to find her begging for one of her workers to “Fuck her harder, to bang her like the she was.”

A little bit of history, I’m 46, my wife just turned 40, we’ve been married for 10+ years and live a comfortable life in a quiet small town.

Our sex life hasn’t exactly been anything to write home about for the past four or five years, mostly because she refuses to use birth control, and I refuse to get a vasectomy. I guess most of our lack of intimacy can be blamed on my. I don’t want to have any more children, I’ve already fathered four, and don’t wish to have any more. Yet I have this fear of surgery, so I refrained from having the vasectomy surgery done.

Anyway, back to the story…

Our offices are only a couple of blocks away, so I thought I’d surprise my wife and show up on her in the late afternoon. Even though we’ve not been close sexually, we’ve always been able to talk business and each others jobs. I figured I’d stop by and get her away from work and go have a drink or two and shoot the breeze. Truth be known, I just wanted a head start on my daily routine of getting shit-faced.

As I came to the front door of her office, the front door was locked. I knew she was there because her car was parked out front. I also knew of the back door entry through the alley behind the movie theater. I walked around to the alley and walked in the back door.

As I entered the door I heard what I can only describe as total passion. It was Debbie, she was proclaiming how much she loved “his” black dick. How “her” pussy was his, and that she was his little white fuck slut. I couldn’t believe my ears, as I slowly crept around and down the small flight of stairs. As I crept down those stairs I heard more and more, I heard a deep voice proclaiming “you ride that black dick you white whore.”

My mind raced as to what the hell must have been going on as I peeked around the corner, and what I saw dropped me dead in my tracks.

There was my lovely white bride of ten years straddling a black man whom was sitting on the toilet. Her panties were on the floor, her skirt was bunched up around her waste, and she was naked from the waste up. She was bouncing up and down on the biggest dick I’d ever seen and begging for more. She was out of control as she rode his fat black cock, his hands and mouth were busy on her tits as he told her to ride his fat black dick.

I couldn’t actually believe what I was seeing. Here was my bride of the past ten years telling this black man how much she loved his fat black cock, which by her reaction was very obvious. She must have cum five times riding him before he all but lifted her up and placed her on the sink counter.

He roughly spread her legs and began rubbing his bloated fat black cock all over her wet pussy lips. I then noticed whom he was, it was Oscar, he’d been working for her for the past year. He was in his mid- 50’s and would have been the last guy I’d have thought would hit on my wife.

As soon as Debbie’s ass hit the counter of the sink, Oscar sunk his black dick into her, and it wasn’t gentle by any means. He grabbed both of her legs behind the knees and was driving his fat black cock into her while she was lost in yet another orgasm begging him to fuck her white pussy.

Debbie’s left hand was busy working her clit, while her right hand was pulling on the nipple of her right breast as she looked Oscar in the eye, telling him to fuck her white pussy with his big black dick. After slamming his old fat black dick into her for what seemed like forever, he finally pulled out and told her he was going to cum.

She begged for him to cum for his white slut, and spurted his cum all over her. I was amazed at how much this old man came, he shot jets of his cum not only on her tits, and up onto her face. Debbie had one hand working her clit, and one rubbing the spurts of his cum over her tits and face as she came again.

She was obviously his, and I suddenly couldn’t figure out how to get the hell out of there. There passion was hard to describe. Their fucking was the hottest thing I’d ever witnessed. I can never let her know what I saw, I can never let her know how turned on I was by her infidelity.

The post Work Surprise appeared first on Free Sex Stories from Sex Stories Time.

Wifes First Big Black Cock

This is the story of how my wife was fucked by a black guy for the first time.

Let me start by telling you a little bit about us. My wife, Jane, and I have been married for 19 years. We are both 37 years old. We married while we were still in college after Jane got pregnant with our daughter, Susie.

Jane was, and still is, one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. At 37, she has the figure of a woman 10 years younger. In fact, several of my buddies have commented that they wish their wives had kept their looks the way mine had. She’s got natural 36D breast that don’t sag a bit, a flat tummy, and a perfectly round and tight ass. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world every time I look at her.

Our daughter Susie is 18 and just graduated high school. She inherited her mother’s looks and has never had trouble finding a date among the boys in town. Susie has a wild streak and tends to spend her time running with the wrong crowd. Her mother and I have never approved of Susie’s choice in friends. More on some of them later.

Jane and I had what many would consider the perfect marriage. We are both still very much in love. She is my best friend and my lover. We had everything that anyone could ever desire: a huge house with a pool, nice cars, vacations, the works.

Still…anyone who has been married that long will tell you that things eventually get stale in the relationship. This was starting to hold true for Jane and I. We are both open sexually. Fantasies and role-playing have always been part of our sex life together. We had often talked about swinging with another couple, but this fantasy has never become a reality. Before we got together, Jane had only had one other lover and she would sometimes mention in bed what a turn-on it would be for her to take another man. For the longest time though, this was all nothing more than pillow talk.

Now that the background is set, let me tell you about the events that led up to my wife taking her first black man.

As I mentioned before, our daughter had just graduated from high school. It was mid-June and Susie was going to spend the weekend visiting the campus of our state university, which is several hours away by car. She was to leave Friday afternoon with a group of classmates and a few parents.

This presented Jane and I with a unique opportunity, a weekend alone. I was planning to cook a romantic dinner for my wife the next evening, open a bottle of wine, and make love all night. As you will find out, things did not happen exactly that way.

I was in the garage when Susie’s ride pulled in the driveway.

My daughter bounded out of the house when the car arrived.

“Have a great weekend Dad,” she said.

“Be careful honey,” I replied.

“By the way, I told my friend Jessica that her and her boyfriend could come over and use the pool tomorrow. I hope that’s OK,” Susie continued.

With that, she was off.

I didn’t even get a chance to respond to her last statement. Obviously, I didn’t want any of my daughter’s friends hanging around my pool when I was trying to set up a romantic night at home. However, Jane and I had always allowed Susie’s friends to use our pool. Maybe we were too permissive in that sense, but the kids were generally very polite and didn’t over-stay their welcome.

However the friend that Susie mentioned, Jessica, is nothing but trouble. After meeting Jessica, Susie started to have problems in school…poor grades, staying out late, drinking, that sort of thing.

I even suspect that Jessica has taken my daughter to The Zebra, a club in our town known for having a very rough, and very black, clientele.

I wasn’t pleased that Jessica and some strange boy would be at my house the next day. I decided to honor my daughter’s invitation to them, but that they would have to be gone by early evening so their presence wouldn’t ruin the sexy mood I was trying to create for my wife.

Skip ahead to Saturday…

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day. My plan for the day was to send Jane to the spa that afternoon, while I shopped and made arrangements for our evening together. We were both out of the house by noon.

My errands would only take an hour or two and Jane was due to be at the spa until 6pm, so I would have plenty of time to get everything ready.

By the time I had finished my shopping, it was about 2pm.

As I pulled into my driveway, I noticed two cars parked. One was my wife’s, and the other was a strange car I’d never seen before. That’s probably Jessica’s car, I thought.

I walked into the house and made my way to the kitchen. My wife was at the counter, in a bikini, making a pitcher of rum cocktails.

“What happened to the spa?” I asked.

“Oh they were over booked as usual, so I re-scheduled for next week,” she replied. “Besides, it’s so nice today I thought I’d just enjoy the pool.” She was slightly slurring her words and it was obvious to me that she was drunk.

“Is that Jessica’s car outside?”

“Yes, her and Leon are out by the pool. We’ve been having a few drinks together. You know…Jessica doesn’t seem like such a bad girl after all. We might have been wrong about her.” Jane declared.

I looked through the window to my pool and saw Jessica and her boyfriend lounging around, sipping drinks.

Jessica is a very hot young lady by anyone’s standards. She stands about 5’8″ tall with long red hair, great C cup boobs, and legs that could wrap around a guy twice. Even if she was trouble, she was still a sight to behold.

The guy she was with, Leon, was a tall black guy with shoulder length dreadlocks. He also has many tattoos on his arms and struck me as kind of a ‘gangster’ type.

“What do you think of the boyfriend?” I asked my wife.

“He’s nice honey. Don’t be so quick to judge…”

“I wasn’t judging. I just what to know what he’s about if he’s going to be in my pool,” I replied.

“Well, he is very flirty…” Jane said.

“What does that mean?” I demanded.

“When the three of us were swimming around, his hand grazed my ass several times. I think he did it on purpose. Also…when Jessica was inside, he kept staring at my tits,” Jane explained.

That thought did make me a little angry. But touching her ass could have been an accident, and I couldn’t very well get pissed about him looking at Jane. She was hot…any man would stare at her!

I decided to go with the flow and went upstairs to change into my swim trunks.

When I got down to the pool, Jane, Jessica, and Leon were already into the fresh pitcher of drinks. I grabbed a drink for myself, said hello to Jessica, and introduced myself to Leon.

“This is a great pool you got here man,” Leon said.


With small talk out of the way, we all proceeded to spend the afternoon relaxing in the sun. After we finished one batch of drinks, Jane would immediately head inside to fix another.

Each time she walked into the house, I noticed Leon watching her swaying hips. I knew then that this guy was seriously hot for my wife.

Before too long we were all pretty well drunk. I knew that my dinner plan was a bust. Oh well…Jane seemed to be having a fun time with the young people, and truthfully I was having a great time also.

At one point, I went inside with Jane while she was preparing a fresh round of drinks.

“I think Leon has the hots for you baby,” I teased her.

“You’re right…he touched my ass and boobs when we were swimming again. It couldn’t have been an accident this time,” she smiled as she spoke.

“Do you think he’s cute?” I was curious now.

“Yes.” She said. “He’s really sexy in a bad-boy kind of way. When he touched me…it made me feel really hot inside. It was a real turn-on to do something naughty.”

Instantly, I thought back to our pillow talk about her having another man. By the look in her eyes, Jane was thinking about it too.

“If you want to flirt with him a little, then you have my permission.” I said.

“We’ll see baby.” Jane replied.

Of course, when we made our way back down to the pool, Jane was flirting like crazy with Leon. Especially now that she had my OK. She kept bending over so he could see her cleavage, touching him, and practically letting him paw her ass checks.

Jessica noticed that my wife was paying more attention to her man, and it didn’t make her happy at all. She started to drink very heavily. We were all drunk, but Jessica was completely wasted in no time.

In fact, by the time the sun set…Jessica was passed out in a lounge chair by the pool.

Leon was now free to devote his full charms to my wife. It was a thrill for me to see my wife acting like a slut in front of another man. I had a huge erection watching them.

All the alcohol was running through me so I went inside to relieve myself.

When I returned to the pool area, Jane and Leon were standing up in the shallow end, kissing deep and passionately. Until that moment, I didn’t really think Jane would go any further that flirting with Leon.

Her bikini top was undone and Leon had his hands covering her full breasts. He broke their kiss and leaned down to suck her nipples. While he did this, Jane opened her eyes and noticed that I was watching them. She had a very confused look on her face.

“It’s OK” I silently mouthed to her, letting her know she had my permission to continue making out with this guy.

After all these years, she was finally going to have another man. A black man, at that.

Jane whispered something in Leon’s ear. I couldn’t hear what she said, but I think she was encouraging him to continue.

Our fantasy was finally going to come true…sort of. I wished there had been another woman available for me…but Jessica was still out cold. At least Jane would have a new lover tonight.

I took a seat in a deck chair not five feet from them so I could have a better view.

“Damn your wife is too hot!” Leon exclaimed. “You don’t mind her with another dude?”

“If it’s what Jane wants, then it’s OK with me. Just be a gentleman…and after tonight, it’ll never happen again, got it?”

“That’s cool by me,” he replied.

His hands were all over Jane’s body. Her bikini top was completely off now, her boobs fully exposed. Leon lowered one hand to Jane’s crotch and started to stroke her clit through her bikini bottoms.

“Oh God that feels soooo good,” she moaned.

I could tell that Jane was getting very excited. It must have been a real thrill for her to make out with this young black guy, a stranger, while his girlfriend was passed out a few feet away!

Even though they were both half underwater, I could tell Leon had a massive erection from the size of the tent in his shorts. Jane was grinding her pussy against his hard cock as they kissed.

Jane looked right into Leon’s eyes and said, “Let’s go inside and get more comfortable.”

She got out of the pool and started walking into the house, toward our bedroom. Leon and I were both right behind her.

Truthfully, I was having mixed feelings about this. I was about to let my wife live out one of her fantasies. I wanted her to experience this. However, I still wasn’t sure about this guy. He was a virtual stranger and young enough to be her son.

On the way to the bedroom, I stopped to make another drink for myself. If this was going to happen, I wanted to have a good buzz. Leon wasn’t wasting any time…he followed Jane to the bedroom.

By the time I got to the bedroom, Jane was already spread eagle on the bed. She was nude now and Leon was between her legs, eating her pussy. I stood in the doorway and watched.

“Ohhh Ahhhh” was the only thing I heard from her.

After a few minutes Jane tensed up and I could tell that she came. She has a very sensitive clit and it never takes her long to come when I go down on her.

“You like that baby?” Leon asked as he moved beside her on the bed.

“Uh huh,” she said, recovering from her intense orgasm.

Leon still had his trunks on as he lay on his back. Jane got onto her hands and knees, grabbed hold of his shorts, and quickly pulled them off.

They were both fully nude now.

Leon’s dick was still rock hard. Jane gasped in apprehension when she first saw it up close. I think she was worried about him hurting her…his cock was that big.

“Don’t worry baby…it’ll fit, you’ll see,” he tried to reassure her.

“Do you want me to suck you, Leon?” Jane asked him.

“No baby, I’m ready to go now. I want to fuck you.”

“Oh yes Leon. I want you inside me,” Jane said. “Do you have a condom?”

“No. Never use them.”

Shit, I thought. This isn’t something we had planned for so we didn’t have any rubbers around the house. Jane doesn’t use birth control and I’ve had a vasectomy.

I was very uncomfortable with the situation now, but decided to wait and see what Jane would do.

What I heard then stunned me.

“It’s OK. I don’t think I’m fertile now anyway. Go ahead and ride me bareback Leon.”

Jane then rolled over onto her back and spread her legs as wide as they would go, offering her pussy to Leon. Offering her womb to him.

He climbed atop her and placed his uncut cock head right on the lips of her pussy. After rubbing himself against her for a moment, he slowly started to slide into my wife.

Her eyes were shut tight in pain. She has never taken a man that large before, even me. She looked like she was about to pass out and he only had half of his prick inside her.

“Please stop…it hurts,” she begged.

“Just relax baby, just relax,” He told her, ignoring her pleas.

After a few minutes of slowly working himself into her, Leon was finally balls deep in Jane. That’s when he really started to fuck her.

Pulling almost all the way out, he would slam his cock back into her forcefully with each stroke.

I could see his ass grinding up and down as he balled my wife. Her legs were hooked around his thighs as she just tried to hold on and enjoy this new cock.

They were both grunting, a combined chorus of “Ahhhs” and “Ohhs” filled the room.

Leon was working up to a fever pitch. He was stroking faster and faster into Jane. I didn’t think he would be able to last much longer.

I was right.

After about 10 minutes of vigorous fucking, both of them covered in sweat, Leon began to tense up ready to bust his nut.

I was still thinking that Jane wasn’t on birth control. Would she ask him to pull out? Or would she take his virile seed into her womb?

My questions were answered when Leon pushed his dick all the way inside her and called out, “Ahhh Here it comes bitch!”

“No please not inside me…” Jane said too late.

Leon was shaking on top of Jane as his balls were squirting their baby making semen deep into my wife. He was so deep into her that his cum must have been shooting right onto her cervix and maybe even directly into her womb.

Jane held tight to Leon as he finished pumping his juice into her. Even though the thought of getting pregnant by Leon must have terrified her, I could tell by the glazed look in her eyes that she had another orgasm as he was filling her with semen.

The lovers slowed and eventually fell into a heap on the bed. Leon pulled his now soft cock out of my wife. His cum started leaking out right away, he must have pumped a quart into her!

Leon got up from the bed and went to make another drink.

After he left, Jane and I talked briefly about what just happened.

“How do you feel Jane?”

“I’m sore down there but it was worth it…Thanks so much for letting me do this honey. I love you so much!” Jane told me.

“I love you too Jane. But what about birth control? You didn’t make him wear a rubber.”

“I know. I just wanted to go all the way with him, no condom, skin to skin.”

“But what if you get pregnant or get an STD from Leon?”

“It’ll be OK honey…let’s not worry about that now, Leon will be back soon.”

At almost that exact moment, Leon did come back into the room.

“Leon, will you spend the night with me? I hope you can do me again before we’re done,” Jane asked him.

“Sure…I could fuck you a few more times tonight baby!”

With that…they began their lovers dance again.

I left the room. I was happy that Jane was finally living out her fantasy, but I didn’t particularly want to watch.

I went back to the pool deck, where I noticed that Jessica was just waking up.

“Hi Mr. Smith,” she said.

“Hi Jessica.”

“Where is everyone?” she asked.

I lied. “Jane is asleep and your boyfriend Leon went home.” Little did she know that her boyfriend was upstairs planting his baby juice in my wife.

She was visibly upset, thinking that Leon left her passed out. Would she have been less upset if she knew he was balling Jane silly just then?

She started to cry and told me how Leon just keeps her around for sex and treats her like a plaything. She was apparently very unhappy in their relationship.

“What should I do?” she cried.

I tried to comfort her. I told her that if she wasn’t happy that she should move on and find someone else. I was trying to be a nice guy.

She hugged me. As we pulled apart, she looked into my face and started kissing me.

This is it, I thought. Now that fantasy Jane and I had was coming true for both of us.

“Oh Mr. Smith you’ve been so nice to me. I want you to make love to me,” she moaned.

We very quickly undressed one another. After the usual round of foreplay, after she was soaking wet and ready for me, I moved on top of her.

“What about a condom?” she asked. “Leon won’t ever use one and I’m scared to death of having a baby.”

“Don’t worry Jess, I’ve been snipped. You can’t get pregnant by me.”

That seemed to lessen her fears and I pushed my hard dick into this 19-year-old beauty.

We fucked each other quickly. She was probably afraid my wife might come down and catch us…and I was so worked up from watching Leon inseminate Jane.

After a few short minutes of screwing, I pushed deep into Jessica and blew my load into her body.

I shot so much that I knew she could feel each splash of semen inside her. At that moment, I regretted having the vasectomy…I wanted to mate with this girl fully.

We jumped into the pool to cool off. Jessica seemed embarrassed by what just happened and after kissing me one last time, got dressed and left.

I was exhausted from the day’s events. I went back into the house and lay down on the couch, thinking that I’d give Jane and Leon time to finish up.

I was just about to fall asleep when Leon came down stairs, back fully clothed again.

“That was hot dude…thanks for letting me ball your wife,” he said on his way out the door.

I went back upstairs and found Jane standing by the bed. A river of Leon’s semen was running down the inside of her thigh. It would be a miracle if she didn’t get pregnant.

We talked about the evening’s sexual adventures. I told her that I fucked Jessica. Jane was happy that I didn’t have to spend the night alone while she had fun with Leon.

Our fantasy had come true.

We both agreed that it wouldn’t ever happen again. Jane had had her cheap lay and was satisfied.

After showering, we fell asleep together.

Nothing like that night has ever happened again. Jane and I still have an active fantasy life, but one night was enough to satisfy our curiosities. We had each other, and that was enough.

The post Wifes First Big Black Cock appeared first on Free Sex Stories from Sex Stories Time.

Interracial Bachelorette Party

These are my real life stories. Short, too the point and meant to get guys across the world jacking to these stories. I am small petite girl, 23, 5’3″, 110, blonde, 32a.

Something about bachelorette parties makes us girls do all sorts of naughty stuff. My friend Jackie, 24 years old was ready to settle down for one cock for life (or at the very least till her pussy takes over and she cheats). She and I both new each others slutty side as we have partied for 3 years together. Her maid of honor, Carrie was a bigger slut than either one of us and she was responsible for organizing the bachelorette party. We knew it will be wild.

On the evening, the limo service was to pick us 8 girls from Carrie’s house and we were to show up at Jackie’s place and pick her up. We girls had our slutty party clothes, fuck us heels, sexy thongs, and lots of cleavage and skin were ready for the limo. Drinks and shots started at Carrie’s place itself, so by the time we were in the limo, some of us were already in a great mood. We reached Jackie’s place by 10 and she was ready in her naughty white short dress too. With her tiara on, sash saying ‘Naughty Slut’ we were in the limo on our way to ‘this place’. The limo was loaded with drinks and we girls were all having fun. The partition between the driver and us was also down and we were sure the driver was seeing a lot of panties as none of us were careful as we sat. We were like these teenage kids falling over each other, kissing a little and just having fun.

30 minute drive later we pulled at this strip mall area. A call later by Carrie, 2 black guys showed up and got in the car dressed in tight jeans and shirt. Both were 25-30 year old and really fit guys. These were our strippers for the night and the party was to start in the limo. All of us girls (all white), were soon all over these guys. Touching them, feeling them, finding our way to touch their cock through the jeans, we girls were almost mauling these guys. They slowly managed to peel us one by one off them. We sat, and hooted and hollered for the show to start.

In the moving limo, with the partition still down the guys did their best to stand and started to dance to the music. We girls were moving our hands, laughing, giggling as we saw their tshirts come off to show tight 6 pack abs. One of the girls closest to them had her hands on their tight stomach. We girls were high on drinks and obviously were not hiding much of our pussies as our thongs were all over and legs wide open. One of the girl even had her thong pushed to the side as she touched herself watching these guys. Soon the jeans were gone.

All girls sat in a L shaped area and the guys in their man thong were down on their knees walking around as dogs sniffing our pussies, licking the fabric, even pushing the fabric to the side for a few and licking the clit lightly. When Jerome (one of the guys and the on

e I wanted to fuck) made his way to my pussy, I pushed his head in my pussy hard to grind his face in my pussy. Jerome did not mind that either and was licking my pussy through my red thong. Mmmmm. I hated when he had to pull away and work his way to other pussies.

30 minutes of getting our pussies tasted, girls fingering themselves with a few already climaxed, we reached the night club. Jerome and Justin were our escorts for the night. They had 8 slutty girls and a would be bride grinding themselves to them in the VIP section we were at. Their hands were on our tits, ass, stomach and we girls were having a blast. The boys were making sure we girls were getting their attention. Other patrons at the night club were watching 9 slutty girls have fun with these 2 black guys and were surely jealous and wanted to be part of our VIP section.

During the evening, I kissed Jerome often, felt his cock, let him feel my wet pussy and once managed to sneak him into the corner while other girls danced and made him finger fuck me. God I was so horny for him. I asked if he would like to take me to his place after the night was over and fuck me? He was more than happy to take me and fuck me but he may be fucking Jackie per Carries instruction. I wondered why his friend may not do the service and he come with me. He smiled and told both of them may be tag teaming Jackie’s pussy and ass tonight. I was so jealous. All evening after that I was a little pouty. Jerome knew and he would often come and try to grind against me and I would brush him off. He slipped his phone number to me and I threw it away out of spite.

We girls were having fun and I knew Jackie will be the luckiest for the night. Not wanting my pussy to be lone for the night, I scouted the floor and saw a 6’3″, 25 something black guy moving to the rhythm. I ushered him to us in the VIP section and learned his name was Ugestra and he was from South Africa. Couple of other girls in our group took fancy to him too but I quickly let them know that Ugestra was mine for the night. the girls went ahead and found their fuck buddies. That left Ugestra grinding his cock in my ass as we danced. He was not shy and kept telling how much he enjoys fucking white American girls. I was glad to be his next notch as I just needed to fuck. Ugestra would have his hands all over my ass, on my pussy, pushing thongs to the side and fingering me.

It was 4AM and a few girls had already left with their fuck buddies. I was ready to go with Ugestra and after saying goodbye to Jackie and Carrie and giving the dirty look to Jerome, left. I was horny and once in Jerome’s car, I had one leg on the dash, other leg open wide, thong pushed to the side as I rubbed my clit. My eyes closed I gave Ugestra a show as he drove. He would often reach over and push his finger in my sloppy wet pussy. Few minutes later, i was cumming hard. That made me even more horny. I pulled out Ugestra’s cock and started to suck him while he drove. He was moaning loud as he pushed my head down on his big fat black cock.

I needed a cock now so I asked him to pull over. We pulled in a residential suburb and parked ourselves in the drive way of a random house. In the wee hours of morning, I had Ugestra’s jeans and underwear on his ankles, his cock buried deep in my pussy as I fucked him right there. He was strong and bounced my small petite frame on his cock easy. His thickness filled me completely. I was moaning, biting his neck, kissing as he fucked me till he came deep in me. His hot cum making me convulse. He squeezed out every drop out of his balls. I slumped back in my seat and as we drove I felt cum ooze out of my pussy.

Ugestra talked dirty all the way telling me how he likes small white sluts like me and how he will fuck my white pussy with his black African cock. That turned me on even more. Once at his place, Ugestra picked me up like a rag doll, walked to his bedroom and threw me down on his bed. My top slid open exposing my small tits. My mini skirt was not covering anything either and my thong had the biggest cum spot on them. Ugestra got naked and his cock was hard again. In the light of the room I could see his cock was almost as thick as my wrist and no wonder why I felt so full when he fucked me. He pulled me by my neck and had me sitting on the bed edge, his cock shoved in my mouth. He asked me to suck his black cock. his talks were so hot.

I sucked his cock like the slut I am. Minutes of bobbing my head up and down on his shaft as he pinched my nipples, face fucked me, pushed my head further deep on his cock, pushing ever inch of his cock in my mouth. Soon he has ready and pulled out and asked me to go doggy style. At the edge of the bed, he pulled my thong, leaving it on one ankle, made me spread my legs a little more and pushed his cock in my pussy. My really wet pussy. He was fucking me, smacking my ass and calling me names. His cock was completely lubed by my juices and as he fucked me, a couple of his fingers started to open my ass hole. Spitting on his finger, he lubed and opened my ass. I was not sure I culd take his thick cock in my ass.

I asked him to be gentle when he pulled his cock and placed his cock head on my ass. I dont know if he did not hear me or did not care, he was pushing his cock quick into my ass. It hurt and I tried pulling away but he held me by my waist as I turned to get away and kept pushing his thick cock in me. I yelled back but he did not slow down. Soon 2 inch, then 3 then 4 and then 5 inch of that thick cock was already in my ass. It hurt like hell and I teared up. But he kept fucking away. Soon it hit that point when it started to feel real good. So my moans turned from pain to pleasure. Ugestra knew he had me and picked his pace even more. Soon he was cumming in my ass. Filling my second hole with his cum. Once he had emptied his balls he pulled out and I fell face down on his bed.

I lay there in my top pulled down, my skirt around my waist and my thong around one ankle. Ugestra grabbed some water for both of us. After a few sips I fell back on the bed. I was used well and felt good. The sun was starting to come up and I was ready to leave. i asked him to drop me to this coffee shop close to my house but he had other plans. He got in bed next to me and put his limp cock in my mouth and asked me to suck. I was not sure why but the way he said it, I took his cock in my mouth and started to suck him. My small white hands enveloped his thick black cock as I sucked him. His fingers were buys on my pussy again and I was surprised he had my pussy getting wet again.

Soon we were in 69 position going at each other. He said he wanted to cum in my mouth as that was the last hole left where he had not dumped his cum. I was eager to taste him too so started to suck and stroke him anting him to let it all in my mouth. His tongue busy in my pussy I had my leg soon wrapped around his neck as he worked on my pussy. Soon he was moaning and I knew he was ready to cum but I was not. I slowed down the sucking wanting him to last till I came but he started to face fuck me wanting to cum. So I pulled out his cock and told him I wanted him to fuck me first, make me cum and then i will let him cum in my mouth.

Ugestra was horny as hell and was fine with pulling out and fucking my pussy. He turned me on the bed on my back, spread open my legs and got on top of me. he pushed his big thick cock in my wet pussy and started to ride me hard. I was moaning and telling him I needed to cum and he should not cum till I have. I had my fingers on my clit as I was being fucked, getting closer and closer to cumming and then it happened. I shuddered hard and my pussy came. His cock was being slobbered with more cum. He knew he had done his job an immediately pulled his cock wet with my cum and shoved it in my face.

he was sitting on my breast with his cock in my mouth and I stroked, sucked and licked till it was his turn to explode. He let the remaining amount of cum in his balls in my mouth as he groaned. Once empty he fell next to me. He kept telling me how much he enjoyed fucking another white slt and how we girls love his black cock. I did not care what he thought as I got my need fulfilled and was ready to leave. Plus I knew I will never see him again and was gone in the next 15 minutes after a great night of fucking.

The post Interracial Bachelorette Party appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Wife Back Seat Black Cock

Tracy and I hadn’t been out in a while, as our demanding work schedules tended to take their toll on our social life. Consequently we were both looking forward to our planned Friday-night outing. We just wanted to go somewhere different, with no plans and no structured activities, just having fun.

Tracy, my wife, is a hot and sensuous woman with long dark hair, large tits and a very sexy body, and on this night she looked great. After hitting a couple of “happy hour” spots, we had dinner and then decided to go to a new sports bar that we had heard was a pretty cool place. However, we were disappointed to find that there were only a handful of people there. Undaunted, we sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Tracy finished hers rather quickly, and we decided to order one more and then head home.

As I was about to pay the tab, a man sitting at the bar struck up a conversation with us. He was a large, rather good-looking black man, about six feet two and about two hundred pounds. He was watching a college basketball game, and he told us his nephew was the star of one of the teams that were playing. He offered to buy us a drink and we moved down next to him. He said his name was Frank, and that he’d been recently divorced. I got the impression that he was kind of lonely and looking for companionship.

He bought my wife two shooters and me a beer, and as we were about to leave he told us about a small, quiet bar he knew near the lake, and suggested stopping there for a nightcap on the way home.

I wasn’t really up for it, but Tracy wanted to do it, saying, “Oh, let’s go, honey, this is our night to have fun, remember?” So off we went.

We found the bar, ordered some drinks and went out on the deck to enjoy the warmth of the evening and listen to the waves. When we finished our drinks I said it was my turn to buy, and I headed for the bar. The bartender had gone to the storage room to get some supplies or something, and it took me ten minutes before I returned to the deck with the drinks.

As I approached my wife and our new friend, they seemed to get awfully quiet, but I assumed they were listening to the lake beating against the shore. As I gave them their drinks I had a funny feeling that something was wrong. Then I noticed that Tracy’s lipstick was a little smeared, and looking closely at Frank I could see a trace of lipstick on his mouth, I couldn’t believe it! My beautiful wife must have been kissing this black man, who we had only just met, while I was gone!

Tracy had never showed any interest in black men or fulfilling any fantasies with black men without me present, certainly not with a stranger. I started to think that I was mistaken, but it didn’t look that way. I was confused and upset, but also, for some weird reason, aroused. Then Tracy took off her jacket. Her large, full tits, encased in a tight, silvery satin blouse, were quite visible in the moonlight. She was braless, and her nipples were sticking straight out toward our black friend. He was obviously impressed with her tits; he stared right at them and smiled.

I looked at my wife, and she was giving him a sexy smile, as if to say, “How would you like to get your hands on these big titties?”

I didn’t know what to do. I finished my drink quickly, saying something about how late it was getting, but Tracy didn’t seem to hear. She nursed her drink and seemed to listen avidly to everything Frank said. They were having an animated conversation, leaving me out almost completely.

After a while I had to take a leak. I certainly wanting to leave my wife alone with this good-looking, rugged black man again, and seeing if anything would happen. I hurried off and relieved myself. Before returning to the deck I peeked quietly around the doorway, and my suspicions were confirmed. My wife was in the arms of this muscular black man, and they were locked in a torrid, passionate French kiss!

My cock hardened immediately as I watched them kissing long and deep. Frank had his hands on my wife’s ass and was getting a good feel. She had both arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible as their tongues played with each other. Frank was grinding his torso against her, his cock obviously rubbing against her midsection as they continued to kiss like long-lost lovers.

As I watched, he slipped a hand under her blouse and got a good feel of her tits, while his other hand continued to massage her ass. Tracy offered no resistance at all, but appeared to thoroughly enjoy his every move.

Finally they pulled apart, obviously not wanting to be discovered on my return. As I came out and approached them, Tracy was applying a coat of lipstick to her well-kissed lips, just as though nothing had happened.

Frank took out some cigarettes and offered one to my wife, which she accepted, although she seldom smokes and knows I don’t approve of it. As he lit her cigarette, she put her hands around his to steady them, and they looked at each other with obvious lust in their eyes. For some reason I looked down at the front of Frank’s jeans, and saw a huge bulge made by his aroused cock. I now knew why my wife was in no hurry to get out of here and that she was looking for a little extra fun tonight.

“Honey, let’s give Frank a ride to his car and head home,” Tracy said.

The three of us had taken our car from the first bar to this one, and now we drove back to where Frank had parked his car.

Tracy and I were in the front, Frank in the back. When we reached his car Frank was in the middle of a story, so Tracy told me to turn off the engine while he finished. I pretended that I was anxious to get home, and I hardly listened to the story, which seemed to go on and on.

Once he finished, Tracy told Frank what a great story it was and how much she loved it.

“You are such a fun person,” she told him. “I hope I see you again soon.”

Then she said, “Honey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to give Frank a kiss good night.”

She didn’t wait for my answer, but turned around and leaned into the back seat to kiss her new black friend. It wasn’t an ordinary kiss, any more than the one on the deck had been. I could see her tongue disappear into his mouth, and the kiss seemed to last forever. Then I became aware that Tracy’s right hand was between his legs, searching for his big cock. Her left hand was around his neck as they continued to French kiss hotly right in front of me. I was stunned, but again I was also inexplicably aroused. She was certainly looking for some extra fun tonight and I was just as much game as she was.

Now Frank’s hand went under my wife’s blouse and started feeling her mammoth tits, and I heard Tracy moaning with lust. She turned completely around now, kneeling up on the seat, and kissed him again. His other hand reached for her ass, and began kneading it through her tight jeans. It soon moved to her crotch, as her right hand rubbed over his swollen cock. What was supposed to be a goodnight kiss had escalated into a steamy scene. This was crazy, but neither of them seemed to mind at all about me being there, or about anything else.

“Oh god,” Tracy said breathlessly when they broke apart. “I’ve got to have more of this!”

And with that she hopped over the back of the seat and joined her smiling black stud, who grabbed her and kissed her again. I looked around to make sure there was nobody watching from outside, and when I turned back my wife had removed her blouse, proudly offering Frank full access to her tits.

His hands were all over them, tweaking her hard nipples. I heard a zipper open, and Tracy saying, “Lord, it’s even bigger than I thought!”

I took a look for myself, and saw Frank’s big black cock, which had to be at least ten or maybe even twelve inches long, and very thick. And then, without hesitation, my hot wife lowered her head and engulfed that huge dick in her mouth, sucking it like a seasoned whore.

Tracy gives good head, and has only gotten better and better lately, and Frank obviously loved what she was doing with her talented mouth and swirling tongue. I still felt dazed, but watching my wife avidly sucking this virtual stranger was undeniably erotic, and I had to admit that I was turned on by her slutty behavior.

I looked around again, and this time I saw two men in the shadows of the parking lot, watching my wife sucking cock in the back seat. They had their dicks out and were jerking themselves off as they stood there. I couldn’t hold out any more. I pulled out my own cock and played with it as I gazed at my wife’s head bobbing up and down, up and down on that big black pole.

Finally Tracy lifted her mouth from Frank’s cock.

“I want to come!” she gasped out. “Put a finger in my pussy and one in my ass, and shoot your come down my throat, you stud. God, I love your black cock, and I want your come in my mouth so I can taste it!”

Frank did just as she said, and in a minute my wife was screaming more loudly than I’d ever heard her as she exploded in an intense orgasm. As soon as she calmed down she took his cock back in her mouth and sucked it wildly until he erupted. She tried to swallow it all, but he had too much seed for her, and his huge cock kept pumping come into her mouth until it spilled out the sides. The whole scene was too much for me, and I shot my load all over the dashboard of our nearly new car.

When I looked again, the two voyeurs had evidently come as well, and were stuffing their spent cocks back in their pants. I began thinking that the heat that my wife was in, she would have blown the two of them also. I don’t think I ever told her that she had an audience.

Tracy began applying her lipstick again, while she and her lover whispered things I couldn’t hear to each other. Finally Frank kissed her one more time and got out of the car. Tracy got back in the front seat and waved goodbye to him as I drove off.

“My gosh, what a night!” she said, and she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I could smell a mixture of booze, cigarette smoke, lipstick and come. Frank’s come on her breath.

“Frank wants me to go to a party with him Friday night,” she said then. “And I want to go as his date. Do you have any objections?”

I started to say no, but I had to be honest with her, and with myself. “Not if you tell me all about it afterwards,” I said. “And if you fuck my brains out as soon as you get home.”

“You’ve got a deal,” she said

And when we finally got home, Tracy fucked the shit out of me until dawn.

Cheerleaders Diary

Dear Diary,

Sorry that I haven’t written lately, but it has been a most amazing time at college. After eighteen years of being told by my parents, teachers and sometimes it seemed everyone else in my world, especially older brothers, what to do and when; these first few weeks have been amazing.

Of course, before they all drove me to college, my parents and every last one of my seven older brothers and their families threw me a fabulous eighteenth birthday party. I got all kinds of things for my dorm room and new clothes. I used the party to tell my high school boyfriend Steve that it was O-V-E-R. Since we were going to different colleges, we both knew it would never work…his fault for not making better grades so he could get into a good school like I did. I think he was cheating on me anyway; not that we ever went all the way.

That reminds me, the most exciting news of the past couple weeks…I lost my virginity. Well, had it taken is more accurate. Like in high school I tried out for the cheerleading squad. But things are different here at college. Instead of just entertaining the crowds and motivating the team at games, you have to entertain and motivate the players…off the field.

I was surprised and frightened at first when I found out. In fact, I almost decided not to try out at all, but I have ALWAYS been a cheerleader. My Mama was a cheerleader. Even Nana was a cheerleader, way back. Of course, they were only high school cheerleaders. I want to be the first girl in the family to make the college squad. I could not let a little thing like my virginity stand in the way of that.

I didn’t really know what it would be like. I heard the other girls, whose turn came before mine, talk about it though. It was simple really. You went to the dorm where most of the players lived and you signed in as someone’s study buddy. They came down and escorted you back to their room where you had sex with him…and any of his friends around. But you had to be done and out of there by ten o’clock curfew.

I was really nervous when it was my turn. At lunch, Sally May, the head cheerleader, gave me a slip of paper that contained the name and room number of the player that I was to…entertain and motivate. Wouldn’t you know it; it was Tyreese Moore, the star running back and possible Heisman Trophy candidate. I got even more scared then. I had hoped for someone more…well, like me; maybe the hot, blonde quarterback, who was known for his high grades as much as his throwing arm. If he did not make the NFL, he would certainly be a Rhodes Scholar.

Tyreese was the exact opposite of all that. He was a kid from the inner city, who could have never made it to college without football. He was also black. Having never actually been with a guy before, the thought of having a black guy as my first was terrifying. Was it really true? The size thing.

I spent the afternoon reconsidering my decision to try out, but I really, really, REALLY wanted to be a college cheerleader. So at 7 PM sharp, I signed into the visitors list. I was really nervous as I waited in the lobby for him to come collect me…for our study session. I wondered if the mini-skirt and tank top I wore was the right choice for this sort of thing. After all, he got to help decide if I actually made the squad. It would be horrid to do this and then not even make the squad after all. But he seemed to appreciate my athletic body, even if he was a full foot taller than me.

I have to be honest here (I could never admit it to anyone but you); when he took my hand in his huge, dark one, I got hotter than Steve ever made me. It was partly how much bigger he was, but mostly it was how much darker. I know that it is bad, but I can’t help how I feel.

When we got back up to his room, I was happy to see that no one else was around. I mean doing one guy like this was bad enough; I did not want a roomful of them like a couple of the other girls had. He offered me a wine cooler. I knew we were breaking all kinds of rules…no alcohol in the dorms…no alcohol to anyone under 21. But I really needed it to help me relax. I think I drank the whole thing in a single gulp as he sat down on his twin bed. When I was finished, he demanded to ‘see what you have to offer.’

I was really glad I had drunk the damned thing then, because my fingers were trembling as I unbuttoned my skirt and let it slide down my tanned legs. I kicked it to the side and smiled. That wine cooler must have been stronger than I thought. I pulled my tank top over my head to reveal my tits…I hadn’t bothered with a friggin’ bra, I hate those things. So there I stood in just my white cotton bikini panties.

He must have liked what he saw cause he started to touch his thingy through his track bottoms. My eyes must have gotten as wide as saucer when I noticed how big the thing was. It was half way down his thigh…no lyin’. He told me to ‘get your pretty white ass over here and suck my black cock.’ I had sucked Steve’s a couple of times, but it was no where near this big.

I don’t know how it happened, but the next thing I remember is his fingers in my blonde hair forcing my head down as he lifted his hips off the bed and slammed his cock so far down my throat I thought I would choke. Then he pulled back until just the head was between my lips. I felt his fingers then brushing my panties to the side. Then his thick fingers were trying to get inside my virgin pussy. He tried for several minutes before he finally slapped my ass and shoved his cock back down my throat. I must have opened my legs more at the shock of choking again, because suddenly I felt the biggest thing I had ever had inside me. His finger was way bigger than the tampons I used. ‘Damn, you tight, girl. You betta suck that thing good…get it real wet or it gonna hurt like hell in this hole,’ he said as his fingers mauled my tender flesh.

It already hurt like hell, I thought as I went back to sucking him. I hoped that maybe I could do like I always did with Steve; get him to cum in my mouth so he would leave my virgin pussy alone. So I sucked and licked like never before…and Steve always said I gave a good blow job. I tried to use my hands, but they would not fit around the thing. So instead I played with his balls, but those were huge too. I mean they must have been the size of a golf ball or a plum. Sure, Steve’s was the only guy I had ever seen, but something told me this one was really special.

It must have been working because I heard his breathing get faster and he was pumping his hips into my face harder. But it sure would have been nice if he had warned me before unloading in my mouth and all over my face and chest. He came A LOT more that Steve. It seemed it would never stop. But he kept holding my head there so that I had to swallow it all. But I didn’t care, because if he came in my mouth then I knew it was over.

When he was done though, he lifted me from where I had knelt on the floor and pushed me back onto his bed. ‘Your turn now, girl. Cause you gonna need to be super wet and horny to get this black cock in your virgin pussy,’ he proclaimed as he pulled my panties down my legs and tossed them aside. I was going to ask how he knew I was a virgin, but then I felt his lips, tongue and teeth on that pussy. Of course, I knew about this, but Steve had never offered to return the favor…ever. So I was shocked that this stranger would do something so…intimate.

OMG…it was amazing. He would lick my hole; a couple of times he even licked at the other one (the nasty one). He would use his sharp teeth on my clit to hold it out. Then he would actually suck it like a lollipop. It was too much. I actually came harder than I ever had with my pocket rocket or fingers. I think I might have even passed out, cause the next thing I remember is him being over me.

Then I felt his hand between my open legs and he had that thing…trying to put it inside me. I opened my mouth to say something, but he just kissed me instead. It burned and hurt like hell as I felt him trying to stretch me open down there. I felt tears slip down my cheeks and thought he might give up when it didn’t work. Instead, he smiled and said ‘Damn, girl, I gotta stretch this thing out for the brothas.’

I got real scared then, but he went back to kissing me. He was a much better kisser Steve or the couple of other boys I have kissed. Maybe because his lips are fuller and his tongue thicker? But he just kept kissing me…that and the wine cooler must have relaxed me…because then I felt it. He slammed his hips forward and I screamed, except of course it wasn’t very loud because he was still kissing me. He put it all the way in me…well as far as he could get it anyway. It hurt again when he hit the back, but he just held it there for a long while and kissed me some more.

‘Damn, girl, that’s some sweet white pussy,’ he said between kisses as he started to move inside of me. It hurt still, but not so bad. It was more like the burning feeling you have for a long time after you skin your knee. He was nice and slow at first, until it quit burning so bad.

Then he started to move faster and faster. I could tell he was going deeper too, which shocked me…where was it going anyway? Then he threw my legs over his arms and lifted my ass off the bed. That made him go even deeper. I think I must have started to moan or whimper, because he said ‘You better be quiet, girl, or we’ll have company tonight.’ I was really shocked when he brushed the side of my face and replied, ‘Since Sally May says she thought you were a virgin, I had planned to keep it just the two of us this first time. But if you start oh-ing and aw-ing like you’s in heat, this room gonna be full of horny niggas wantin’ they turn at this fine white pussy.’

I certainly did not want that, so I nodded my head as he went back to thrust inside of me. Except suddenly it wasn’t hurtin’ no more. It started to feel good…real good. I was biting my lips and scrunching the sheets in my fingers to keep from screaming as he pounded deeper into me. He was sweating too…me too for that matter. Mama may say that ladies glow, but she obviously ain’t had a cock like that inside her pussy…you sweat.

In the end, I had to turn my head to the side and actually scream into the softness of the bed. It just felt that damned good. No, it felt great. I never came like that. Then I felt him cumming too…inside of me. I would have panicked, except I was still cumming.

But afterwards I did get real scared. I couldn’t get pregnant…not my first year in college. Sally May says she’ll take me to the clinic and get me on the pill as soon as my period comes.

Anyway, Ty, as he told me to call him, bribed the guard downstairs. I stayed the whole night in his room…just the two of us. Obviously, I got the thumbs up from him. Of course, I think Sally May and the other football players ain’t too happy with us. Ty decided that he would ‘keep my sweet white ass all to hisself.’

Well, I have to run now. I am off to cheerleading practice…and then over to Ty’s room. I’ll be back…sometime.

The post Cheerleaders Diary appeared first on Teen Sex Stories.

Black Cock School For Girls

Carla Scott sat stiffly upright in one of the several straight back chairs that ringed the front of headmistress, Marion Elder’s large imposing desk. “Now let me make sure that I understand exactly what you’re saying, Mz. Elder,” Carla said sternly, “you’re guaranteeing that my daughter will receive daily instruction in large black erection etiquette?!?” “That is exactly what I’m saying,” the headmistress replied smoothly, “in fact we guarantee that your daughter will get at least two hard fuckings a day by black erections that are at least nine inches long!!!” “And oral sex?!?” Carla Scott asked. “Of course,” Marion Elder shot back, “that goes without saying.” “I just want to make sure that we understand each other,” Carla replied, “Meredith is my only daughter, and well, you understand that I only want what’s best for her!” “Of course I do, Mrs. Scott,” Carla replied gently, “we’ve been in the business of training young women in art of fucking huge black cocks for over seventy years.” “Of course your reputation is impeccable,” Marion answered quickly, “I just wanted to make sure for myself, that’s all.” “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Carla Elder replied. “How about a demonstration of how we operate!?!”

Meredith squirmed nervously in her seat listening to the older women discussing her sex life as casually as you would order a hamburger, but much to her chagrin she heard her own mother reply, “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Mz. Elder, please proceed!” “Very good,” Carla replied while picking up the phone and asking Jamal to come into her inner office. A second or two later a very handsome young black man dressed in a snow white terry cloth robe casually entered the room. “You called for me, ma’am?” he asked softly. “Yes, Jamal,” Carla replied, “I’d like you to meet Marion Scott and her daughter, Meredith.” Jamal smiled broadly at the two women while offering, “It’s nice to meet you, ladies.” “As you can see our young men are extremely respectful of all women,” she went on easily, “and we further feel that although our young women will become incredibly addicted to these large black erections that it remains paramount that the young men don’t take advantage of the situation.” “My thoughts exactly,” Marion replied. “And how old is Jamal?” “Let me see,” Carla replied while picking up his file, “ahhhhhh here it is, he’s twenty years old, only two years older than Meredith.” “Now, let’s get down to brass tacks,” the headmistress said evenly, “all right, young man, please expose yourself to Meredith and her mother.” With a small smile still covering his face the young man slowly untied his cloth belt, and then with a flair for the dramatic let them wait for a moment before letting his robe fall open.” “M-my god!!!” Marion gasped. “H-he’s huge, I just can’t believe it’s real!!!”

While Meredith wasn’t by any means a virgin, her tummy did a quick flip flop as she stared wide eyed at the massive coal black penis that hung low from Jamal’s groin! “Does this meet with your satisfaction?” Carla asked rhetorically all the while knowing that Marion Scott was more than pleased with what she was witnessing. “It’s just wonderful!” Marion gushed. “I knew you’d be pleased,” Carla Elder replied softly. “Okay, Jamal, allow Meredith to taste your organ.” Covering the six feet between them with two steps, Jamal let his monster pecker hang within inches of the stunned young woman’s face! Her heart was beating a mile a minute, but like a magnet is attracted to cheap metal she gingerly opened her mouth and let the fat smooth head inside. “H-how does it taste, dear?!?” Marion asked unevenly. With her mouth so full of thick black dick all her daughter managed to do was hum, “Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!”

“As you can see,” Carla observed, “our young men have incredible control over their organs.” “Not many men could control themselves with such a pretty young woman sucking their erection!” Just watching her daughter fellating the black stud was more than poor Marion Scott could take, so without even thinking she shoved her hand up her skirt and began wantonly masturbating her now drooling pussy! “God that looks good!” Marion moaned while wildly fingering her hot clit. “Would you like to see Jamal fuck her?” Carla asked softly. “Oh yesssssssssssssss!!” Marion hissed. “M-make him fuck her!!!” Jamal looked over at the headmistress, and after receiving only a slight nod of her head, he gently pulled his prick from the hungry young mouth while pulling her to her feet. With her eyes locked on the young stud’s pecker, Marion Scott watched in stunned awe while Jamal quickly ripped off her daughter’s panties before shoving her face first onto the large desk as he lined up his huge hammer with her now bulging little hair pie! Meredith groaned loudly while the young stud ran his black pecker head up and down the length of her sopping wet slit. And while Marion masturbated like a wild monkey, he slowly impaled the white assed little cunt with his ten inches of hard black cock meat!

As each inch disappeared inside of her Meredith’s groan turned into a loud scream as her poor little pussy convulsed wildly around the invading marauder! “S-she’s coming all over the place!” Marion Scott moaned. “Just look at her little hair pie, it’s getting the fucking of its life!!!” “And that’s just the beginning,” Carla said softly, “for the next nine months she’ll get it at least twice a day just like this.” “He’s so fucking huge!!!” Marion gushed. “He’ll rip her apart!!!” “D-does it hurt, dear?!?” she gasped. “Ohhhhhhhh, noooooooo!!!” Meredith moaned. “I feel so full, I just can’t explain it!!!” Just when poor Marion thought she couldn’t stand it another second Carla Elder offered, “Try this, Mrs. Scott, “it’s an exact duplicate of Jamal’s erect penis!” Marion turned her gaze to the headmistress only to find that she had handed her a huge black dildo that exactly replicated Jamal’s monster pecker! With a shaking hand she picked it up and slipped it into her mouth, savoring it’s thickness and length. When she was sure that it was wet and lubricated she shoved down her panties, and without a moment’s hesitation shoved it balls deep into her hairy cunt! Marion’s guttural moan caused Meredith to look over her should just in time to see the ten inches of thick latex to bury itself deep in her mother’s hot pussy! “Oh god!!!” Meredith gasped while staring at her mother pounding the black dildo in and out of her cunt with brutal ferocity. “M-mother,” she moaned, “we’re both getting fucked so fucking hard!!!” Even the headmistress was being swept away in the excitement of it all, and after pressing her intercom her secretary appeared at her desk and dropped to her knees and began sucking her boss’s smoothly shaved vagina!

Being the only male in a room full of hot pussied women was finally more than poor Jamal could take, and even though he was trained in the art of restraint his pecker finally betrayed him as it pulsated out of control inside of Meredith’s cute little blonde haired pussy! “I-I’m sorry, ma’am!” he groaned loudly. “I just can’t hold it another second, ohhhhhhhhhh fuck, there it goes, I’m fucking cumming!!!” Seeing the young buck lurching in and out of poor little Meredith’s helpless pussy was more than the Marion or Carla could take as they both watched in wide eyed wonder as Meredith arched her back while an orgasm of incredible dimensions slammed into her pussy like a jack hammer! Carla rammed the thick dildo harder and harder until her own organ wrenched hard in a brutally violent orgasm, while at the same time Carla Elder grabbed her secretary by the back of the head as she rode her mouth to a stunning cum of her own!!!

After it was over a very satisfied Meredith carefully cleaned Jamal’s now limp pecker with her warm mouth while Carla and Marion put themselves back together. “So,” a now composed Carla offered, “that is how we do business at the Black Cock School for Girls!”

The post Black Cock School For Girls appeared first on Teen Sex Stories.

Wifes Date

Angie finished drying her long red hair and looked at herself in the mirror thinking how good she still looked at thirty. Angie turned and looked at her profile in the mirror checking out her firm round ass and tiny waist along with her 38 D cup breasts.

Angie placed the palm of her hand near her cleavage tracing the line on her skin from the sun that afternoon. Angie had pale skin, which was speckled with red freckles and had to be very careful not to get too much sun otherwise she would burn.

She tossed the towel onto the bed and opened the dresser drawer and starred at the stack of panties that filled the drawer. Angie looked at the dress hanging on the back of the door which she bought special for her date that night and decided not to wear any panties at all. The green dress she bought clung to her body and the panty line showed and looked ugly and if she had taken more notice when she tried it on she would have picked another material to wear. Angie brushed her teeth leaning over the sink watching her large full tits giggling as she moved the tooth brush around inside her mouth. She couldn’t believe she was actually getting ready for a date with another man.

Angie got angry every time she thought about the mess her husband Walt got them into with his gambling. Walt had made a bet with someone at a poker game and when he told the man he was short of money and couldn’t pay off the debt they had made another agreement with the man.

Walt had said the man was very angry with him and Walt had to come up with an idea to keep from getting himself beaten up because Walt said he was at least 6′ 7″ and massive in size. In addition to this big man, Walt said he had a couple of big body guards with him that night and they looked very intimidating and Walt was afraid for his life.

The man’s name is Bruce and he had mentioned to Walt before the game that he loved redheads’ so that gave Walt the idea that he could fix Bruce up with a redhead just like he had mentioned.

Walt told Bruce that he could arrange a date with a redhead just like he had mentioned before the game and said it was his sister and he would make all the arrangements.

Walt didn’t tell Angie what had happened until the next day and Angie could have choked him on the spot. Angie was so angry with Walt and made him promise that he would stop gambling. Walt was in tears the night he explained everything to Angie and had said that he was sorry and he would never put them in a situation like this again.

Angie stood in front of the mirror applying her lipstick than looked at the amount of cleavage that was showing and tried to pull the dress up further but tugged it back down. She had wished she had picked out something that wasn’t so revealing.

Angie wanted to be nice to this man but at the same time didn’t want to give him any idea’s that he could go further than dinner and maybe a little dancing tonight. Once finished, Angie walked into the bedroom and slipped her wedding band and diamond engagement ring off her finger and placed it in a small drawer in her jewelry box. She would be Walt’s divorced sister for the night and get it over with.

Hopefully Walt would learn his lesson with this and give up gambling like he promised and maybe some of those nasty friends that got him into this situation. Angie walked out into the front room and saw Walk pacing the floor and sat down on the sofa without saying a word.

Walt turned to face his wife and said. “Honey. Please don’t do anything to piss off this guy tonight because he has many friends and I’m afraid of what he could do to us.”

Angie gave her husband a nasty glance and snapped back at Walt and said. “I think you should have thought about that when you made a bet with this man last week. You knew that you didn’t have the money to pay him back but you went ahead and played that silly game anyway.”

Walt looked nervous as he stood in the window as he said. “Honey. I’m really sorry about everything and wished I could take it all back.”

Angie walked over and sat on the sofa as she replied. “Just remember that because of you I have to spend the night out with some strange man I don’t even know and show my ass and hope he doesn’t try anything with me and its all because of you so don’t act like you’re sorry to me.”

They could hear a car pull into the driveway and Walt looked out the window and said. “It must be Bruce, a black customized Hummer just pulled up near the garage.”

Angie walked back into the bedroom to put a final touch on her makeup as she tried to settle her nerves as Walt answered the door and Bruce and two other huge black men walked into the house.

Bruce introduced them as his body guards and looked around the house from where he was standing and said. “You know I don’t usually let people get away with not paying up to me but if your sister is the knockout you told me she is than we will consider this settled and even.”

Walt tried to form a smile as he listened to Bruce’s deep and mean sounding voice as Angie walked out of the bedroom and walked toward the men.

Angie almost froze in her tracks as she saw the three black men standing at her front door as she walked closer and waited for Walt to introduce them.

Angie stood in front of the men as Walt said. “Bruce. I’d like you to meet my sister, Angie. Angie. This is my friend Bruce and these two men are friends of his and I didn’t get their names.”

Bruce had his eyes fixed on Angie’s exposed cleavage as he took her hand and kissed it and said. “Your every bit as beautiful as your brother told me you were and your red hair is just gorgeous.” Angie smiled and kept it very short because she was so nervous and said. “Thank you very much.”

Bruce was still holding her tiny hand and didn’t let go of her as he introduced the two men who were standing next to him as Billy and Donny and said they were his insurance that they would have a safe night.

Angie stood next to Bruce starring up at his face and even with her 5′ 6″ height and her 5″ heels, she still seemed short standing next to his 6′ 7″ height. Bruce also had broad shoulders and huge hands and the deepest voice Angie thinks she ever heard.

Bruce glanced over at Walt and surprisingly smiled at him and said. “You didn’t disappoint me this time. Consider it even.”

Bruce placed his large arm around Angie and said. “Its getting late, we should get to the club if we’re going to have dinner.”

Walt watched as Angie walked out of the house with Bruce and the other two men and got into the hummer and saw Bruce walking back toward the front door by himself and wondered what was going on.

Walt waited before opening the door and when he did, Bruce stepped inside the house and smiled at Walt and said. “Your sister is hot and if all goes well tonight I’m going to be seeing you more often from now on and just take my advice and don’t do anything stupid like giving her bad advice about me because if you screw this up I won’t call it even any longer.”

Bruce walked back out shutting the door behind him as Walt stood there still shaking wondering how he and Angie were going to get themselves out of this mess. Walt wondered if Angie would be able to handle this in a way that Bruce would just disappear and everything would be forgotten.

Walt paced around the house for the next few hours watching the clock and wondering what was going on with his wife and Bruce hoping he would drop her back off at the house soon.

Walt sat on the sofa and began to dose off when he heard the sound of a car pulling into the drive and the headlights shined into the front room window. Their house was out in the country and stood back in the woods about several hundred feet away from the road so Walt felt comfortable knowing that he had no neighbors that would see these black men coming to his house with Angie so late.

Walt sat up and watched the front door open and saw his wife walk through the door but was surprised to see Bruce follow her inside along with Donny and Billy.

Walt was surprised as he saw his wife laughing at something that Bruce must have said when they came in as she turned toward Donny and Billy and said. “You guys can find glasses in the kitchen toward the left of the stove and just put the extra bottles in the refrigerator.” Bruce walked into the room as Walt starred at him as he sat down on the other end of the sofa and waited for Angie.

Bruce finally looked over at Walt and said. “Your sister is a very special lady and I might say she is very different from the women I dated in the past. Angie brings out the gentle side of my personality that many people don’t see.”

Walt sat there and swallowed hard as he listened to Bruce talk about his wife as if she were already his girlfriend.

Bruce sort of chuckled in his deep voice as he leaned over toward Walt and tried to whisper and said. “With women like your sister Angie, you have to take it slow and easy and build their trust and confidence which will lead up to the big pay off.”

Bruce starred into Walt’s eyes and laughed and said. “You don’t know much about women do you?”

Walt responded with his voice sounding shaky and said. “Well. I think I know my sister fairly well enough to know she doesn’t screw around on the first date.”

Bruce leaned over a little further and grabbed Walt by the shoulder and said. “Excuse me. I hate to sound so blunt with you, because I know she is family but I bet you at poker and won from you already and I bet you the amount of money you lost to me last week that Angie will be giving me all the white pussy I can handle.”

Walt was beginning to shake now as Bruce told him his plans for his wife as he tried to smile at the big man.

Bruce continued as he said. “Face it. Your sister is a fine woman and she does have a pussy along with nice tits and a sweat little ass. Man. That beautiful long red hair and I can’t wait to see the little red muff between her legs.”

Bruce than added. “Patience. My friend. Patience.”

Angie walked into the room and sat down next to Bruce on the sofa completely ignoring Walt on the other end as Bruce leaned forward and said. “Let me see those beautiful earrings I bought you tonight.”

Angie pushed her long red hair to the side and let him see the diamond studded earrings she was wearing as Bruce said. “Walt. Take a look at these earrings I bought your sister tonight and see how beautiful they look on her.” Walt got up and sat in the chair directly in front of them and starred at the large diamond earrings his wife was wearing than noticed the diamond neckless she was wearing too and said. “I don’t remember seeing the neckless on you before?”

Bruce chuckled and said. “I bought that for your sister as well to match the earrings she is wearing.”

Angie put her hand on Bruce’s shoulder and leaned forward and said. “Thank you so much for the presents tonight.”

Angie puckered her lips as Bruce gave her a small peck on the lips than another that lasted a couple seconds longer.

Bruce held Angie’s hand and glanced at Walt and said.” Excuse us while I return the appreciation your sister is showing me.”

Bruce kissed Angie again locking his lips to hers sending his tongue deep into her mouth as Walt looked on in horror but was afraid to say anything to Bruce and figured he’d just get it over with.

Bruce moved closer to Angie and placed his arm around her and waited to see what Angie’s reaction was going to be and he soon found out as she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

Once they finished, Bruce looked over at Walt who was sitting in the chair with a blank look on his face and afraid to say anything to this man in fear of getting harmed and said. “Would you mind going out in the kitchen with the guys so I can talk privately with your sister?”

Walt got up from the chair and walked toward the kitchen and glanced back to see what was going on but Bruce had switched the table lamp off which made it too dark to see anything.

Walt made it into the kitchen and poured himself another drink and joined Donny and Billy on the bar stools at the counter.

Donny laughed at Walt when he sat down next to them and said. “Man. You got a hot looking sister out there. Does she have a twin by any chance?”

Walt tried to smile as he took a drink from his glass as his hand shook and almost spilled some on his shirt.

Billy looked over at Donny and said. “I bet old Bruce is getting some of that red headed pussy right now if I know him.”

Donny replied. “Yeah. Bruce has a special way to seduce women that I never saw before and the way they were dancing at the club tonight. I thought he was going to fuck her right there on the dance floor.”

Donny looked at Walt and said. “I hope this isn’t bothering you too much. You know, your sister is only human and she has sexual needs, just like us men. Isn’t that right Billy?”

Billy stood up and patted Walt on the shoulder and replied. “That’s right. Women are all the same and if they are attracted to a guy then they are going to get just as horny as the three of us and want to fuck.”

Walt looked nervous as he listened to these men and finally said. “Did you see anything else going on besides on the dance floor?”

Donny replied. “Oh man. They were kissing in the back seat, all the way back to your house tonight. As a matter of fact, I don’t think your sister would have come back here tonight but she wanted to check on her daughter.”

Walt had an idea and looked at Donny and Billy and said. “I better go and check and make sure Megan is still sleeping in her room, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Walt stood up and walked into the front room walking as close to the sofa as he could and as he walked nearby he could see Angie sitting on Bruce’s lap.

As Walt walked closer, he had a view of the rear of the sofa and could only see Angie sitting and a small portion of Bruce’s head. Walt thought he heard kissing noises and his body felt weak wondering if Bruce was sucking Angie’s tits.

As Walt started to walk toward the kitchen, Bruce sort of raised his voice and said. “Walt. Can you come here for a minute?”

Walt’s heart sank as he thought that Bruce was going to yell at him or maybe worse as he slowly walked toward the front of the sofa to see what the big man wanted.

Bruce had dimmed the light but Walt could clearly see his wife still sitting on Bruce’s lap, the straps to Angie’s dress were pulled down and she was holding the top of her dress against her tits keeping them covered.

Walt waited for Bruce to say something terrible but actually smiled at him and said. “I want to be a gentleman about this and ask you a question if you don’t mind?”

Walt’s voice was shaky as he glanced at his wife and noticed her dress was hiked up around her thigh in addition to the straps being pulled off her shoulders as he replied. “Sure. Just let me know what I can do for you.”

Angie interrupted as she looked at Bruce and said. “Bruce. Walt is my brother so I’ll tell him what we plan on doing this evening.”

Walt swallowed hard as his wife turned and starred him straight in the eyes and said. “Bruce was going to ask you if it was all right to spend the night here with me but I had told him that if it wasn’t for you that we wouldn’t have met and you wouldn’t mind at all.”

Walt swallowed again as his eyes stayed focused on Angie’s and could see that she was looking for revenge for bringing her into this mess and finally replied. “No. You’re right Angie. I don’t mind if Bruce spends the night here. I’ll get the guest room ready for him.”

Bruce chuckled as he looked at Walt and said. “You don’t have to worry about doing that for me. Your sister has everything arranged for me.”

Angie stood up holding her dress in place as she looked back at Bruce and said. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Angie starred at Walt as she walked past him and not saying another word and went directly into their bedroom and shut the door as Walt stood up and said. “Why don’t you go out and tell the boys I want to see them?”

Walt didn’t hesitate as he quickly got the two men from out in the kitchen and brought them back into the living room as Billy said. “What’s up Boss?”

Bruce replied. “You fellows can go back to my place and I’ll give you a call tomorrow when I need a ride”

Bruce walked over in front of Walt and put his large hand on his shoulder and said. “Walt. I want you to do me a big favor and go out into the kitchen and bring the bottle of wine the boys took out there and a bucket of ice with wine glasses and bring them to Angie’s room in a few minutes.”

Walt stood there looking down at the floor wanting to call this all off and tell Bruce the truth but chickened out thinking that Bruce might kill him or at least break some bones and besides he might harm Angie if he found out she was in on this too.

Walt was thinking that maybe Angie would only take this to a level and not give in to sex with this man. He would try and talk to her when he brought the drinks into the bedroom.

Bruce put his other hand on Walt’s shoulder and said. “Listen. I saw the look on your face when I told you I was staying. Your sister is a big girl and she can speak for herself and make her own decisions.”

Walt replied. “No. Not worried about Angie’s decisions at all it’s just that I didn’t know you would have sex with her tonight.”

Bruce chucked as he replied. “I got it. You don’t want to see your sister bang a black man. Is that it?” Bruce continued to say. “Walt. Have you ever been with a black woman?”

Walt said. “No. Never.”

Bruce replied. ” I’ll have to see what I can do for you. Now go get those drinks for me and I’ll see you in the bedroom.”

Walt was in the kitchen getting everything together and was getting ice from the refrigerator when he heard a cabinet door open and slam shut and turned to see his wife standing next to the counter wearing a black transparent nightie.

Walt started to walk toward Angie when she said. “Just stay away from me right now.”

Angie had her packet of birth control pills and was punching a pill out of the little container and placed it inside her mouth followed by a drink of water than set the glass down on the counter and started to walk out.

Walt yelled out and said. “Honey. I’m sorry for getting us into this mess and I’ll make it up to you.”

Angie didn’t say a word as she kept walking back to the bedroom as if she didn’t even hear him speak. Walt noticed how her ass was completely exposed as he watched her cheeks sway with her hips.

Walt was shaking again as he put the ice bucket on a tray along with the wine and the glasses. Walt knew he had done it this time and wondered if Angie would forgive him. How could he stop this man from screwing his wife without getting shot or hurt very badly?

Walt promised himself that he’d never gamble again as long as he lived and would treat Angie better than he had. All he wanted was one more chance and he would show her how he could change.

Walt took the tray and walked toward the bedroom and saw the door closed when he got there. Walt sat the tray down on the floor as he knocked on the door and picked the tray back up and waited.

Bruce yelled and said. Come on. “The door is open.”

Walt was able to open the door using a couple fingers on the handle and as the door slid open, he saw Bruce standing with his back toward him on the other side of the bed. Bruce was giving Angie a hug as they stood there without even moving.

Walt said. “Where would you like me to put the tray?”

Walt stood there listening to them kissing than realized that Bruce was naked and saw Angie’s hands around Bruce resting on his hips. The contrast of Angie’s pale white shin against Bruce’s jet black skin allowed Walt to clearly see her fingers as they clung to Bruce. Angie looked so tiny as he stood there looking and waiting for them to tell him where they wanted him to put the wine.

Bruce turned around and Walt saw this mans cock for the very first time and couldn’t help notice how large he was. Bruce’s cock was poking straight out and looked massively big and not only was he long but very thick as well.

Bruce pointed at the dresser and said. “Just put that over there and we’ll take it from there.” Walt placed the tray on the dresser and glanced at the couple as they returned to kissing and completely ignoring him. Bruce was squeezing Angie’s ass with his big hands as they remained locked in a passionate kiss.

Bruce’s cock pointed straight into Angie’s tummy on an upward angle and she seemed to be rotating her hips causing his large cock to move around above her belly button. Walt watched as Angie took hold of the cock making Bruce groan as he whispered and said. “Wait until you feel it inside you.”

Bruce turned and saw that Walt was still standing in the room and chuckled as he said. “You can leave now. We’re not putting on a sex show here.”

Walt hesitated a few seconds until Bruce let go of Angie and walked over and put his arm around Walt guiding him to the bedroom door and out into the hallway and turned and pulled Walt around to face him and said. “Listen. You seem concerned about your sister tonight. Don’t worry about her because I’ll be really gentle with her. Now go and get some sleep.”

Walt stood in the hallway watching the big man turn and shut the door but not before Walt got a glimpse of Bruce’s massive cock.

Walt stood there thinking how he shouldn’t have come up with this silly idea in the first place and maybe he could have paid a hooker to have sex with this man. Why did he have to do this to Angie and himself?

Walt walked into the living room and sat on the chair and grabbed the drink he had put on the table but never finished and finished the contents before laying his head back wondering what Angie might be doing at that very moment and fell asleep.

Walt heard a noise and opened his eyes only to see Bruce sitting on the sofa in front of him with a drink in his hand and smoking a cigarette. Walt lifted his head and looked toward the big guy with his eyes a little fuzzy from being asleep.

Walt sat up straight and saw the man was naked and his cock lay limp between his legs but still very large. Bruce said in a low but deep voice and said. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I only came out here to have a drink and a smoke and a little fresh air. The bedroom got really hot.”

Walt looked around than said. “Where’s my sister?”

Bruce replied. “Angie is in the bathroom freshening up. She got all sticky and sweaty from the workout we had.”

Walt’s body went weak again as he watched Bruce smoking his cigarette than looked at his watch and noticed it was three in the morning which meant they were in the bedroom for almost four hours. Walt asked. “Is Angie all right?”

Bruce leaned forward as he blew the smoke out of his longs and gave a slight chuckle as he shook his head up and down and said. “Angie’s just fine, maybe a little stretched and sore but she’ll be fine.”

Walt put his head back on the chair and closed his eyes as Bruce put his cigarette out and turned off the lamp.

A few minutes later, Angie walked out of the bedroom with a blanket wrapped around herself and sat on the sofa next to Bruce. The room was dark except the light from the moon shining into the front window.

Walt kept his eyes closed except to slightly glance at the couple as they sat on the sofa just a few feet in front of them. Walt could see Bruce put his arm around Angie and heard the sounds of kissing taking place but could hardly make out their faces.

Walt sat perfectly still in the chair and pretended to be asleep as he listened to them whispering as Bruce said. “He’s asleep. Climb on top of me.”

Angie replied. “No. He might wake up. Why don’t we go back to bed?”

Bruce said. “Come on. Sugar. I want you to ride me right here on the sofa.”

Walt could hear his wife giggle as Bruce tried to pull her on top of him until he finally succeeded in pulling her on his lap as Angie giggled than her giggles were soon replaced by kissing sounds.

Walt had his eyes open enough to see what was going on and saw that Angie was holding the blanket around her body keeping herself covered as she sat on Bruce’s lap.

Angie was sitting with her face toward Bruce and the movements Walt could see with the blanket looked as if she was playing with his cock as they continued to kiss.

Walt could see his wife as she continued to move her body around on Bruce’s lap until he could hear them whispering again. Angie said. “Don’t make any noise. Be very still and help me put it in.”

Bruce replied. “Sugar. Raise your ass a little higher That’s it . . . Slid down.”

Angie replied. “Oh God . . . Slow . . . Don’t wake him . . . Take it easy . . . That’s it . . . Yeah . . . Oh Yeah . . . Good . . . ”

Walt watched as Angie began to move herself around on top of Bruce but all he could see was the blanket and what looked like his wife impaled on Bruce’s huge black cock. Walt had to admit he was turned on watching his wife mount this black man across from him on the sofa and continued to watch and listen.

Angie was whispering again as she said. “Oh yeah . . . That’s it . . . give it to me . . . Don’t wake him up . . . That’s it . . . ”

Walt could hear the kissing again as he watched the blanket slid down off Angie’s shoulders but she quickly pulled it back up trying to keep herself concealed.

Walt saw that Angie had wrapped her arms around Bruce’s neck and it looked like his hands were placed on her ass guiding her around on top of his lap.

Walt could hear Bruce whispering this time as he said. “Uh Baby . . . So tight . . . Pussy . . . That’s it . . . That’s it . . . Come on . . . Squeeze it . . . Yeah . . . I can feel it . . . ”

The blanket started to slip down again but they were moving more rapidly and didn’t seem to care as the blanket fell on the floor below Bruce’s feet.

Walt could see the big cock sliding inside Angie’s pussy as she rotated her hips and Bruce controlled her up and down movements with his hands.

They were kissing again and Walt could hear the combination of both Angie’s wet pussy making wet sounds and their kissing and started to play with his own hard cock through his pants.

Bruce had raised Angie higher as he sucked on her tits and arched his hips up higher to keep her body far enough in the air to suck and bit her nipples.

Bruce was beginning to put more effort into his fucking as he held onto Angie’s hips and bounced her body on his cock much faster. This was causing her large full tits to bounce with each forceful thrust he made inside Angie’s pussy.

Bruce finally let out a groan as he began to shoot his load of seed deep inside Angie’s pussy as she too reached her orgasm and tried as much as possible not to make much noise but they could still be heard around the house.

Angie sat her ass down on Bruce’s lap while his cock finished squirting the last of his cum inside her belly. The only sounds were of them trying to catch their breath than a few little kisses that Angie was giving Bruce as they sat still in front of Walt.

Walt was still trying to pretend he was asleep as he saw Angie as she stood up and as she did her pussy made a loud sound from the mixture of air and Bruce’s cum inside her pussy. Walt could see it but he bet there was cum dripping down her legs at that very moment. The light was very dim but they just starred at each other for a moment when Walt finally said. “Honey. I love you very much and don’t want to lose you.”

Angie just stood there looking into her husband’s eyes for a moment than started to walk past him than turned and said. “There’s extra blankets in the closet if you get cold.”

Walt quickly replied before she disappeared into the bedroom. “Honey. I didn’t mean to get you into this and I really do love you.”

Angie looked at her husband and said. “Walt. We’ll talk about this in the morning. Go to bed now and get some sleep.”

Walt turned and entered the guests’ bedroom and as he laid down on the bed he stroked his cock until he made himself cum as he thought about his wife screwing a black man. Walt got turned on but could never tell Angie the truth about it because if she didn’t plan to kill him now than just the mention of telling her his true feelings would surely get him killed.

The post Wifes Date appeared first on all free erotic stories.