Bachelor Party Fill In

One of my old college roommates back east who remains a close friend called me to let me know he was finally getting married. After several long relationships he finally felt he met the right woman. Ben asked if I would fly in and be one of the groomsmen in his wedding. I had not been back to my old stomping grounds for over 10 years and thought it would be fun so I agreed.

My wife Pam and I had reservations to fly in on Friday morning of the wedding weekend. The rehearsal was scheduled for Saturday evening with a dinner after and a Sunday wedding. He also mentioned that a few of the participants would be meeting Friday evening at 8:00 pm at the church for an informal walk though and mentioned that his best man had a bachelor party set up for Friday after the activities.

Pam and I flew into town Friday, checked into our hotel and then drove around town so I could see all of the changes. As the afternoon wore on my wife said she was getting hungry so we stopped for a small bite to eat and then went back to the hotel. Around seven I asked Pam if she was going to get ready and go with me to the church. She told me to go ahead and enjoy the evening she would meet everyone tomorrow. She said she might just go down to the bar and have a couple drinks and go to bed early.

When I got to the church it was good to see Ben and I met Jimmy his best man and the rest of the guys in the wedding. We went through about 30 minutes of planning and then spent a little time arranging the reception hall. Jimmy got a phone call during our preparation and did not look to happy. He called several of the guys together and told them that two of the three strippers canceled on him and the last girl would not work the party alone. He asked everyone if they had any ideas or knew anybody to contact. The guys sort of meandered around discussing options.

I asked Jimmy for his cell number and where the party would be held. I told him I would call him in a while and meet him at the party. All kind of thoughts were going through my head. After our Christmas party Pam had said what an exciting time she had but she kind of indicated she probably would not do anything like that again. We used it during our sex to spice things up but even when some of the guys from work hinted at a repeat we played down the idea.

When I got to the car I called Pam and asked what she was doing. She indicated she was at the hotel bar having a drink. I told her to wait there and I would be there in about 10 minutes. When I got to the bar Pam was sitting in a booth having a drink in some casual clothes. I told Pam what had happened with the girls and she just looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

My wife asked me to get her a shot of rum. When I returned she took the shot and then asked “are you wanting me to work the party?” I had a million dirty images racing though my mind and I just smiled at her. Pam looked at me and smiled back and said I’m going to need a couple more drinks……

We devised a plan and I called Jimmy on his cell. I told him I found a hooker working our hotel bar and she was interested in the job. Jimmy told me to tell her there was $1500 for her participation and the party would be ending about 2-3 in the morning. We looked at each other, Pam nodded her head and then I told Jimmy she agreed. He told me to bring the girl and meet him and the other stripper and the party hotel bar. I told him it would be about 30 minutes before we could arrive.

Pam and I went to our room so she could change. She put on her garter belt and stockings but purposely didn’t put on any panties. She hadn’t brought any nasty cloths so she put on her tight black knee length dress and her heels. We walked toward the car I asked her if she was sure she wanted to go through with the evening and she just gave me a kiss and kept walking to the car.

Jimmy met us at the bar entrance which looked like an old-fashioned lounge. We went inside where the other girl was waiting. Jimmy introduced Pam to Kara a blonde who looked like she was 16 but she must have been at least 18 wearing a typical slut wear type skit which barely covered her goods. Pam felt a little insecure at being nearly twice the girls age but when Jimmy handed identical envelopes to each girl with $1500 inside her heart fluttered with excitement at the thought that tonight she was to be a paid whore at a stag party. Kara asked “Okay, just to confirm we are here until whatever time in the morning this all ends and I don’t have to do anything I am uncomfortable with?”

Jimmy acknowledged her question with a quiet nod and led the two across the bar though the Main Lounge to the elevators. When we arrived at the suite Jimmy opened the door. Immediately Pam cast her eyes around to take in her new surroundings. The room was large, lit with the dim electric lights that imitated candles in shape, flickering which made the room feel like an old dingy comfortable club with armchairs, low tables, a sofa and a very plush carpet on the floor. A bar was at one end and a large open fire in an old inglenook fireplace at the other corner. Pam took all this in almost immediately and then did a double take. There must have been twenty five or more men in that room including two younger boys who didn’t even look to be 18 years old! She was, for tonight a paid whore who had been given the opportunity to back out and had taken the money.

As Pam and Kara entered the room all eyes turned upon them. Pam went straight over to the bar and asked for a double rum and coke which she downed quickly. The two girls mingled with the group and I noticed the alcohol my wife had been drinking seemed to kick in because she started getting a little touchy feely with the guys. I also noticed the younger boys, who I found out were Ben’s nephews Tim and Ricky always seemed to be near my wife and trying to cop a feel. Pam knew that the others would all follow soon enough; the difference was that she knew every man there was going to use her.

A little while later someone turned on some music and Kara got in the middle of the room and started dancing to get the entertainment started. My wife was watching from the side of the room and I noticed Tim and Ricky had been drinking and were getting a lot bolder with their intentions. Pam was nervously watching Kara start to remove her top when Ricky forced his mouth onto hers. She responded and then felt hands behind her fondling and groping her ass cheeks through her dress. She realized almost instantly they weren’t Ricky’s and broke the kiss to turn her head and kissed Tim. As my wife turned back to Ricky she felt her dress lift as Tim’s young hands groped for her flesh. Tim let out a loud “holy shit she’s not wearing panties” when he got Pam’s dress up enough to see her goods.

The best man Jimmy yelled “Hey Ricky, turn her so we can watch you two fuck her.” Tim and Ricky did not appear too experienced but were able to push Pam onto all fours at an angle so that they could watch Kara now dancing nude and the group could watch them violate my wife. Pam felt more completely used than in her whole life, it was her they were preparing to fuck but their excitement was coming from watching another woman dancing and stripping. Ricky quickly unzipped his young hard prick and unceremoniously shoved his cock into my wife’s mouth.

Behind her Tim said “are you ready to be fucked slut?” as he awkwardly flipped her dress over her back while trying to undo his pants. Without any preparation Tim slammed 7 inches of young hard meat stick straight into her female slit. Tim moaned “oh god a real pussy” as everyone started to laugh. My wife gasped at the suddenness of the assault as he literally pounded her and with each thrust pushed her mouth onto Ricky’s erect member forcing it down her throat. After just a few seconds Tim must have been close to cumming as he pulled out and began spreading her ass cheeks to look at her small puckered back hole. Pam knew what he wanted to do to her although maybe even under these circumstances he was too bashful or unsure.

When Tim gently probed her ass with a wet finger Pam dropped Paul’s blue veined member from her mouth and held it in her hand so she could speak, “You can fuck my ass if you want to…..” Based on my wife’s last adventure I’m not sure why but her words still surprised me. Tim needed no further encouragement as he spit on his cock and slammed his fuck stick straight up her butthole in a hard and almost vicious move which made her moan in pain. Tim cried out “oh my god” as he must have got his first piece of ass. He yelled” oh fuck Ricky you should try her asshole.”

Ricky yelled “well don’t make it too loose then you selfish bastard. How about we swap ends?”

Tim ignored the request as my wife grunted with each pump in her ass. Pam felt him losing control as he fucked her rear entry even faster. Tim’s jackhammer had only been working her bung hole less than minute when he suddenly tensed up and flailed his arms moaning “oh fuck here I cum” as she felt her insides sprayed with his hot cum. Tim only laid his head on her back for a few seconds and then pulled his deflated beef stick out of my wife’s anus without any consideration saying “nice ass you slut” and simply smacked her bottom as hard as he could on her cheek as my wife yelped. Tim left a bright red welt on her posterior as he stood up and walked towards the bar.

Almost immediately Ricky pulled his cock out of my wife’s mouth and maneuvered around to stick his fudge packer in her little brown exhaust pipe that was already starting to leak some jism. Ricky spread her cheeks wide to put her puckered little poop hole on display as pushed the mushroomed cap on his young back door intruder against her sphincter. He was slowly and deliberately poking his cock against her back slit; Ricky would slowly press the now bright purple bell on the tip of his roto-rooter until my wife’s o-ring would start to open and then pulled it out teasing Pam.

My wife was making a low groaning noise as he slowly pushed until the head dilated her anal orifice. This time Ricky drove the entire length of his fuck stick in her exit hole and then back out. Pam turned to vent her frustration as she mouthed “fuck my ass” and then realized why his asshole plugging of her was more gentle and slow, he was performing for a number of other guys who grouped beside them to watch her being used in primal and most submissive way.

At this point no one was using her mouth Pam could see parts of the rest of the room. Kara was now naked not even wearing shoes or stockings and dancing as guys were trying to cop a feel. Pam could hear Ricky moaning and she pushed back on his cock that was up her shitter and started to fuck it, she knew it would make him cum sooner and she wanted to stand up. Then suddenly another man was kneeling in front of her, unzipping himself so that he could release himself and shoved his cock right at her mouth. In an instant he was holding the back of her head using her mouth like another opening for a deposit. Not waiting for her to suck or lick but literally fucking her throat causing her to gag. He exploded almost immediately but continued to fuck her mouth as she tried to swallow but she couldn’t. The throat fucking caused her to gage and most of the white love piss to run from her mouth. He carried on and on and with every thrust she bounced on Ricky’s organ in her caboose until she felt him tighten and shoot deep inside her bowels.

Ricky withdrew almost gently and stood up whilst another man knelt between her open knees and entered her in the natural way. Before she realized she had another semen shooter in her mouth and the guy tensed and shot a second load but this time as he came he pulled out so his baby spunk shot into her hair and on her face. The man in her female pee slit came shortly after but as another man moved towards her she heard a suggestion that they should strip her naked first. The men around her seemed to agree and the zip of her dress was undone all the way down to her ass before she could even stand up. She stepped out of it and one of the men scooped it up and tossed it over the back of a nearby chair.

My wife was pushed back onto her knees as the guys surrounded her and unzipped their zippers and her mouth was passed from cock to cock without any chance for her to be even aware what was really happening or who’s cock was who’s. Hands reached from behind to maul her breasts. Two fingers were pushed into her ass and scooped some of the bull gravy that had been left there; the results were fed into her mouth as she was moved between pricks. Her eagerness incited the guys to remark “eat it slut” suck the cocks whore” and more. Pam was thinking that all of these men would see her tomorrow and she would see them at the Reception.

The cock circle using my wife’s mouth went on for maybe ten minutes. None of the men were going to cum, Pam didn’t have enough time with any cock for that and none seemed in any hurry to either fuck her or wank onto her face which is what she had expected. Pam had always thought that men liked that because it degraded the woman. Or, she guessed, just maybe that they were holding out as the evening was still young and she knew that this was going to go on for a long time yet.

“I want to try something. John can you lay down and let her get on top of you?” John was one of their older neighbors and without questioning he undid his trousers and pushed them down and lay on the floor. She was helped by many hands to sit astride him and he pushed himself into her cunt. “John, pull the whore down towards you. I’m gonna fuck her ass at the same time.”

There were cries of “Go for it”, and “Bet she can’t take you both”, and “You’ll never get up there as well.” Pam heard them but was already concentrating on relaxing as much as she could. My wife had done this before and was ready because she was getting more frustrated and needed her own fulfillment. She was pulled forward, face to face with the neighbor and hands pulled her cheeks apart to expose her little rosebud which already starting to not fully close leaking two deposits of cum. She felt the accustomed head nudge gently at her tightest hole and then groaned loudly as it was unceremoniously pushed deep inside her rectum. “Oh fuck yeah take that you whore” said the voice from behind.

My wife didn’t need any more encouragement as she moved up on her knees and then started slamming back against the two cocks filling her holes. She started yelling “fuck me harder” as she slammed her backside against the two guys. My wife was now using two cocks for her own pleasure as she moaned loudly. The group around them was silent for a moment and then started cheering her efforts. Pam worked up to a frenzied pace pounding the two poles in her orifices and moaning loudly”ungh, uunngh, uuuunnnnngh.” Her body began to shake as she slammed the cocks one last time until her whole body started convulsing.

The spasms of my wife’s orgasm caused two guys who seemed to just be along for the ride to tense up almost in unison and deposit their baby seed into her lower holes. The whole thing lasted maybe five minutes and as one withdrew from her ass and she was pushed sideways as her neighbor stood up, neither man so much as acknowledged she now existed as they high fived the group.

For a moment she lay still on her side and was aware only of men, naked from the waist down around her. She heard Tim and Ricky saying “did you see that cock slut? We can top that.” She looked behind her to see the two younger boys back and standing over her with their poles at full mast. The two whispered to each other as her stomach tightened at what they might be saying. Two hands pulled her to her knees so that she could give her mouth to them and she heard Tim’s voice “suck both cocks whore and make it good.”

Pam was busy trying to work the two cocks in her mouth just a minute or so when heard Tim say “shall we?” Ricky nodded his approval and lay down on the carpet. Tim lifted Pam with his hands around her to be on top of Ricky, stomach to stomach. Pam then felt Tim guide the head of Ricky’s steel hard young prick past her sphincter and back into her rear exit. Only when Tim crawled behind her did she fully realize what they intended to do next. My wife turned to voice her displeasure but I was so horny and wanted to see what happened next I stuck my cock in her mouth to let the boys continue. Tim lubed the head of his organ and started pushing it against his brothers’ cock and my wife’s anal orifice.

Pam started making some really loud guttural sounds as Tim pushed his rock hard young cock against her already filled opening. Tim groaned as he pushed harder and then my wife screamed “oh my god” as Tim’s reproductive organ joined his brothers’ in my wife’s ass. Pam turned quickly to keep the two from moving as she got used to the girth stretching her sphincter. As Pam got more comfortable she laid her head on Ricky’s chest which cued Tim to start boning her bum. She began to moan as the two young guys both started pounding her ass meat-to-meat.

Pam was both excited and ashamed as the violent double penetration went on and then she felt a third cock back at her mouth and heard my voice “suck it for me.” She had her two brothers fucking her backside and her husband using her mouth. With the increased speed of their buggering her derriere Pam knew that it wasn’t going to last much longer and she felt Tim stiffen and slam his semen shooter as far in as he could as he shot his wad deep into her ass. From underneath Ricky pounded her ass a few more times and then unloaded his jizz into the recesses of her bowels. I couldn’t take anymore and fucked her mouth furiously making her choke as I made another deposit down her throat.

My wife mentally counted; that’s five loads up her ass including a new first two at once, three in her mouth and two in cunt in only an hour since they started and she figured she would have to take at least double that many again before all this was over.

She lay still for a while as hands probed and groped her it was one of Ben’s school friends Dave pulled her to her knees by tugging prompting she took his cock into her mouth. For the next few minutes he continually abused Pam’s breasts and nipples until he shot a huge load into her mouth. She looked up at him and opened her mouth, still holding his cum there. “Swallow it whore”, he hissed at her and as Pam did so he slapped both her breasts as hard as he could causing a yelp at which he looked pleased as he turned and Pam watched him walk away.

The next two men were easy. She was positioned over the arm of the sofa and they just fucked her cunt until they came. Nothing special, nothing kinky Pam was grateful for the rest but pushed back on them to make the experience of fucking her memorable. When both had finished they simply sat in armchairs nearby watching her and Pam realized that no-one else was waiting to use her body, not yet anyway. She did a quick mental tally, five ass, four cunt, four mouth and one on her face, eleven men so far with Tim and Ricky twice.

Pam sat up and saw that most of the men had gathered around talking. She could not forget being double penetrated in her ass, by two boys. She was still lost in these thoughts when she saw Jimmy, the best man, approaching her, carrying bottles of beer, one he was drinking and the other two he offered to the seated men. “Was she good? Worth the money?” Jimmy was asking the questions.

Tim and Ricky jumped forward “Of Course, Her ass was so tight. I never had a woman there before. I’ve never been out with the sort of slut that would even think of letting a man well you know.” Tim continued “you should fuck the whore’s ass.”

“I think I will” Jimmy said as he moved behind my wife, unzipped and pulled out his cock. His organ was normal length, but is looked as round as coke can. Pam felt her ass cheeks parted and the largest cock of the evening filling her rectum as Ben finally decided to try her mouth. Jimmy fucked her ass hard. She knew her back door was well lubricated now with arse-grease that was leaking from it as she started to get excited. He didn’t last long however and Pam soon felt another cock unload inside her anus.

“Slut” Ben pushed her head away from him and looked straight into her face “Why not use that sweet mouth to clean up my friend.” Pam’s hesitation was barely noticeable to anyone except me as she turned and took her Jimmy’s rapidly shrinking prick into her mouth. She could taste the essence of her own ass as well as the cum that inevitably covered the prick since it was filling her ass. She sucked gently and was then pushed away rudely.

One of the older guys in the group said I need to cum, so Ben said “”Be my guest.” Ben stood and moved behind Pam while an older man; Richard sat on the chair in front of her and pulled her head down onto him. As she took Richard into her mouth she felt Ben enter her well fucked cunt. He pounded her mercilessly for a while before simply pulling out and she knew well what was coming next; her ass cheeks were spread wide and her distended asshole gaped at Ben as he slammed his butt buster straight in. Pam couldn’t help but whimper slightly even though her mouth was performing wonders on Richard’s prick.

My wife’s back hole was getting sore and excited as her fucked her rear orifice almost viciously. Pam groaned and climaxed as Ben shoved several long strokes and filled her posterior with more tail juice. Richard sprayed his belly seed into her throat at almost the same time and simply lifted her face off him as she swallowed the last of his hot milk.

“Enjoy that Richard? The whore can certainly suck and despite everything her ass is still tight.” Both of the other men gave their approval to Jimmy’s’ statement as he stood and pulled Pam to her feet in front of him but facing into the room. Richard stood next to her on her left and, she presumed John was behind her right though she was becoming too dazed by the whole evening to know. She looked around and saw that the room had emptied somewhat during her own private gangbang here.

There were still maybe fifteen guys or so here but the rest had left, either for bed or for home. The other slut was giving leisurely blow jobs to another group also sitting around. The last few guys were standing at the bar talking and drinking and taking as Pam was guided over towards the group around Jimmy as he drank back the last of his beer and told Pam to lie on her back on one of the low tables within where the group was. He handed her his empty beer bottle. “I’m sure that you haven’t had enough yet, so why don’t you fuck that.”

Pam took the bottle and pushed it inside her cunt. The wetness of the male seminal fluid made entrance easy but the cool hardness still made it uncomfortable. She knew what Jimmy and the rest wanted to see. She knew now that she was a total slut, there were two whores here and she was the one putting on the show. She took the bottle out and turned it around so that the base towards her. Relaxing herself and preparing for the inevitable discomfort of the size she pushed it base first into her cunt. She moaned a little but her noise was lost in the semi-drunken cheering of her new audience.

My wife pushed until the body of the bottle stretching her female receptacle was fully in her cock slot and her red swollen meat lips started closing around the neck. My wife was now enjoying the fullness as she pushed the bottle against her cervix. She really started enjoying the bottle as she readied for another orgasm. She slammed her cunt a few more times and then shook the whole table as she came to the guys cheers.

It had the desired effect for Jimmy, at least she guessed that was his desired effect as almost immediately one of his friends came around to front of the table and push himself into her mouth. A hand removed hers from the bottle and then pulled it slowly from her opening leaving her empty for only a moment as she felt her legs lifted high as another cock penetrated her butt pussy. The fucking was quick and furious as the guy, whose face she never saw, shot his cum up her tail pipe only to be quickly replaced by another.

The guy in her mouth, she seemed to recall that his name was Ray, thrust himself as far into her throat as he could as he came and was soon replaced by another who did exactly the opposite and left only the tip in her mouth as he filled it with his cum. She lay there a few minutes with fresh cum in her holes as she was helped back to the sofa and laid over the arm. My wife turned to see the guys lining up behind her. She knew how much guys loved to watch her ass gape and guessed that these guys were enjoying the sight as well. She counted nine guys plus Tim and Ricky were back in line too! Her sphincter was just beginning to close her rear entrance when the first guy stuck his pork enema in her poop chute. The guys in line were wanking their meat waiting their turn.

One by one the guys filled her brown hole with their cock custard as my wife just moaned with each pump. After the fifth guy they laid her ass up on the floor and just crawled on top to use her wind tunnel for their own animal needs. Four more guys had left there seed in her back door that was staying open and overflowing with cum. The only ones left were Tim and Ricky who proceeded to take turns sticking their young once again swollen boneless appendages up her tailpipe. As she was incoherently moaning Ricky climbed on her and pounded his roman candle in her back yard until he exploded. Tim almost pushed him off as he climbed on for his last ride and pounded her a-hole for about five minutes before collapsing on her as he came.

Jimmy helped my wife to her knees as she knelt completely exhausted on the floor but proud as most of the guys now shook Jimmy’s hand and expressed their gratitude for the awesome party. Jimmy didn’t even let her clean up as her help put her dress on over her cum covered body. He help other girl stand, shakily and thanked them and informed them that a Taxi had been waiting for them for almost an hour and would wait until they were ready as he walked them out the door. My wife walk through the hotel covered in cum with more running out of her anal opening and told me it was nearly 5 am when she got back to our room.

She was too tired to shower and I found her lying on the bed in puddles of matted cum when I returned. Needless to say she was still passed out for the rehearsal and I didn’t bother to wake her. We ate late that evening when I returned. On Sunday she decided she wanted to show up at the wedding separate to see the guy’s faces when they saw her. I went early and she took a taxi to the church. She left early and went back to the room waiting eagerly waiting for my return. She said the expressions on the guy’s faces were priceless; especially Tim and Ricky who smiled ear to ear and waved to her.

Updated: August 21, 2019 — 11:19 am